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System No. U0002-2006201222194300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2012.00839
Title (in Chinese) 轉型正義在第三波民主化國家之發展-以西班牙、捷克、斯洛維尼亞和臺灣為例
Title (in English) The Developments of Transitional Justice in the Third Wave Democracies: Case Studies of Spain, Czech, Slovenia and Taiwan
Other Title
Institution 淡江大學
Department (in Chinese) 歐洲研究所碩士班
Department (in English) Graduate Institute of European Studies
Other Division
Other Division Name
Other Department/Institution
Academic Year 100
Semester 2
PublicationYear 101
Author's name (in Chinese) 陳韋達
Author's name(in English) Wei-Ta Chen
Student ID 698290177
Degree 碩士
Language Traditional Chinese
Other Language
Date of Oral Defense 2012-06-12
Pagination 174page
Committee Member advisor - Chiu-Ching Kuo
co-chair - 洪丁福
co-chair - 林立
Keyword (inChinese) 轉型正義
Keyword (in English) transitional justice
Third wave of democratization
Francisco Franco
Historical Memory Law
228 Incident
white terror
Other Keywords
Abstract (in Chinese)


Abstract (in English)
The Third wave of democratization started since the “Carnation Revolution” of Portugal in 1974 and swiftly impacted the world. During the 15 years after Carnation Revolution, there have been more than 30 countries undergone a democratization transition, and at least 10 countries more were impacted. In late 1980s, the collapsed of USSR and SFRY pushed the Third wave reached its climax, and Communism was dead in Europe. In Taiwan, the goverment abolished the martial law which had been promulgated for 38 years in 1987, and significantly loosen the restrictions on people’s political rights, got political reform step by step under democracy’s third wave.

Many countries have embraced the democracy during the Third wave of democratization, which was the largest scale ever. With the democratization completed, came along the “transitional justice” issue that the newly democratization countries must confront with. Transitional justice is not only the question of democratization, but also is the foundation of democracy consolidation. This thesis uses Spain, Czech, Slovenia and Taiwan as case studies; they are selected because these 3 European countries represent 3 different areas, dictatorships and democracy transition in Europe, but they still share a common trait as members of EU now. It shows that their democratization is recognized by EU. Hence, with this thesis, I would like to discuss the effect of the transitional justice and its background by the above mentioned countries as case studies. And finally with Taiwan’s experience of transitional justice to compare with the 3 European countries mentioned in the thesis, and conclude if there is any valuable lesson worth refers to.

According to the analysis, transitional justice is a universal value. The 4 countries have doing transi-tional justice much or few to now, but different country has different developing model. So the result of the thesis shows a wide range of diversity, since every country will show a diverse appearance by differ-ent political development. It is to deal with victims but don’t care about perpetrators in Taiwan, so it is also Taiwan’s unfinished work after democratization.
Other Abstract
Table of Content (with Page Number)
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ................................................................................. 1
第二節 研究途徑與方法 ................................................................................. 5
第三節 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................. 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 ............................................................................... 14
一、 研究範圍 ................................................................................................................ 14
二、 研究限制 ................................................................................................................ 15
第五節 研究架構 ........................................................................................... 16
第二章 民主化下的轉型正義 ............................................................. 17
第一節 轉型正義之意涵與實踐 ................................................................... 17
第二節 轉型正義與民主化 ........................................................................... 21
一、 獨裁統治之形式 ................................................................................................... 22
二、 民主轉型之劃分 ................................................................................................... 23
第三節 轉型正義的困境 ............................................................................... 26
一、 政治上的妥協 ........................................................................................................ 27
二、 對於權威的服從-邪惡的平庸性 ....................................................................... 27
三、 法治原則下的困境 ............................................................................................... 30
四、 人性的冷漠與背叛 ............................................................................................... 30
第四節 轉型正義的實踐模式 ....................................................................... 33
一、 追究與起訴-和過去劃清界線 ........................................................................... 33
二、 既往不咎-「怯記憶」 ....................................................................................... 36
三、 第三條路-真相及和解委員會 ........................................................................... 37
四、 透過外力所引導的追訴 ....................................................................................... 41
第三章 轉型正義在歐洲民主化國家的實踐 ..................................... 43
第一節 從遺忘到面對-西班牙大赦法到歷史記憶法 ................................ 44
一、 內戰的遺產-威權與高壓統治 ........................................................................... 44
二、 長夜將盡-民主化之契機與改革 ....................................................................... 51
三、 遺忘契約-民主化初期的對於過往的策略 ...................................................... 55
四、 打破沉默-近年轉型正義態度的改變 .............................................................. 57
第二節 獵巫式的清算-捷克斯洛伐克到捷克的淨化法 ............................ 62
一、 捷克與斯洛伐克的歷史與共產黨的崛起 .......................................................... 62
二、 布拉格之春的改革及正常化運動下的壓迫 ...................................................... 64
三、 七七憲章到絲絨革命的民主化運動與政治改革 .............................................. 66
四、 民主化下轉型正義之措施 ................................................................................... 68
第三節 蜻蜓點水-轉型正義在斯洛維尼亞的發展 .................................... 80
一、 獨裁政權的形成與迫害 ....................................................................................... 80
二、 邁向獨立與政治改革 ........................................................................................... 83
三、 民主化下對於轉型正義的措施 ........................................................................... 85
第四章 轉型正義在臺灣的發展 ......................................................... 95
第一節 威權統治與民主化 ........................................................................... 95
一、 臺灣光復到二二八事件 ....................................................................................... 95
二、 白色恐怖與威權統治 ......................................................................................... 100
三、 民主化運動與政治改革 ..................................................................................... 106
第二節 遺忘、寬恕?紛擾中的爭執-轉型正義的發展 .......................... 110
一、 民主化初期國民黨政府對二二八事件之論述、平反與相關法案立法過程110
二、 白色恐怖之平反與相關法令制定過程 ............................................................ 115
三、 政黨輪替後民進黨政府轉型正義之措施 ........................................................ 119
四、 檔案開放與相關之研究 ..................................................................................... 121
五、 轉型正義在國民黨與民進黨政府的轉變 ........................................................ 122
第三節 轉型正義在臺灣的困境 ................................................................. 123
第四節 臺灣和西班牙、捷克及斯洛維尼亞個案之比較 .......................... 125
一、 獨裁體制與民主化過程之比較 ......................................................................... 125
二、 民主化後轉型正義實踐之比較 ......................................................................... 130
第五章 結論 ...................................................................................... 135
參考文獻 ........................................................................................ 145
附件一 西班牙大赦法 ....................................................................... 159
附件二 西班牙歷史記憶法 ............................................................... 163
附件三 捷克淨化法 ........................................................................... 167

圖 1-5-1 研究架構圖 .......................................................................................... 16
圖 3-3-1 斯洛維尼亞境內確認的萬人塚分布圖 ................................................ 92
圖 4-1-1 情治機關社會監控網絡 ..................................................................... 105
表 1-3-1 文獻回顧表 ............................................................................................ 6
表 2-4-1 各地區設有真相及和解委員會之國家 ................................................ 38
表 3-2-1 匈牙利十月事件和捷克斯洛伐克布拉格之春受害者人數 ................ 66
表 3-2-1 1992 與1996 年兩次大選主要政黨得票率及席次 ............................. 79
表 3-3-1 極權主義在斯洛維尼亞造成的迫害 ................................................... 82
表 4-1-1 戰後臺灣(1945-1994 年)有關叛亂暨匪諜審判案件統計表 ............. 103
表 4-1-2 國防部暨所屬機構「戒嚴時期叛亂暨匪諜審判案件」名冊人數 ... 104
表 4-2-1「戒嚴時期人民受損權利回復條例」與「戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪
諜審判案件補償條例」之比較 ......................................................................... 118
表 4-4-1 西班牙、捷克、斯洛維尼亞和臺灣獨裁體制以及民主化之比較 ... 126
表 4-4-2 西班牙、捷克、斯洛維尼亞和臺灣在民主化後轉型正義的實踐 ... 130


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