§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1502201119395100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.01223
論文名稱(中文) 台灣網通廠商經營策略及競爭優勢分析 -以A公司為例
論文名稱(英文) The Analysis of Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage of Networking Communication Industry – A Case Study of A Corporation
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際商學碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in International Commerce
學年度 99
學期 1
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 袁秀滿
研究生(英文) Hsiu-Man Yuan
學號 797520284
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-01-14
論文頁數 79頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 鮑世亨
委員 - 張淑惠
委員 - 蔡政言
關鍵字(中) 網通產業
關鍵字(英) Networking Communication Industry
Competitive Strategy
隨著網際網路運用的快速發展,帶來整個科技產業的變動,也改變了人類的生活型態,台灣產業已成為世界高科技產品的代工廠,網通產業即為其中之一。台灣網通產業早期以生產數據機等用戶端設備為主要產品,接著由用戶端設備步入寬頻接取技術,台灣廠商所製造的產品由原來的Modem 轉至DSL及 Cable Modem。由於網際網路的運用愈來愈廣泛、技術門檻也逐漸降低、加上資訊透明促使網通產業投入者陸續增加,許多規模較大的製造企業甚至以併購方式加入網通產業,使得整個產業競爭力更加激烈。另外在技術上的限制、面對產品生命週期的短暫及市場快速的變遷情況下,如何讓網通產業擁有競爭優勢是本論文所欲探討的主題。
With the rapid development of Internet application, the whole technology industry has been in the great fluctuation. Taiwan now becomes the OEM factory of the high-tech products, and the networking communication industry is undoubted one of them. The networking industry in Taiwan was mainly produced modem and other customer premise equipments at first, which was then transformed into the Broadband Access Technology. The products also turned the original Modem to DSL and Cable Modem. Since the Internet application has become more and more common, the technological standard is decreasing. Moreover, the public information urge to more and more investment by the increasing number of networking industry. Many manufacturers even accede to this field by merging with other companies, which vibrate the whole industrial competition. The purpose of the research is to understand how the networking industry is going to take control of the competitive advantages under the limitation in technology, the short-lived products, and volatility of the market.
 This research aims to discuss about the present-day development of networking industry, the future development, and competitive necessities. It surveys the pros and cons of the manufacturer from the perspectives of industrial competition and industrial development trend. Besides, it is expected to bring up a solution of networking industrial competition by case analysis and investigating the competency of the case company.         
     Though the industrial prospect is bright, its outcome profit will be limited if it blindly pursue the qualification and low prices to compete for orders. However, it will have the opportunity to escape from the low-profit time if the manufacturer is able to launch the strategy of the brand and vertical integration toward the upstream and downstream companies. There are three suggestions in the study. First, a preservation of the brand is considered. Downstream launch its own brand to strengthen the market share, and to increase the company and brand’s awareness. Next, to set up specification of the product is also required. The upstream industry cooperates or establishes joint venture with the upstream wafer manufacturer to launch a new generation of product, leading its new product specification to a high customization and to achieve the goal of product differentiation. Therefore, new ideas, new technologies, new products and new applications will soon take it over to a brand new market.
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------------1
第二節 研究範圍與內容----------------------------------------2
第三節 研究方法與流程----------------------------------------2
第四節 研究限制---------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------5
第一節 網通產業相關文獻--------------------------------------5
第二節 競爭策略的定義與類型----------------------------------7
第三節 五力分析模型----------------------------------------14
第四節 產業價值鏈------------------------------------------19
第五節 SWOT分析理論----------------------------------------22
第三章 網通產業分析-----------------------------------------24
第一節 網通產業概況-----------------------------------------24
第二節 網通產業市場發展趨勢----------------------------------33
第三節 網通產業的挑戰與機會----------------------------------42
第四節 網通產業價值鏈分析------------------------------------46
第五節 網通產業五力分析--------------------------------------51
第四章 個案研究分析-----------------------------------------54
第一節 個案公司發展歷程及現況---------------------------------54
第二節 個案公司價值鏈分析------------------------------------61
第三節 個案公司SWOT分析-------------------------------------67
第四節 競爭對手優劣勢分析------------------------------------71
第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------73
第一節 研究結論--------------------------------------------73
第二節 研究建議--------------------------------------------74

表3-1     通訊產業重要指標----------------------------------------------------------25
表3-2     2002~2010年台灣通訊設備產值---------------------------------------31
表3-3     全球寬頻用戶數-------------------------------------------------------------34
表3-4     2009年全球寬頻技術市占率---------------------------------------------35
表3-5     台灣網通廠因應行動寬頻熱潮產品布局狀況-------------------------41
表3-6     台灣網通產業SWOT分析-------------------------------------------------45
表3-7     上游供給產業----------------------------------------------------------------48
表3-8     下游主要需求產業----------------------------------------------------------50
表4-1     個案公司大事紀-------------------------------------------------------------54
表4-2     2008~2010年DSL、Cable Modem、VoIP設備、WLAN廠商排名-58
表4-3     個案公司近五年財務資料-------------------------------------------------60
表4-4     個案公司產品技術應用----------------------------------------------------64
表4-5     個人公司SWOT分析表----------------------------------------------------70
表4-6   競爭對手優劣勢分析------------------------------------71

圖1-1     研究流程----------------------------------------------------------------------3
圖2-1     Porter-Generic Strategy--------------------------------------------------10
圖2-2     大前研一的四種基本策略-------------------------------------------------11
圖2-3     Porter-Five Forces Model------------------------------------------------14
圖2-4     Porter-Value Chain Model-----------------------------------------------20
圖2-5     Porter-Value System------------------------------------------------------21
圖2-6     Barney-SWOT 分析模式之關係-----------------------------------------22
圖2-7     Pearce and Robinson-SWOT分析與策略方向----------------------23
圖3-1     2001~2010年台灣網際網路普及率-------------------------------------25
圖3-2     全球通訊設備產值-----------------------------------------------------------28
圖3-3     台灣通訊設備產值-----------------------------------------------------------29
圖3-4     2009~2010年台灣網通產業季產值預測-------------------------------30
圖3-5     主要國家寬頻用戶數及其年成長率--------------------------------------34
圖3-6     2001~2010年台灣固網寬頻網路用戶----------------------------------36
圖3-7     2005~2010年台灣DSL CPE產業產值---------------------------------37
圖3-8     2005~2010年台灣Cable Modem產業產值---------------------------37
圖3-9     2005~2010年台灣家庭VoIP設備產業產值----------------------------38
圖3-10   網通產業上中下游關聯圖--------------------------------------------------46
圖4-1     個案公司產品營收比重-----------------------------------------------------56
圖4-2     個案公司研發人力資源產品比重-----------------------------------------57
圖4-3     個案公司主要活動流程-----------------------------------------------------61
圖4-4     個案公司製造產能-----------------------------------------------------------62
圖4-5     個案公司人力資源比重-----------------------------------------------------66
3.吳思華(1996),「策略九說」,台北: 麥田出版(股)公司。
5.周思華譯(1998),「競爭策略-產業環境及競爭者分析」(譯自 Michael E. Prter(1980)原著),台北:天下遠見出版社
9.翁景民譯(2000),「策略行銷管理」,(譯自 David A. Aaker 原著,Strategic Market Management, New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.)台北:華泰出版。
13.黃宏義譯 (1987),「策略家的智慧」,(譯自大前研一原著),長河出版社。

二、	英文部份
1.Aaker, D. A. (1984), “Strategic Market Management”, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2.Miles, R. E. and Snow, C. C. (1978), “Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process”, New York: McGraw-Hill.
3.Porter, M. E. (1980), “Competitive Strategy - Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors”, New York: Free Press.
4.Andrews, K.(1971), "The Concept of Corporate Strategy", IL: Dow Jones-Irwin
5.Ansoff, I (1965), "Corporate Strategy", New York :McGraw-Hill
6.Barney, D.F.(1991), "Time Paths in the Diffusion of Product Innovations",  London: Macmillan,
7.Certo, S. C. and Peter, J. P (1990),”Strategic Management: A Focus on Process”, New York: McGraw-Hill.
8.Chandler, A. D. (1962), "Strategy and Structure”, Cambridge, MA: MiI Press
9.Hill, C. W. and Jones, G. R. (1998), “Strategy Management Theory”, 4th ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
10.Pearce, J. A. II and Robinson, R. B. Jr. (1997), “Strategic Management - Formulation, Implementation and Control”, 6th ed., Chicago: Irwin.
11.Porter, M. E. (1985), “Competitive Advantage - Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”, New York: Free Press.
12.Thompson, J. D. (1967), "Organization in Action: Social Science Bases of Administrative Theory”, New York: McGraw-Hill

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