§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-3007200716171400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2007.01016
論文名稱(中文) 派出所主管核心能力之研究─以台北市政府警察局為例
論文名稱(英文) A Research on The Core Competencies of The Police Station Directors─The Case of Taipei City Police Department
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 公共行政學系公共政策碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Public Administration
學年度 95
學期 2
出版年 96
研究生(中文) 黃啟峯
研究生(英文) Chii-Fung Huang
學號 690550131
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2007-06-28
論文頁數 123頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳銘祥
委員 - 孫本初
委員 - 黃一峯
關鍵字(中) 能力
關鍵字(英) competency
core competency
police station director
    本研究旨在找出台北市警察局派出所主管所需之核心能力,希望透過國內外相闗文獻的探討,建立初步的能力架構。接著再邀請專家學者審查問卷內容。根據360度回饋調查的原則,本研究將針對台北市警察局轄下14個分局的下列人員作為問卷施測的對象:(一) 分局長;(二) 副分局長;(三) 組室主管各4員;(四) 警備隊長;(五) 派出所主管;(六) 派出所副主管等共277人。本研究共計發出問卷277份,回收問卷223份,回收率為80%,刪除無效問卷 8份,剩餘有效問卷215份,有效回收率為77.6﹪。所得資料採項目分析、信度估計、因素分析及平均數分析等方法進行處理,期能獲得具體明確且有效的能力構面、行為指標及其重要性的優先順序排列,讓有心歷練此一主管職務者,能夠清楚掌握那些能力是其必須先行學習並累積相關經驗者。
In the past few years,the focus in the fields of organization and management science has been steadily put on the importance of human resource in an organization, especially emphasized on the importance of core competencies.
    The primary objective of this study is to identify the core competencies the police station directors require in the Taipei City Police Department. From collecting and reviewing relative literature in Taiwan and other countries, we wish we could build the initial competency framework. Next, we will ask for distinguished scholars and practitioners to examine the items of the questionnaire utilized in this study. According to the principle of 360 degree feedback survey, we will ask for the following 277 incumbents of 14 police precincts in the Taipei City Police Department as our respondents:1. chiefs;2. deputy chiefs;3. section chiefs(4 in each police precinct);4. captains;5. police station directors;6. deputy police station directors. We totally distribute 277 questionnaires in this study with 223 questionnaires returned back. The return rate is 80%. Deducting invalid questionnaires, the rest of the efficient ones are 215, which turned out to be the 77.6% efficient return rate. We analyze the returned data with the techniques of item analysis, estimation of reliability, factor analysis and mean value analysis in order to get specific and efficient competency constructs, behavioral indicators and their order of importance. Thus, the one who would like to experience this director’s position could clearly understand which competencies he must learn and accumulate more enough relative experience.
    Intergrating the statistical results and literature review, the study’s findings are as follows:
1.The core competencies required by the police station directors are synthesized into 10 categories with 48 essential behavioral indicators. Both the 10 categories and 48 behavioral indicators are listed below along with the order of importance:(1)Thinking Competencies:strategic thinking with a relatively highest mean value score. (2)Interpersonal Competencies:team work with a relatively highest mean value score.(3)Self-management Competencies:credibility with a relatively highest mean value score.(4)Organizing Competencies:crisis handling with a relatively highest mean value score.(5)Leadership Competencies:interaction with subordinates in a way that results in subordinates feeling motivated with a relatively highest mean value score.(6)Administering Competencies:creating one’s own values with a relatively highest mean value score.(7)Implementation Competencies:having law equipment with a relatively highest mean value score.(8)Management Competencies:human resource development with a relatively highest mean value score.(9)Customer-service Competencies:demonstrating individual responsibility for protecting a community with a relatively highest mean value score.(10)Communicating Competencies:verbal communication with a relatively highest mean value score.
2.According to the statistical analysis results, the first 10 behavioral indicators with higher rank of importance are listed as follows:interaction with subordinates in a way that results in subordinates feeling motivated, strategic thinking & crisis handling, having law equipment, credibility, teamwork, seasoned judgment & self-confidence, dealing properly with all kinds of situations, conflict management.
     This study’s recommendations are listed as follows:
1.For one with the intention of being a police station director, we recommend that he(or she)could begin preparing from the first 10 behavioral indicators from the order of importance.
2.As for the recruitment of police station directors, we address 3 points as follows:
(1)For written-test courses:according to the identified competency model, we can design on-line situational judgment simultation exercises and scoring standards.
(2)For oral tests:the oral-test questions can be designed by situations a police station director might face on the job. The personnel responsible for oral tests just make objective observations and records.
(3)For selection sequence:we recommend that Taipei City Police Department can refer to the personal traits of test-takers in advance for next smooth assignments.
目  次
目次	Ⅶ
表次	Ⅸ
圖次	Ⅹ
第一章 緒 論	1
壹、研究背景與動機	1
貳、研究目的與問題	3
叁、研究步驟與方法	3
肆、研究範圍與研究限制	6
第二章 文獻探討	9
壹、能力的意涵	10
貳、核心能力的意涵	22
叁、公部門初階主管核心能力建構實務	25
肆、警察的核心價值與未來的功能發展趨勢	30
伍、社區警政	32
陸、警察人員核心能力的相關研究	35
柒、小結	59
第三章 研究設計與實施	67
壹、研究對象與樣本特性分析  68
貳、研究工具	72
叁、問卷調查與實施	73
肆、資料處理	73
第四章 資料分析與討論	77
壹、項目分析	77
貳、因素分析與信度估計	80
叁、各能力對派出所主管的重要性程度	85
肆、小結	92
第五章 結論	93
壹、研究發現	93
貳、建議	97
參考文獻	103
附錄一	派出所主管核心能力調查問卷	111
附錄二	開放式問題回答內容之整理	119

表  次
表2-1	能力定義彙整表	14
表2-2	國內政府部門初階主管的能力指標	29
表2-3	Ortmeier初步能力模型	37
表2-4	Ortmeier警察領導幹部核心能力完整版	38
表2-5	主管成功能力模型	42
表2-6	Connie S. Weiss基層警察幹部核心能力模式	46
表2-7	派出所主管核心能力評估參考架構	54
表3-1	台北市各分局重要警職幹部官階職等對照表	70
表3-2	研究樣本之基本資料統計表	71
表4-1	項目分析結果彙整表	77
表4-2	KMO與Bartlett球形檢定表	80
表4-3	派出所主管核心能力因素分析表	82
表4-4	派出所主管各項核心能力之重要性平均值	90

圖  次
圖1-1	研究流程圖	4
圖2-1	Spencer的冰山模型	16
圖2-2	個性、行為與績效之因果關係流程模型	16
圖2-3	有效的工作績效模式	17
圖2-4-1	能力範疇	19
圖2-4-2	願景、策略目標、重要核心業務、核心能力關係 20
圖2-5	美國聯邦政府領導效能架構圖	27
圖2-6	初步能力模式發展過程	44
圖2-7	警察基層幹部核心能力之形成途徑	58
圖5-1	台北市派出所主管核心能力模型 96
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