§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2907201108530600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.01380
論文名稱(中文) 阿根廷正義黨制度化之研究(1946-2010)
論文名稱(英文) A Study of The Institutionalization of The Justicialist Party of Argentina (1946-2010)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 拉丁美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 吳亭慧
研究生(英文) Ting-Hui Wu
學號 697310158
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-06-15
論文頁數 186頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王秀琦
委員 - 熊建成
委員 - 王振國
關鍵字(中) 正義黨
關鍵字(英) Justicialist Party
Peronist Party
party institutionalization
Juan Domingo Peron
Carlos Menem
Nestor Kirchner
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner



The Justicialist Party (PJ) of Argentina became one of the main political forces in Argentina since its founding by Peron in 1946. The Justicialist Party has been playing a pivotal role during the struggle in Argentine politics. Through the perspective of historical structure, this study is aimed to overview the process of organizational function, clarify the environmental and human factors that have constrainted the Justicialist Party in each period, inquire the causes and results behind the rise and fall of Justicialist Party during the period of over half a century from 1946 to 2010 in hope of reaching a conclusion regarding the development model and feature of Justicialist party and tasks and challenges it faced during the process of structural development.

The political chaos during the intermittent military and civilian rules in Argentina before 1983 resulted in the complicated phenomenon of Argentine political party systems. The Justicialist Party lacked stability and comprehensive structure of regulation that exists in a democratic political system, thus, the process of structural development of the party was difficult and tortuous. In this study, the figures of Argentine populism –President Peron and Menem – could be classified as strong leaders in political systems and Justicialist Party. Due to the mistrust of organizational function of the party, the leaders tried to suppress any new elites from becoming political rivals as well as any other factions or groups that could become strong powers in order to ensure the stability of personal power and status. The centralization of their power effectively strengthened the process of ─bandwagoning∥; moreover, reward services were adopted to establish Patron-Client networks in order to expand the support of loyal followers and consolidate the core field of power, which resulted in a loosely organized Justicialist Party that lacked consistent structure of routinization of procedures. Even opposition forces that gathered under the table knew that there was little opportunity to challenge the authority of leadership; therefore, Justicialist Party became the instrument manipulated by leaders and elites.

The phenomenon of lack of institutionalization and routinization of intraparty rules and procedures of Justicialist Party resulted in the weakening of party function and increase of internal efficiency cost, which also caused the phenomenon of struggle for power among factions on political stage. In 2003 presidential election, Justicialist Party permitted three Peronist candidates to run for the post for the first time in history as a result of factional divisions. At the same time, the weakening of The Radical Civic Union (UCR) could not constitute a balance against Justicialist Party, so that election became the internal competition of Justicialist Party after the loss of the largest opposition party. The election result caused the internal power restructure and reformation of Justicialist Party, and The Front for Victory(Frente para la Victoria; FPV)led by Néstor Kirchner became the core of main power within the party. The Kirchner administration effectively quelled the social unrest and led Argentina out of the economic depression caused by its most serious economic crisis of 2001 in history. The recovery of economy gradually reinstated political and social stability, which resulted in the promotion of democratization process and a step forward for the institutionalized process of Justicialist Party.

Since 2007 under the leadership of incumbent President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the regulatory structure of political parties has gradually been amended in order to maintain the operation of party function and stability. It is hopeful to see that the phenomena of serious disorder such as factional divisions and existence of small parties could be reduced and the party system of Justicialist Party could be more institutionalized after more comprehensive electoral system and respect for the rule of law as the guiding spirit of democracy are established in order to implement more mature and comprehensive party system and consolidate the democratic foundation of Argentina.
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII

第一章 緒論
  第一節 研究動機與目的 1
  第二節 研究途徑與方法 2
  第三節 研究範圍與章節架構 9
  第四節 資料來源 11

第二章 歷史背景與環境條件
  第一節 歷史背景與環境條件 13
    一、正義黨創黨前之國內情勢 13
    二、貝隆之崛起與正義黨之創立 20
  第二節 正義黨之核心價值與訴求 26
    一、正義黨之正義主義 26
    二、正義黨之第三條道路 28

第三章 貝隆時代的正義黨(1946-1983)
  第一節 貝隆國家主義與政經作風 31
    一、國有化與工業化發展 31
    二、經濟蕭條與復甦計劃 32
  第二節 正義黨發展分析與特色 35
    一、正義黨之制度分析與特色 35
    二、貝隆時代選舉分析與政黨發展 38
  第三節 法制結構與政黨運作 44
    一、憲法法制結構制度之演進 44
    二、阿根廷政黨體系結構分析 51

第四章 梅南時代的正義黨(1983-2001)
  第一節 經濟自由化政策與經濟危機 63
    一、梅南政府成立前之政經背景 63
    二、梅南政府之經濟自由化政策 66
    三、梅南政府經濟危機成因與影響 69
  第二節 梅南時代之政黨發展與選舉分析 76
    一、一九八三年正義黨選舉之挫敗 76
    二、一九八九年正義黨選舉之勝利 77
    三、九○年代梅南政權之選舉分析 79
  第三節 正義黨轉型路線之分析 82
    一、舊民粹主義至新民粹主義 82
    二、正義黨權力核心結構之移轉 86

第五章 基什內爾時代的正義黨(2001-2010)
  第一節 基什內爾時代之正義黨發展 97
    一、基什內爾政府成立前之背景 97
    二、選舉分析與基什內爾崛起 101
    三、基什內爾時代正義黨派系問題 111
  第二節 基什內爾之新結構主義政策 115
    一、基什內爾政府經濟改革政策 115
    二、基什內爾政府社會改革政策 124
    三、費南德茲政府之民主化發展 130
  第三節 正義黨組織架構與制度分析 133
    一、正義黨之組織架構 133
    二、阿根廷政黨組織法 135
    三、正義黨制度化與民主化分析 138
    四、正義黨之未來發展與展望 152

第六章 結論 155

參考書目與文獻 161
附錄 171

【表1-1】政黨制度化判定標準與特徵 10
【表3-1】依群眾組織特質之政黨類型 35
【表3-2】總統及國會選舉政黨得票率(1912-1954)(%) 39
【表3-3】阿根廷總統大選政黨得票率(1957-1965)(%) 41
【表3-4】阿根廷選舉制度與任期 49
【表3-5】阿根廷重要選舉類型與年份(2000-2011) 50
【表4-1】阿根廷通貨膨脹率(1982-1989)(%) 65
【表4-2】阿根廷通貨膨脹率(1989-2001)(%) 67
【表4-3】出口總額佔國內生產毛額之比率(1998-2002)(%) 71
【表4-4】阿根廷外人直接投資淨額 (1998-2002) (百萬美元) 72
【表4-5】阿根廷對外債務總額(1998-2002)(百萬美元) 73
【表4-6】總統及國會選舉得票率(1983-1989)(%) 78
【表4-7】總統及國會選舉得票率(1991-1999)(%) 81
【表4-8】工會貝隆主義者於眾議院之代表性 (1983-1997) 89
【表5-1】政黨總統與得票率(2003)(%) 102
【表5-2】阿根廷總統大選之政黨候選人甄選(1983-2003) 104
【表5-3】阿根廷總統及國會選舉(2007) 105
【表5-4】布省歷屆省長表(1983-2007) 107
【表5-5】阿根廷國會期中選舉(2009-2011)	109
【表5-6】費南德茲政府時期之主要政黨(2007-2011) 110
【表5-7】國會選舉-布宜諾斯艾利斯省區域聯盟(2005) 112
【表5-8】國會選舉-布宜諾斯艾利斯省區域聯盟(2007) 113
【表5-9】國會選舉-布宜諾斯艾利斯省區域聯盟(2009) 114
【表5-10】結構主義、新自由主義、新結構主義之差異點 119
【表5-11】出口總額佔國內生產毛額之比率(2000-2004)(%) 121
【表5-12】阿根廷外人直接投資淨額(2001-2004)(百萬美元) 121
【表5-13】阿根廷國際準備資產(2000-2004)(百萬美元) 122
【表5-14】自由之家-阿根廷民主自由度評比(1983-2011) 132
【表5-15】政黨法與相關法規年表 135

【圖4-1】實質有效匯率與出口量變動圖(1990-2001) 70
【圖5-1】參議院各政黨席次分配圖(2007) 106
【圖5-2】眾議院各政黨席次分配圖(2007) 106
【圖5-3】省長選舉政黨之各省選區分布圖(2007) 107
【圖5-4】阿根廷國內生產毛額趨勢圖(1993-2008)(百萬美元) 120
【圖5-5】阿根廷正義黨組織圖 134

【附件一】正義黨組織規章(2008) 171
【附件二】阿根廷政黨法(第26.571號法) 179
【附件三】本研究涵蓋之執政時代(1946-2010) 183
【附件四】政黨及競選聯盟之中西英文對譯表 184



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