§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2106201018105100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.00629
論文名稱(中文) 寢具情境氛圍影響消費者購買評估與購後評估之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study of Store Decorating Situational Effects on Purchasing and Post-purchase Evaluation for Bedding Product.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 企業管理學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Business Administration
學年度 98
學期 2
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 莊佩宜
研究生(英文) Pei-Yi Cuang
學號 797610382
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-05-28
論文頁數 81頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 白滌清
委員 - 吳錦松
委員 - 趙慕芬
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字:情境氛圍
關鍵字(英) Decorating Situational Effects
Purchasing Evaluation
Post-purchase Evaluation
This study investigated the use of context to influence the atmosphere in the five sensory perception, caused by the adjustment of consumer attention decoration situation, and then upgrade after purchase evaluation. Bedding through the atmosphere to create a situation, the affected consumers do buy favorable assessment of the program into account, to buy the products; and understanding affecting consumer satisfaction evaluation and after purchase. 
Hou Dongsheng, Lin Liangzhen, Lin Che-yin has raised discount stores retail store management and customer purchase intentions, store atmosphere and service management related to the desire of customer perception discussed. This study investigated the atmosphere of bedding situations after the assessment dimensions and purchase the association to explore the atmosphere on situational factors consumers assess the relevance of bedding, bedding assessment of consumers purchase after the evaluation factors and the association. 
Bedding industry by two experts through interviews and bedding for the mainstream channel-Hola Home Furnishings Taiwan Store and shopping channel Freer survey research, hypothesis: store layout and atmosphere to add context consumer satisfaction after purchase association; sleep atmosphere with situational factors in association with the Consumer Assessment; consumers buy pre-assessment of the relevance of satisfaction after purchase. 
Questionnaires have been locked store bedding procurement goal of segments, a questionnaire evaluation study using a structured questionnaire and sampling method to facilitate the investigation, were collected 113 valid questionnaires data subjects. Basic information for the subjects and situations with the card using chi-square analysis for cross-analysis; to principal component analysis of each of the three dimensions of the first principal component extraction, by converting percentile scores for the major aspects After the Pearson correlation analysis for the three dimensions of the association for hypothesis testing; while also using variance analysis, the three dimensions and basic personal information and use of bedding situations, for different analysis. 
The results showed that when consumers the higher the satisfaction of climate scenarios are even higher satisfaction after purchase; consumers buying bedding, high satisfaction evaluation factors, their post-purchase satisfaction will be high; consumers assessment factors to buy bedding satisfaction increase, their situations will improve the atmosphere of satisfaction.
第壹章 緒論	1
第一節 研究背景與動機	1
第二節 研究目的	2
第貳章 文獻探討	3
第一節 寢具產業概況	3
第二節 情境氛圍構面與購買因素關聯性	6
第三節 購買寢具評估因素	13
第四節 消費者各項評估因素之購後評估	21
第參章 研究設計	24
第一節 研究架構	24
第二節 研究範圍及對象	25
第三節 資料分析與方法	26
第肆章 資料分析	35
第一節 專家訪談分析	35
第二節 訪談結果	36
第三節 問卷基本資料分析	39
第四節 各研究構面間之相關分析	50
第五節 三個構面與使用行為之差異性分析	52
第伍章 結論建議	56
第一節 研究結論	56
第二節 研究建議	58
參考文獻	60
附錄一:深度訪談紀錄	65
附錄二:本研究問卷	78

表2- 1 風格、美感過去未來之比較表..............................................................7
表2- 2 五種策略體驗模組................................................................................10
表2- 3 生活型態構面........................................................................................19
表2- 4 台灣地區的生活型態研究....................................................................20
表3- 1 專家訪談問卷結構................................................................................28
表3- 2 問卷架構與訪談結果之對應................................................................31
表3- 3 消費者問卷結構....................................................................................32
表4- 1 深度訪談彙整歸納................................................................................36
表4- 2 消費者購後評估描述彙整...................................................................38
表4- 3 性別樣本結構表....................................................................................39
表4- 4 婚姻狀況樣本結構表............................................................................40
表4- 5 年齡樣本結構表....................................................................................40
表4- 6 教育程度樣本結構表............................................................................41
表4- 7 基本資料質量研究比對........................................................................41
表4- 8 職業樣本結構表....................................................................................42
表4- 9 家庭月收入樣本結構表........................................................................43
表4- 10 消費者消費頻率..................................................................................44
表4- 11 購買預算..............................................................................................44
表4- 12 消費者使用情形質量研究資料比對..................................................45
表4- 13 消費者購買間隔期間..........................................................................45
表4- 14 消費者購買用途..................................................................................46
表4- 15 購買用途與家庭月收入列聯表分析.................................................47
表4- 16 寢具花費預算與教育程度列聯表分析..............................................48
表4- 17 寢具花費預算與婚姻狀況列聯表分析..............................................49
表4- 18 萃取各構面主成份分數......................................................................51
表4- 19 三個構面主成份相關係數分析..........................................................51
表4- 20 購買寢具評估因素與使用情況差異性分析......................................53
表4- 21 購後評估與使用情況差異性分析......................................................54
表4- 22 分析結果彙整......................................................................................55
表5- 1 假說檢定結果....................................................................................... 56

圖1-1 訂價步驟................................................................................................ 16
圖3-1 研究架構.................................................................................................24
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