§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2806202115124300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2021.00778
論文名稱(中文) 電信產業加盟商業模式之分析
論文名稱(英文) Analysis of The Franchise Business Model of The Telecom Industry
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際企業學系國際行銷碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in International Marketing
學年度 109
學期 2
出版年 110
研究生(中文) 蔡良振
研究生(英文) Liang-Chen Tsai
學號 708520068
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2021-06-03
論文頁數 82頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 張勝雄
委員 - 張瀞文
委員 - 林江峰
關鍵字(中) 電信
關鍵字(英) telecommunication
The socio-economic model is an unchanging model in which the big ones are always big and the weak ones are eliminated. However, under the catalysis of industrial technology, due to the rapid demand for innovation and rapid mass production of standard specifications, this elimination speed has expanded to various industries, KPIs The prevalence of indicators and the requirements of SOP standardization have caused the slow and meticulous handicrafts, family snacks, century-old cake shops, commission shops, iron shops... etc., to wither gradually under the meager profits and high rents.
This article discusses the franchise model and the telecommunications industry. Although the franchise model is not a new type of business model, the degree of vigorous development in the past 20 years has changed the life habits of the public, such as Starbucks coffee, Louisa coffee, Qingxin Fuquan, Yongqing House, 7-11, Watsons, Taiwan's Big Brother, Bafangji... etc. I pass by or see these signs almost every day, which is completely different from the grocery stores and Liangshui stalls in the 1960s and 1970s. Business methods and models, these brands occupy a large market share, but profits are only concentrated in the hands of a few people, just like the financial holding company, which has mastered the lifeline of Taiwan's finance, so social resources will be more concentrated in the hands of these company groups The above, especially the telecommunications industry discussed in this article, is an oligopolistic enterprise. Under the protection of government resources, there are not many competitors and cannot enter. Although the spectrum bidding has repeatedly reached new highs, some documents still show Taiwan's bidding. The intensity is still not as violent as foreign telecommunications companies.
In any case, the analysis of the franchise industry and telecommunications industry discussed in this article is mainly to understand the impact of this industry on Taiwan’s social economy and to have more in-depth discussions and suggestions for franchisees who have joined or want to start their own businesses. All economic and commercial activities All have one goal, which is to "make profit." In the process of pursuing profit, some people form a small group, and the small group derives another small group. The original small group grows into a large group in the process of copying, and the profit distribution becomes To maintain the mode and motivation of these groups, how to maintain the balance between them, the core of the large group must be operated and maintained, but once the core starts to go wrong and appears unreasonable or squeezed, it is difficult and powerless for small groups to resist. Or replace it, you can only accept it silently, just like the operation of the government system, the rich and powerful have the right to speak. This seems to be the same in capitalism, socialism, communism, and monarchy all over the world, and it has become an invariable way. Here, so what we have is the right to choose, there is no question of right or wrong.
The analysis in this article hopes to give advice to the franchisee. After understanding the entire system, choose an industry or field that you are familiar with, accelerate the learning of the advantages of the head office, and avoid the same shortcomings. Since you understand the business model, you should Find a way to strengthen yourself and gain the right to speak, otherwise you can only silently listen to the head office, and in the research process, I also actively hope to make more beneficial suggestions for this industry chain, or hope that the entire system can have more complete laws and regulations. System, rather than becoming a market thug, for example, many Taiwanese agents, after helping foreign brands establish a market, the agency rights are taken back, and all the results of their efforts disappear overnight.
致謝詞	I
中文摘要	II
英文摘要	III
目錄	V
表目錄	VI
圖目錄	VII
第一章 緒論	1
第一節 研究背景與動機	1
第二節 研究目的	4
第三節 研究流程	6
第二章 加盟現況與電信產業研究	8
第一節 加盟商業模式的分析	8
第二節 電信業發展史	24
第三節 電信業加盟體系市況	34
第四節 同業間競爭策略	38
第五節 加盟主公司認同感與獲利性	40
第三章 研究方法	45
第一節 研究架構	45
第二節 研究假說	46
第三節 問卷設計	47
第四章 資料分析與陳述	49
第一節 訪談對象規畫	49
第二節 訪談過程紀錄	50
第三節 敘述資料統計分析	51
第五章 結論與建議	74
第一節 研究結論	74
第二節 建議	76
第三節 研究建議與限制	78
參考文獻	79 
表2-1便利店家數統計	22
表2-2資費傭金概略	40
圖1-1 研究過程	7
圖2-1  加盟流程 23
圖2-2 電信基地台構造	26
圖2-3 多重進接模式示意圖	28
圖2-4 台灣大哥大加盟簡介	34
圖2-5 三大電信499費率比較	39
圖2-6 SWOT分析	42
圖2-7 五力分析	43
圖3-1 研究架構	45
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