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System No. U0002-1701202410281100
DOI 10.6846/tku202400035
Title (in Chinese) 供應鏈失序下存貨短缺模型之實證研究
Title (in English) Empirical study for inventory shortage model under an unstable supply chain
Other Title
Institution 淡江大學
Department (in Chinese) 會計學系碩士在職專班
Department (in English) Department of Accounting
Other Division
Other Division Name
Other Department/Institution
Academic Year 112
Semester 1
PublicationYear 113
Author's name (in Chinese) 蔡岳廷
Author's name(in English) Yueh-Ting Tsai
Student ID 710600064
Degree 碩士
Language Traditional Chinese
Other Language
Date of Oral Defense 2024-01-08
Pagination 30page
Committee Member advisor - Ku-Jun Lin(vaughn@mail.tku.edu.tw)
co-advisor - 顏秀鳳(097809@mail.tku.edu.tw)
co-chair - 鄭美娟
co-chair - 楊志德
Keyword (inChinese) 存貨
Keyword (in English) Inventory
Inventory Management
Inventory Shortage Model
unstable supply chain
investment funds
Other Keywords
Abstract (in Chinese)
1.	經由演算法高風險的存貨短缺計量模型,可協助企業原物料管理者做好存貨管理工作,以便降低企業產品生產成本,進而強化競爭優勢,達成永續經營目標。
2.	當企業原物料短缺時,如果缺貨損失越大,則企業所節省的存貨總成本會隨之變大。此研究結果顯示出企業必須給予存貨管理者統制變化,並有效管控原物料成本,以便企業活絡資金之運用。
3.	當企業之缺貨損失率變大時,全年存貨總成本將隨之變大。因此,企業在存貨短缺模型建構過程中,必須審慎評估及選擇穩健供應鏈廠商,進而降低企業缺貨風險。因為企業如果選擇不良供應商,將造成缺貨風險增加並多支付額外的存貨成本。
Abstract (in English)
This study primarily investigates the research on inventory shortage models. Quantitative research is adopted in this study, and an inventory shortage model is proposed through the process of assumption and inference using algorithms. Based on the constructed inventory shortage model, the insights of this study are as follows:
1.	The high-risk inventory shortage measurement model through algorithms can assist raw material managers in companies to manage inventory effectively, thereby reducing the production cost of company products, enhancing competitive advantages, and achieving sustainable operation goals.
2.	When a company's raw materials are in shortage, if the loss from the shortage is greater, the total inventory cost saved by the company will increase accordingly. The results of this study indicate that companies must give inventory managers control over changes and effectively manage raw material costs to facilitate the use of company funds.
3.	When the shortage loss rate of a company increases, the total annual inventory cost will also increase. Therefore, during the construction process of the inventory shortage model, companies must carefully evaluate and choose robust supply chain vendors to reduce the risk of inventory shortage. This is because if a company chooses a poor supplier, it will increase the risk of shortage and pay additional inventory costs.
Other Abstract
Table of Content (with Page Number)
摘要	I
Abstract	II
目錄	III
第一章 緒論	1
第一節 研究背景與動機	1
第二節 研究目的	2
第三節 研究流程	2
第二章 文獻探討	6
第一節 存貨管理理論	6
第二節 存貨管理文獻回顧	9
第三章 存貨短缺模型建構	17
第一節 假設	18
第二節 存貨短缺模型推導	19
第三節 委託量產存貨模型	21
第四章 分析與結果	24
第一節	存貨短缺模型之分析	24
第二節	敏感度分析	25
第五章 結論與建議	26
第一節 研究結論	26
第二節 管理涵義	26
第三節 實務性建議	27
參考文獻	28
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