System No. | U0002-2606201710092400 |
DOI | 10.6846/TKU.2017.00921 |
Title (in Chinese) | 個人幸福感脈絡下之個人適應研究 |
Title (in English) | Adaptation in the Context of Subjective Well-Being |
Other Title | |
Institution | 淡江大學 |
Department (in Chinese) | 未來學研究所碩士班 |
Department (in English) | Graduate Institute of Futures Studies |
Other Division | |
Other Division Name | |
Other Department/Institution | |
Academic Year | 105 |
Semester | 2 |
PublicationYear | 106 |
Author's name (in Chinese) | 歐德曼 |
Author's name(in English) | Marco Ortmann |
Student ID | 603700229 |
Degree | 碩士 |
Language | English |
Other Language | |
Date of Oral Defense | 2017-06-06 |
Pagination | 53page |
Committee Member |
co-chair - 紀舜傑 co-chair - 張翰璧 |
Keyword (inChinese) |
幸福感 打工旅遊 適應 |
Keyword (in English) |
Subjective Well-Being Working Holiday Adaptation |
Other Keywords | |
Subject | |
Abstract (in Chinese) |
自2010年起,德國和台灣開啟了讓兩國年輕旅行者可以到對方國家打工旅遊的互惠協定。本研究旨在藉由正向心理學的觀點創建出測量與對照的架構,探討這些打工旅遊者在打工旅遊的主觀個人幸福感與調適。本研究的對象是針六名參與赴德國打工旅遊計畫,並具有運用一整年時間到德國境內不同城市富有挑戰性體驗的台灣青年進行深度訪談。在與研究對象訪談過後,本研究發現最主要的挑戰其實是遇到不同狀況該有不同的解決方法。本研究進一步針對分別為青春期、晚期和初入社會等不同階段所進行打工旅遊計畫的活動探討其優缺點,並給予在不同階段上未來參與彼等打工旅遊計畫在其職涯規畫上的建議。最後,並說明調整自身需求以融入外國文化和打工旅遊計畫的四個未來想像。 |
Abstract (in English) |
Since 2010, a reciprocal agreement between Germany and Taiwan has been in place which allows young travelers to undertake employment in the respective countries to supplement their travel funds. This paper discusses adaptation in the context of Subjective Well-Being in which various concepts from the field of Positive Psychology were used to create a framework of measurement and comparison. The research results are based on a case study on young Taiwanese adults who participated in the Working Holiday program and, therefore, spent one year in various parts of Germany. In interviews with six research subjects, major challenges as well as methods to deal with or overcome those challenges were identified and ranked according to their occurrences. Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages of participation in the working holiday program during three different stages of late adolescence and early adulthood are listed and suggestions in regard to their overall significance in the career planning process are offered. Lastly, four scenarios are used to illustrate the impact of a changing demand in exposure to foreign cultures and changing jurisdiction on the working holiday program in general. |
Other Abstract | |
Table of Content (with Page Number) |
Index Index i 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Personal Relevance of the Study 3 2. Literature Review 2.1. Subjective Well-Being 5 2.1.1. Conceptualization and Definitions 5 2.1.2. Pre-determined Aspects of Subjective Well-Being 9 2.1.3. Changeable Aspects of Subjective Well-Being External Factors 10 Internal Factors 11 2.2. Adaptation 18 2.3. Self-efficacy 20 3. Methodology 3.1. Research Overview and Objective 21 3.2. Research Philosophy and Research Approach 21 3.3. Research Strategy, Access, Sampling Method and Data Collection 22 3.4. Analysis of Research Findings 23 3.5. Ethics 24 3.6. Limitations 25 4. Research Findings and Analysis 4.1. Cohort Description 27 4.2. Life-Satisfaction After Relocating to Germany 27 4.3. In-depth Description of Challenges and Solutions 28 5. Conclusion and Discussion 5.1. A WH’s Impact on Life-Satisfaction 37 5.2. Scenarios for Specific Circumstances and Personality Types 38 5.2.1. A Working-Holiday at the End of One’s 20s 39 5.2.2. A Working-Holiday After Graduating from University 41 5.2.3. A Working-Holiday After Graduating from High-School 42 5.3. The Future of Working-Holiday Programs 43 5.4. Future Research 45 Reference 47 Appendix 52 Charts Chart 1: Scenarios 43 |
References |
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