§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2006201100402700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00706
論文名稱(中文) 油價、銅價、鎳價與紙漿價格之關聯性探討
論文名稱(英文) A Research of the Interactive Relationship among the Price of Crude Oil, Copper, Nickel and Pulp
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 企業管理學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Business Administration
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 朱俊澔
研究生(英文) Chun-Hao Chu
學號 798610134
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-06-07
論文頁數 49頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 趙慕芬
委員 - 鄭伶如
委員 - 李雅婷
關鍵字(中) 原油價格
關鍵字(英) Price of Crude Oil
Price of Copper
Price of Nickel
Price of Pulp
Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
回顧文獻,雖然有許多學者對單一原物料與原油之相關性多有著墨,但單一原物料與單一原物料之間的關聯性卻從無任何系統整合去探討與研究。本研究主要在探討原油價格、銅價格、鎳價格與紙漿價格之關聯性,以2005年07月01日至2010年06月30日的週資料為研究樣本,利用共整合檢定、向量誤差修正模型(Vector Error Correction Model, VECM)以及Granger因果關係檢定等實證方法,探討變數間長期關聯性。
Since Industrial Revolution, energy resources play essential roles in human's life. With the development of scientific and technological progress in different eras, the need for raw materials has increased dramatically. Among all raw materials, crude oil is the most dominant one, and the prices of other raw materials have also been soaring with the price of crude oil worldwide. ‘Raw materials’ includes industrial metals and daily necessities, and, it is the copper, nickel and pulp that are closely influential to our daily life. 

    In the existing literatures, even though many researchers have discussed the relationship between single raw material and crude oil, there is no systematical and integrated examination on the correlation between different types of raw materials. This research aims to explore the correlation between the prices of crude oil, copper, nickel and pulp. Adopting weekly data collected from 1st July 2005 until 30th June 2010 as references, this paper investigates long-term interrelationship between variances via Co-Integration Test, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Granger Causality Test.

    The research outcome points out the integrated correlation between the price of crude oil, copper, nickel and pulp. In the model of VECM, the price of crude oil, copper and nickel has been affected not only by their own wavering prices in prior period, but also the rest two variable prices; the price of pulp has only been affected by its own wavering prices in prior period. Through Granger Causality Test, the result demonstrates the one-way causation of how the price of crude oil has effects on the prices of nickel and copper and pulp. In order to explore the correlation between each raw materials, the research applies variable decomposition model to analyse the variances, and finds out that the price of copper to the prices of nickel and pulp, the price of nickel to the prices of crude oil and copper, all the variable prices been mediated by the price of nickel, but the numerical error has been gradually increased. The research has further indicates that the one-way causation from the price of crude oil to nickel, and the price of copper to pulp.
目錄 ............................................................................................................................................................ I
表目錄 ..................................................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 .......................................................................................................................................................V

第一章	緒論	1
1.1.	研究背景與動機	1
1.2.	研究目的	2
1.3.	論文結構	3
第二章	文獻探討	4
2.1.	原油之基本介紹	4
2.1.1	油價對總體經濟的影響	4
2.1.2	油價對物價成本的影響	6
2.2.	銅之基本介紹	8
2.2.1	銅之簡介	8
2.2.2	銅價相關文獻	9
2.3.	鎳之基本介紹	11
2.3.1	鎳之簡介	11
2.3.2	鎳之相關文獻	11
2.4.	紙漿之基本介紹	14
2.4.1	紙漿之簡介	14
2.4.2	紙漿相關文獻	15
第三章	研究方法	17
3.1.	研究變數	17
3.1.1.	西德州(WTI)原油	17
3.1.2.	LME銅現貨	18
3.1.3.	LME鎳現貨	18
3.1.4.	北美長纖漂白木漿	18
3.2.	研究方法說明	19
3.2.1.	單根檢定	20
3.2.2.	共整合檢定	21	Engle-Granger共整合檢定	22	Johansen共整合檢定	22
3.2.3.	變數間之相關性分析(向量自我迴歸模型/向量誤差修正估計)	23	向量自我迴歸(VAR)	23	向量誤差修正估計(VECM)	23
第四章	實證結果	24
4.1.	資料來源與處理	24
4.2.	單根檢定	27
4.2.1.	單根檢定-美國的西德州(WTI)原油價格	27
4.2.2.	單根檢定-LME銅現貨價格	28
4.2.3.	單根檢定-LME鎳現貨價格	29
4.2.4.	單根檢定-北美長纖漂白木漿價格	29
4.3.	共整合檢定	31
4.4.	向量誤差修正估計(VECM)	32
4.4.1.	最適落後期數選取	32
4.4.2.	向量誤差修正估計(VECM)	33
4.5.	Granger因果關係檢定	39
4.6.	變異分解結果	41
第五章	結論與建議	44
5.1	結論	44
5.2	建議	45
5.2.1	對業者的建議	45
5.2.2	對未來研究建議	45
參考文獻	46

表4.1 資料之敍述統計量 ...................................................................................................................... 24
表4.2 ADF單根檢定(美國的西德州原油價格) .............................................................................. 27
表4.3 ADF單根檢定(LME銅現貨價格) ......................................................................................... 28
表4.4 ADF單根檢定(一階差分後:LME銅現貨價格) ................................................................. 28
表4.5 ADF單根檢定(LME鎳現貨價格) ......................................................................................... 29
表4.6 ADF單根檢定(北美長纖漂白木漿價格) .............................................................................. 29
表4.7 ADF單根檢定(一階差分後:北美長纖漂白木漿價格) ...................................................... 30
表4.8 各變數之單根檢定歸納表 .......................................................................................................... 30
表4.9軌跡檢定量Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) .......................................................... 31
表4.10最大特性根檢定量 ..................................................................................................................... 31
表4.11 最適落後期數 ............................................................................................................................ 32
表4.12向量誤差修正估計(VECM) ....................................................................................................... 33
表4.12向量誤差修正估計(續) ............................................................................................................... 34
表4.13各變數之向量誤差修正估計歸納表 ......................................................................................... 38
表4.14 Granger因果關係檢定 ............................................................................................................... 39
表4.15 Granger因果關係檢定歸納表 ................................................................................................... 40
表4.16 油價格之變異分解結果 ............................................................................................................ 41
表4.17 銅價格之變異分解結果 ............................................................................................................ 42
表4.18 鎳價格之變異分解結果 ............................................................................................................ 42
表4.19 紙漿價格之變異分解結果 ........................................................................................................ 43

圖 3.2 研究方法流程圖 ......................................................................................................................... 19
圖 4.1 美國的西德州(WTI)原油時間序列趨勢圖 .......................................................................... 25
圖4.2 LME銅現貨時間序列趨勢圖 ................................................................................................... 25
圖4.3 LME鎳現貨時間序列趨勢圖 ................................................................................................... 26
圖4.4 北美長纖漂白木漿時間序列趨勢圖 ........................................................................................ 26
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