系統識別號 | U0002-2208201812134000 |
DOI | 10.6846/TKU.2018.00671 |
論文名稱(中文) | 《迷園》中的兩性焦慮與疾病書寫 |
論文名稱(英文) | A case analysis of the anxiety of the two sexes Illustrated and the disease to write by the example of the novel Lost Garden |
第三語言論文名稱 | 無 |
校院名稱 | 淡江大學 |
系所名稱(中文) | 中國文學學系碩士班 |
系所名稱(英文) | Department of Chinese |
外國學位學校名稱 | |
外國學位學院名稱 | |
外國學位研究所名稱 | |
學年度 | 106 |
學期 | 2 |
出版年 | 107 |
研究生(中文) | 陳怡雯 |
研究生(英文) | Yi-Wen Chen |
學號 | 695020155 |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
語言別 | 繁體中文 |
第二語言別 | |
口試日期 | 2018-06-26 |
論文頁數 | 145頁 |
口試委員 |
委員 - 呂正惠 委員 - 林黛嫚 |
關鍵字(中) |
女性文學 女性意識 性別研究 父權 迷園 李昂 性 兩性 臺灣社會 資本主義 |
關鍵字(英) |
Women's Literature Women's Consciousness Gender Studies Fatherhood Lost garden Leon Sex Gender Taiwanese Society Capitalism |
第三語言關鍵字 | |
學科別分類 | |
中文摘要 |
隨著政治解嚴及社會經濟型態的改變,使文學創作呈現多元的景象,自八○年代以降,女性文學與性別研究更逐漸出現蓬勃發展的現象。在這個提倡女權的臺灣社會,卻還是可以看到社會角落裡男女不平等的現象,以及女性依然受到父權社會壓迫的事件。當初在思考本論文應該從何種方向出發時,就決定以女性意識以及女性文學為論文研究的主要方向,希望可以從小說文本探討作者意識及其對社會現象敏銳的觸角,延伸出現今社會,依舊對女性不平等待遇的問題。而傳統的父權觀念不僅影響了女性,更在無形之中,為男性帶來固定的思考框架,也制約了男性的思考觀點;並且在人格特質上,呈現傳統大男人的刻板印象,甚至在面對傳統的自我與現代化的社會時,產生矛盾感。 因此筆者以人道關懷的角度出發,試圖在研究中,了解女性在傳統父權社會所面臨的困境,同時也正視男性在父權之下的壓力和思想的禁箍。李昂正是女性意識相當強烈的作家,在她的作品中,往往呈現出強烈的女性意識以及兩性之間細膩的互動行為。李昂勇於以「性」這個禁忌話題,來探討女性面對愛情、婚姻、社會的種種問題,因而引發爭議,而讓人思考女性在父權社會的處境。 《迷園》是李昂一九九一年的作品,小說文本敘述了臺灣歷史、政治、八○年代資本主義蓬勃發展的社會現象以及男女主角分分合合的情慾關係。 文本中,男女主角之間的情愛糾葛,藉由彼此的相互角力與算計,在權力與慾望之間,獲取自己所想的利益。文本中呈現現代男女面臨權力與情慾誘惑時的焦慮與不安,男女主角透過權力、金錢與身體,彼此利用與攻防,使彼此更深陷在權力與情慾的陷阱中。筆者以《迷園》作為研究文本,藉由女主角朱影紅主體建構的過程,探討其中的女性情慾與女性意識,希望可以由這一過程反映出女性長久以來,受到男性社會壓抑的聲音,以及在父權社會中,兩性的處境與困局。 |
英文摘要 |
Along with the abolishment of the martial law and the change of our social, economic conditions, literary creation has exhibited a diverse scene. Since the 1980s, feminist literature and gender studies gradually embraced a prosperous development. In the Taiwan society which advocates women's rights, cases of inequality between men and women can still be often seen, not to mention women are still oppressed by the patriarchal society. When I was thinking about the direction of this research paper, I decided to choose feminist consciousness and feminist literature as the main direction, hoping to discuss the author's consciousness from the text of the novel, or to touch upon the problem of unequal treatment between the two sexes based on acute observation of social phenomena. At the same time, I also want to show that traditional patriarchal conceptions not only influence women, but also bring fixed thinking patterns for men invisibly. They also restrict the thinking levels of men and the inevitability of the traditional exhibited on the level of character traits, brings about a feeling of ambivalence when one faces the self and the society. Therefore, the author of this paper departs from the perspective of humanistic care and attempts to understand the dilemma women are facing in traditional patriarchal society. At the same time, the author also wishes to reveal the pressure and mental confinement men face under paternity. Li Ang is exactly a writer with a rather strong feminist consciousness. In her works, a strong feminist consciousness and the delicate interaction between the two sexes can often be found. Li Ang is brave enough to use the topic of sex, which is a taboo to discuss the myriad problems women encounter in love, marriage and in the society. In great controversy, she makes readers think about the situation of women in the patriarchal society. Lost garden is a work of Li Ang which was produced in 1991. The novel narrates the history, politics of Taiwan, the atmosphere of a society under prosperous development of capitalism during the 1980s, and the on-and-off sensual relationship between the male and female protagonists. In the work, the emotional entanglement between the male and female protagonists is shown through the actions in which they want to achieve their benefits in terms of power and desire by means of mutual trial of strength and calculation. The work exhibits the anxiety and unrest modern men and women have when they are facing power and erotic temptations. The male and female protagonists use power, money, and physical lust to manipulate each other and to attack and defense, which also makes them sink deep into the trap of power and lust. The author of this paper uses Lost garden as its research text, and discusses the female lust and feminist consciousness in the text through the process of the subjective construction of Zhu Yinghong, hoping to reflect the oppression that women feel under the patriarchal society for a long time, and to reflect the situation and dilemma that both sexes face in patriarchal society. |
第三語言摘要 | |
論文目次 |
目 錄 謝辭 I 論文摘要 III 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 第一節 研究動機 - 1 - 第二節 文獻回顧 - 3 - 第三節 研究範圍與問題 - 7 - 第四節 研究方法與論述步驟 - 8 - 第二章 資本主義社會的男性焦慮 - 13 - 第一節 資本主義社會的性別問題 - 13 - 第二節 來自社會的陽性焦慮 - 15 - 一、消極的父權形象——朱祖彥 - 17 - 二、外在閹割的父權形象——林西庚 - 18 - 三、「棄絕」的男人形象——Teddy張 - 22 - 第三節 陰性的崇拜與焦慮現象 - 24 - 第三章 資本主義社會的女性焦慮(上) - 36 - 第一節 被壓迫的女體 - 39 - 第二節 女體的自主性 - 42 - 第三節 跨越性別的自我建構與追尋 - 44 - 第四章 資本主義社會的女性焦慮(下) - 50 - 第一節 我的身體是我的 - 52 - 一、童年傷痛記憶的撫平 - 52 - 二、女性自主權的覺醒 -53- 三、贏回身體的發球權 - 55 - 第二節 父權主義下的母親們 - 57- 一、《迷園》所建構的烏托邦世界 - 57 - 二、《迷園》中所隱喻的母性焦慮 - 60 - 第三節 視與聽的《迷園》-焦慮的歷史記憶與失語的台灣人 .- 68 - 一、多識「菡園」的鳥獸花草之名……………………………….-68- 二、朱鳳傳說及棄婦咒詛 - 82 - 第五章 《迷園》中的疾病書寫 - 91 - 第一節 《迷園》男性角色疾病書寫 - 93 - 一、查理病了 - 93- 二、朱祖彥的戀物強迫症 - 96 - 三、林西庚的外在不舉與陽具神話的式微 - 99 - 四、TEDDY張的「厭女症」與「嬰兒固幼症」 - 101 - 五、馬沙澳大男人主義的權力型強暴犯 - 104 - 第二節《迷園》女性角色疾病書寫 - 108 - 一、朱影紅的「被虐性格」與「創傷症候群」 - 109- 二、朱影紅之母葉玉貞的溺愛偏執狂 - 112 - 第三節《迷園》的書寫治療 - 117 - 一、《迷園》的敘事觀點與所呈現的史觀 - 117 - 二、《迷園》的傷痕記憶與書寫治療 - 121 - 第六章 結論 - 131 - 參考書目 - 137- 一、李昂專著 - 137- 二、中西論著專書 - 137 - 三、單篇論文 - 139 - 四、學位論文 - 141 - 附錄:菡園中的植物圖說 …………………………………………….- 143 - |
參考文獻 |
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