§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2808201315151100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.01200
論文名稱(中文) 我刺故我在:刺青者認同的轉變與未來
論文名稱(英文) The Transformation of Tottooers’ Identies and their Futures
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 未來學研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Futures Studies
學年度 101
學期 2
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 林昭儀
研究生(英文) Chao-Yi Lin
學號 699700083
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2013-06-17
論文頁數 83頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 鄧建邦
委員 - 賴嘉玲
委員 - 陳國華
關鍵字(中) (刺青)(紋身)自我認同族群認同
關鍵字(英) Tattoo
Tattoo is represented as a symbol of personal status and family belongingness in the tribal society. However, people who have marked their bodies with "tattoos" in the past decades in Taiwan are often referred to a negative connotation. In particular, male with tattoos were seen as almost criminal. In recent years, these negative images towards tattooists have changed dramatically due to more and more people, in particular, young people let their skin punctured and leaved permanent marks or designs on their bodies. The aim of this research is therefore to study the transformation of identity in the tattooists and to figure out different patterns of tattooists’ identities in the future. Data was conducted with 24 interviews with tattooists as well as two months of participant observation in a tattoo workshop.  
By using the typology analysis, there are four types of tattooist differentiated, that is a) Type 1: Using tattoo as personal diary, b) type 2: Tattoo as sharing togetherness and memories, 3) Type 3: Tattoo as a status symbol in the gangster group, and d) Type 4: Tattoo as symbol of loyalty toward a gangster group. Results show that tattoo and tattooists are more and more accepted in the modern Taiwanese society. It includes, for example, tattoo shops are more visible in cities and even in 2012, "Taiwan International Tattoo Art Exhibition and the world's top Tattoo Competition" was held in Taipei. Although having tattoos becomes a fashion in modern Taiwanese society and certainly will rise its popularity in the future, this research found that tattoos as a symbol of traditional identity are not disappeared, in particular, in showing a feeling of belonging and status in the gangster group.
第一章 緒論......................1
  第一節 研究背景....................1
  第二節 研究動機....................6
  第三節 研究問題....................7
第二章 文獻探討...................8
  第一節 刺青......................8
   一、 刺青的文化與歷史...............8
   二、 刺青行為的意涵................12
   三、 刺青文化的轉變................13
   四、 現代刺青...................15
  第二節 認同......................18
  第三節 自我認同....................20
  第四節 社群認同....................23
  第五節 身體與認同...................25
  第六節 小結......................28
第三章 研究方法與設計...............29
  第一節 資料蒐集....................29
第二節	研究地點....................30
第三節	觀察與訪談...................31
第四節	研究對象....................35
第五節	未來三角法...................39
第四章	我刺故我在................41
第一節	 專業藝術刺青................41
第二節	 典型個案分析................50
第三節	 認同模式分析................61
第四節	 刺青文化的轉變...............63
第五節	  刺青族群的區別...............65
第六節	  刺青會上癮?................69
第五章	刺青者認同的未來.............75
     第一節 藝術刺青..................74
     第二節  建構未來可能的藝術刺青圖像.........75
附錄一 受訪者基本資料..............81
附錄二  訪談大綱..................82

表3-1  24位受訪者資料特徵表.................35
表3-2  12位自我認同受訪者資料特徵表.............36
表3-3  12社群認同受訪者資料特徵表..............37
表4-1  受訪刺青者的類型分類..................49
表4-2  刺青認同類型與特徵..................61
表4-3  自我認同為刺青目的的受訪者刺青數...........69
表4-4  社群認同為刺青目的的受訪者刺青數...........69
表5-1  刺青者的類型分類...................74

圖4-1 研究者的刺青....................39
圖4-2 刺青工作室 擺設...................40
圖4-3 刺青工作室 顏料陳列.................41
圖4-4 刺青工作室 設備 刺青工作椅.............41
圖4-5 刺青工作室 設備 拋棄式針與針嘴...........42
圖4-6 刺青工作室 休息區..................43
圖4-7 刺青者刺青前圖案繪製................44
圖4-8 刺青師進行割線步驟.................45
圖4-9 刺青圖案割線....................45
圖4-10 刺青圖案打霧....................46
圖4-11 刺青完成圖.....................48
圖4-12 受訪者 BH手上刺青.................51
圖5-1 2012台灣國際紋身藝術展暨世界頂尖刺青大賽 (圖片來源:台灣國際紋身藝術展暨世界頂尖刺青大賽.................73
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刺青藝術多元文化 http://etoe.mlc.edu.tw/materialf/8689/1-0.html
台灣國際紋身藝術展暨世界頂尖刺青大賽 http://www.tattoo.org.tw/

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