系統識別號 | U0002-1807201314032100 |
DOI | 10.6846/TKU.2013.00673 |
論文名稱(中文) | 即時口頭造句訓練對中英口譯速度提升之研究 |
論文名稱(英文) | A Study of How Oral Sentence Making Affects the Fluency of Chinese to English Interpretation |
第三語言論文名稱 | |
校院名稱 | 淡江大學 |
系所名稱(中文) | 英文學系碩士班 |
系所名稱(英文) | Department of English |
外國學位學校名稱 | |
外國學位學院名稱 | |
外國學位研究所名稱 | |
學年度 | 101 |
學期 | 2 |
出版年 | 102 |
研究生(中文) | 張睿君 |
研究生(英文) | Jui-Chun Chang |
學號 | 698110086 |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
語言別 | 英文 |
第二語言別 | |
口試日期 | 2013-06-20 |
論文頁數 | 82頁 |
口試委員 |
委員 - 李本京 委員 - 李利德(ltli@mail.usc.edu.tw) |
關鍵字(中) |
口頭造句 語意學 句法學 速度 同步口譯 |
關鍵字(英) |
oral sentence making semantics syntax speed simultaneous interpretation |
第三語言關鍵字 | |
學科別分類 | |
中文摘要 |
本論文旨在討論口譯培訓的課程中,如何透過快速的英語口頭造句,迅速提升學生用英文思考的能力以及立即使用英文創作的速度。口譯的速度是許多口譯員的瓶頸,會強烈影響口譯的效果與魅力。原因有好多種,其中一個最大的原因即口譯學員往往在英文的字彙以及句子的表達上未能隨心所欲:在語言上,由於中英文之間的用語及結構不同,導致語言轉換不夠俐落;在邏輯上,中英文的思考順序也相距甚遠,造成今天許多口譯人士因為思考模式受限於中文較蜿蜒及發散的邏輯中,而未能快速且有較地掌握英語中的樹枝結構及其層遞式的陳述方式。 本研究以淡江大學選修同步口譯課的九位研究生做前、後期的量化實驗,在每週皆接受半小時的即時口頭造句訓練,共計八週,培訓方向側重於學生的英文速度及共語言結構與反應,將其陳述性的知識轉變為程序性知識,訓練學生把曾背下的英文字彙高速地靈活造出由短至較長的句子,培養其不經思考便流利而正確地做出中英文口譯。 本研究的結果摘要如下: (i) 即時口頭造句訓練能夠顯著提升學生的整體中英口譯流利度。(ii) 當學員口頭造句的能力提升時,學生的 (a)發音 (b)字彙 (c)文法 (d) 句型 (e)語意皆能得到同步提升,而其中又以字彙和句法結構的提升為最大果效。 |
英文摘要 |
The present study aimed to examine the effect and efficiency of oral immediate sentence making on the speech fluency in Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation. It is well established that many interpreting trainees encounter a great bottleneck in delivery speed, which may surely influence the effectiveness of their oral interpreting. To determine the possible pedagogical implications for proper delivery, data were collected from 9 graduate participants of Tamkang University in Taiwan. They were 5 females and 4 males between the ages of 25 and 28 years who spoke Chinese as their first language. The results of the study confirmed the beneficial effects of oral immediate sentence-making on subjects’ overall speech fluency in Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation, due to the 30 minutes instruction every week during the eight weeks training session. The findings also indicated that the application of this oral immediate sentence-making had a great effect on novice interpreters’ improvements in many aspects of language such as: (a) pronunciation, (b) vocabulary, (c) grammar, (d) syntactic structure, and (e) content. In particular, this treatment promotes the subjects’ vocabulary fluency and syntactic maturity the best. Accordingly, oral immediate sentence-making proved to be an effective pedagogical method to increase speech fluency in Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation. |
第三語言摘要 | |
論文目次 |
Table of Contents CHINESE ABSTRCT ENGLISH ABSTRCT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Statement of the problems 4 1.3 Significance of the study 7 1.4 Purpose of the Study 9 1.5 Definition of Terms 10 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) 12 2.2 Fluency 14 2.2.1 Factors that influence Interpreting Fluency 17 Directionality 17 B to A Language Interpreting 18 A to B Language Interpreting 20 The speaker’s delivery 22 Reformulation 23 2.3 Oral Sentence Making 26 2.3.1 Differences of Sentence Making between Chinese and English 28 Parataxis vs. Hypotaxis 28 Subject vs. Topic 31 2.3.2 Studies on Oral Collocations 33 Defining Collocations 34 The categorization of Collocations 38 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Questions 42 3.2 Subjects 42 3.3 Instruments 43 3.4 Materials 45 3.5 Procedures 46 3.6 Data Analysis 47 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 The Performances of Subjects 49 4.1.1 Results of the Subjects’ Fluency Achievement, as Assigned by the Three Raters, for Post-test versus Pre-test 49 4.2 Results of Total Improvement 50 4.2.1 Results of Total Improvement in Terms of Vocabulary , as Assigned by the Three Raters, for Post-Test versus Pre-Test 50 4.2.2 Results of Total Improvement in Terms of Structure, as Assigned by the Three Raters, for Post-Test versus Pre-Test 52 4.2.3 Results of Total Improvement in terms of the Six Selected Facets on Fluency Ratings for Post-test versus Pre-test 55 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of Findings 57 5.2 Limitations of study and recommendations 58 REFERENCES 60 APPENDICES 60 Appendix A The Experimental Pre-Test Paper of Interpretation 78 Appendix B The Experimental Post-Test Paper of Interpretation 79 Appendix C Holistic Rating Sheet of Speech Fluency 81 List of Tables and Figures Table 1 Seven Type of Lexical Collocations 38 Table 2 Grammatical Collocations 39 Table 3 Nineteen Patterns of G8 Collocation Type 40 Table 4.1 Subjects’ fluency achievement between the Pre-Test and Post-Test 49 Table 4.2 Results of total improvement in terms of vocabulary for Post-Test versus Pre-Test 50 Table 4.3 Results of total improvement in terms of structure for the Post-Test versus Pre-Test 53 Table 4.4 Comparison of subjects’ total improvement between the Pre-Test and Post-Test 55 Figure1. Comparison of subjects’ total improvement between the Pre-Test and Post-Test 56 |
參考文獻 |
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