系統識別號 | U0002-2502201416100200 |
DOI | 10.6846/TKU.2014.00995 |
論文名稱(中文) | 有關台灣地區EFL學生英語複數及量詞方面錯誤 |
論文名稱(英文) | A corpus study of Taiwanese EFL Students’ Plural Marking Errors |
第三語言論文名稱 | |
校院名稱 | 淡江大學 |
系所名稱(中文) | 英文學系碩士班 |
系所名稱(英文) | Department of English |
外國學位學校名稱 | |
外國學位學院名稱 | |
外國學位研究所名稱 | |
學年度 | 102 |
學期 | 1 |
出版年 | 103 |
研究生(中文) | 曾嘉琳 |
研究生(英文) | Chia-Lin Tseng |
學號 | 696110468 |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
語言別 | 英文 |
第二語言別 | |
口試日期 | 2014-01-20 |
論文頁數 | 68頁 |
口試委員 |
委員 - 王藹玲 委員 - 杜德倫 委員 - 梁育彰 |
關鍵字(中) |
複數 語料庫 語法的差異 |
關鍵字(英) |
plural corpus morphology |
第三語言關鍵字 | |
學科別分類 | |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討英文複數的用法, 量詞的使用方面, 第一語言(國語)及其他語言對英語的干擾因數. 這項研究針對約110位中文使用者的北台北某科技大學學生, 為實驗對象期間約五個學月之學生英文寫作樣本. 再者給予學生問卷以取得學生的語言背景資料. (學生學習英文的年限, 學習的場所, 是否在國外待過? 懂得幾種語言等等). 同時使用GEPT初級試題測試學生的聽說讀寫四種能力. 上述學生之英文寫作樣本子語料庫分析之, 分析軟體為Wordsmith, Tools, 6.0. 從學生的寫作句型中發現有關複數和量詞的各種錯誤. 經過Wordsmith, Tools 6.0. 可得知飾句型中名詞的用法其中複數方面錯誤多半出於國語 (Mandarin) 和英語的基本語法的差異. 總之, 此研究顯示儘管部分研究對象過分使用或省略英文複數形式, 然而, 大部分參與本實驗之學生尚能正確的使用英文複數名詞來表達. |
英文摘要 |
This study is aimed at investigating the difficulties relating to English plural usages whether affected by L1 transfer (inter-lingual) or intra-lingual interference, or perhaps, other factors. Approximately, 110 participants, attending low-intermediate classes at a technical university in northern Taiwan, participated in this study. Data was collected in the form of writing samples over a five month period, that is, half an academic year. A standardised GEPT style test was developed and used to assess the participants’ English proficiency. A questionnaire was also used to assess the participant’s linguistic backgrounds. The writing samples were collected together into a corpus. The corpus was entered into Wordsmith Tools 6.0., software for analysis. Patterns in EFL learners’ noun plural formation usages with number words and quantifiers were searched for and examined. The results obtained from the search were examined according to the use and form of the noun-phrase in each of the sample sentences. The errors found were compared to Mandarin as that is the mother tongue of the respondents. The errors were also examined to note whether they were due to syntactic or morphological factors. The results obtained in this study suggest that although many EFL learners omit or overuse plural forms, many others form their plurals correctly. |
第三語言摘要 | |
論文目次 |
Contents Abstract ⅰ Contents ⅲ Appendices ⅳ List of Tables ⅵ List of Figures ⅶ Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background 1 1.3 Research aims 2 1.4 Summary 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Corpus analysis 5 2.2.1 What is corpus? 5 2.2.2 Word frequency list 6 2.2.3 Concordance techniques 7 Concordance function 7 Corpus collocation 8 2.3 Morphology 8 2.3.1 Definition of Morphology 9 2.3.2 Overgeneralization 11 Definition of overgeneralization 11 Overuse “-s/-es” forms for plural marking 12 2.3.3 Omission 13 2.4 Correct usage of plural form 15 Chapter 3 Methodology 16 3.1 Procedure 16 3.1.1 Participants 16 3.1.2 Data collection and analysis 16 3.2 Instruments 17 3.2.1 Questionnaire 17 3.2.2 Z-value and Standard Deviation 17 3.2.3 Participant’s language learning background 18 3.2.4 Test reliability 22 3.3 Corpus data 24 3.4 Morphological analysis 26 Chapter 4 Finding 27 4.1 Word frequency list, concord and number with numbers and nouns 27 4.1.1 Numbers and quantifiers word frequency 27 4.1.2 Concordance 29 Collocation with numbers and quantifiers 29 4.1.3 Noun collocations with numbers and quantifiers 32 4.1.4 Uncountable noun 34 4.2 Morphological analysis 35 4.2.1 Overgeneralization of plural usages with countable nouns 35 4.2.1 Overuse plural forms for uncountable nouns 36 4.2.3 Omit the plural form 37 Omission of plural form with countable nouns 37 Omission of plural form with uncountable nouns 42 Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 45 5.1 Introduction 45 5.2 Corpus analysis 45 5.2.1 Corpus wordlist 45 5.2.2 Word frequency by using Wordsmith Tools, 6.0. 45 5.2.3 Concordance with nouns 46 5.2.4 Collocation with nouns 46 5.3 Concordance analysis 47 5.3.1 No collocate with nouns 47 5.4 Error analysis with morphology 48 5.4.1 Correct usages of plural forms 49 5.4.2 Overuse of plural forms 49 5.4.3 Omission of plural forms 50 5.5 Conclusion and suggestion 50 Bibliography 52 APPENDICES Page Appendix 1 GEPT style test 58 Appendix 2 Questionnaire 65 Appendix 3 Collocation error examples. 66 List of Tables Table Page Table 2.1 the different plural forms between English and Chinese 15 Table 3.1 Participants’ mother tongue 19 Table 3.2 The year of students’ language English learning 19 Table 3.3 Students language learning backgrounds 20 Table 3.4 Experience abroad 21 Table 3.5 Other languages’ understanding rates 21 Table 3.6 Students’ test scores and average of GEPT test 23 Table 3.7 An example of Participants’ z-value scores on the GEPT style test 23 Table 4.1 Word frequency list of number words and quantifiers according to the corpus software 28 Table 4.2 Word frequency list of quantifiers from corpus software 28 Table 4.3 Collocation nouns number list with numbers and quantifiers 29 Table 4.4 Showing the total noun’s number list with numbers and quantifiers 31 Table 4.5 Noun totals according to total lists 31 Table 4.6 Total number of noun usages according to their type 31 Table 4.7 Numbers and rate of collocate and no collocate with nouns 31 Table 4.8 Numbers of nouns plural form change errors 32 Table 4.9 Rates of noun plural form-change errors 32 Table 4.10 Countable nouns with number / quantifier collocation 33 Table 4.11 Numbers and rates of count nouns’ usages 33 Table 4.12 Rate and numbers of uncountable noun errors 34 Table 5.1 Total number and rate of nouns error usages 48 List of Figures Figure page Figure 2.1 Word frequency list (Wordsmith Tools, 6.0) 6 Figure 2.2 The example of Concordance lines for way from LCIE 8 Figure 2.3 “Two mouses” 13 Figure 3.1 Setting of main sort in concordance software 25 Figure 4.1 Word frequency list according to Wordsmith Tools, 6.0. 27 Figure 4.2 screen shot of word lists collocated with many (from data) 30 Figure 4.3 example of overuse “-s” form corpus data. 35 Figure 4.4 “some pizzas” 36 Figure 4.5 “a lot of foods” 37 Figure 4.6 “two old man” in morphological analysis from corpus data 39 Figure 4.7 “Two old man” in Chinese translation by morphological analysis 39 Figure 4.8 “four girl” which written by EFL learners 41 Figure 4.9 “Si ge nu hai” in morphology 41 Figure 4.10 “some dessert” by morphology 43 Figure 4.11 “youxie dianxin” by morphology 43 Figure 5.1 people with total position 47 |
參考文獻 |
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