系統識別號 | U0002-1901202115323200 |
DOI | 10.6846/TKU.2021.00455 |
論文名稱(中文) | 從沉默到敘述:小川樂《歐巴桑》中的沉默、記憶與敘述創傷 |
論文名稱(英文) | From Silence to Narration: Silence, Memory and Narrating Trauma in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan |
第三語言論文名稱 | |
校院名稱 | 淡江大學 |
系所名稱(中文) | 英文學系碩士班 |
系所名稱(英文) | Department of English |
外國學位學校名稱 | |
外國學位學院名稱 | |
外國學位研究所名稱 | |
學年度 | 109 |
學期 | 1 |
出版年 | 110 |
研究生(中文) | 王偉 |
研究生(英文) | Wei Wang |
學號 | 603110205 |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
語言別 | 英文 |
第二語言別 | |
口試日期 | 2021-01-14 |
論文頁數 | 56頁 |
口試委員 |
委員 - 陳佩筠 委員 - 林宛瑄 |
關鍵字(中) |
沉默 創傷性記憶 身分認同 歐巴桑 敘述創傷 |
關鍵字(英) |
Silence TraumaticMemory Identity Obasan NarratingTrauma |
第三語言關鍵字 | |
學科別分類 | |
中文摘要 |
本論文旨在探討小川樂《歐巴桑》中的日裔加拿大人,在二戰種族拘留與迫害下的氛圍所衍生的創傷性沉默。如何正視創傷並從沉默出發,來尋找過往被壓抑的記憶,以及創傷再敘述的可能性。第一章將著重在創傷性沉默。旨在分析創傷性沉默其成因及對《歐巴桑》中角色之影響。第二章將探討創傷性記憶,應當確保其受到重視且不被扭曲。遺忘創傷可能招致歷史悲劇的重演,如需改變此況,創傷倖存者有必要邁出突破沉默的第一步。本章節傾向與《歐巴桑》中艾米莉一致的主張,闡釋揭露創傷性記憶之必要而非保持沉默。第三章著重於敘述創傷,闡釋創傷性記憶的不可磨滅,以及記憶中的過去不連貫之影響。本章將探討《歐巴桑》中無須對話來表述創傷之案例,而《歐巴桑》中的角色各有其自敘經歷之方式。在結論中,將概括本文的論點,強調《歐巴桑》旨在突破沉默,邁向敘述之主張。 |
英文摘要 |
This thesis aims to interpret the traumatic silence of Japanese Canadians in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan in the wake of racial internment and persecution during World War II. The thesis focuses on how to break through silence and to deal with one’s trauma and the past traumatic memory which is fractured and repressed, and to seek the possibility of narrating trauma. In Chapter One, the focus will be on the traumatic silence. I aim to analyze the causes and effect of silence on each character, including Aya Obasan, Uncle Isamu and Naomi. Chapter Two will focus on traumatic memory. It is necessary to ensure that traumatic memory is known and not altered. Oblivion of trauma may cause tragedy to occur once again. In order to change this circumstance, it is the traumatic survivors who have to make the first step to walk out of silence. In line with Aunt Emily’s claim, this chapter aims to explain why traumatic memory has to be revealed rather than remain in silence. Chapter Three will focus on narrating trauma. I aim to interpret why traumatic memory is indelible and what may occur when the past memory is incoherent. Therefore, it is significant that, as Obasan demonstrates, trauma can be narrated without speech, as each character in Obasan presents different methods to narrate their experience. In Conclusion, I will sum up my arguments, emphasizing that the novel, Obasan, itself is an example of progress from silence to narration. |
第三語言摘要 | |
論文目次 |
Table of Contents Introduction...........................................1 Chapter I. Living in Stone: Traumatic Silence.........13 Chapter II. Living in the Shadow: Traumatic Memory....27 Chapter III. Towards Healing: Narrating Trauma........40 Conclusion............................................51 Works Cited...........................................54 |
參考文獻 |
Works Cited Agamben, Giorgio. Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive. Translated by Daniel Heller-Roazen, Zone Books, 1999. Caruth, Cathy. Trauma: Explorations in Memory. Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. ---. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and history. Johns Hopkins UP, 2007. Cheung, King-Kok. Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa. Cornell UP, 1993. Delbaere, Jeanne. “Joy Kogawa Interviewed by Jeanne Delbaere.” Kunapipi vol. 16, no.1, 1994, pp. 461-4. Foucault, Michel. “Lives of Infamous Men.” Power: Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, edited by James D. Faubion, translated by Robert Hurley et al., The New Press, 2000, pp. 157-74. Freeman, Mark. “Afterword: ‘Even Amidst’: Rethinking Narrative Coherence.” Beyond Narrative Coherence, edited by Matti Hyvärinen, Lars-Christer Hydén and Marja Saarenheimo et al., John Benjamins Press, 2010, pp. 167-86. Freud, Sigmund. Beyond the pleasure principle. Edited by Mary Waldrep and Jim Miller, translated by James Strachey, Dover, 2015. Fujita, Gayle K. “‘To attend the Sound of Stone’: The Sensibility of Silence in Obasan.” MELUS, vol. 12, no. 3, Sep. 1985, pp. 33-42. Grewal, Gurleen. “Memory and the Matrix of History: The Poetics of Loss and Recovery in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan and Toni Morrison‘s Beloved.” Memory and Cultural Politics: New Approaches to American Ethnic Literatures, edited by Amritjit Singh, Joseph T. Skerrett, and Robert E. Hogan, Northeastern UP, 1996, pp. 140-74. Kogawa, Joy. Obasan. Anchor Books, 1994. ---. “Is There a Just Cause?” Up and Doing: Canadian Women and Peace, edited by Janice Williamson and Deborah Gorham, Women’s Press, 1989, pp. 157-62. Koh, Karlyn. “Joy Kogawa Talks to Karlyn Koh: The Heart-of-the-Matter Questions.” The Other Woman: Women of Colour in Contemporary Canadian Literature, edited by Makeda Silvera, Sister Vision Press, 1995, pp. 19-41. Laub, Dori and Shoshana Felman. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. Routledge, 1992. Loftus, Elizabeth and Katherine Ketcham. The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse. St. Martin’s Press, 1994. Lyotard, Jean-François. Heidegger and “the jews”. Translated by Andreas Michel and Mark Roberts et al., U of the Minnesota P, 1990. Morrison, Toni. The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations. Vintage Books, 2020. ---. “The Site of Memory”. Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir, edited by Russell Baker, and William Zinsser, Houghton Mifflin, 1998, pp. 183-200. Van der Kolk, Bessel A. “Trauma and Memory.” Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, vol. 52, no. S1, Sep. 1998, pp. S52-S64. Van der Kolk, Bessel A. and Onno van der Hart. “The Intrusive Past: The Flexibility of Memory and the Engraving of Trauma.” Trauma: Explorations in Memory, edited by Cathy Caruth, Johns Hopkins UP, 1995, pp. 158-82. Willis, Gary. “Speaking the Silence: Joy Kogawa’s Obasan.” Studies in Canadian Literature, vol. 12, no. 2, Jun. 1987, pp. 239-249. Zimering, Rose, and Suzy Bird Gulliver. “Secondary Traumatization in Mental Health Care Providers.” Psychiatric Times, vol. 20, no. 4, Apr. 2003. |
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