§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2906201423412400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2014.01196
論文名稱(中文) 企業永續資訊揭露強度與經營效率間之關聯 -以日本企業為例
論文名稱(英文) The strength of business sustainability information disclosure associated with operational efficiency-cases of Japanese companies.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 會計學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Accounting
學年度 102
學期 2
出版年 103
研究生(中文) 蕭筱齡
研究生(英文) Hsiao-Ling Hsiao
學號 601600314
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2014-06-01
論文頁數 76頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 郭樂平
委員 - 李光廷
委員 - 張寶光
委員 - 郭樂平
關鍵字(中) 永續揭露
關鍵字(英) Sustainability disclosure:Operational efficiency:Data envelopment analysis
This study investigated the business management efficiency and relevance of sustainability to expose the strength and timing of the association occurred. The study sample Nikkei 500 Index companies, research period of the financial crisis (very) period and non-critical period (2008-2010), using data envelopment analysis model to calculate the business management efficiency, and achieve business for different stakeholders revealed sustainability scores, quality of research in the management efficiency of its 2008-2010 business association sustainability release information intensity.The study splitting sample into the operating efficiency of top 50% and low 50% and operating efficiency of top 25% and low 25%, and the results showed that 50% of this group were being only 2008 during the financial crisis, the company's operating efficiency and investorssustainability and consumers sustainability to expose the strength has a significant positive difference,but the remaining years is not significant. However, in 2008, the operating efficiency of top 25%, and low 25% of this group, the study found that not only investors sustainability has significant difference but alsoemployees sustainability found significant differences. In addition, in 2010, top 25%, and low 25% of this group sustainability to exposing the consumers has significant difference.Research shows companies in the financial crisis (very) period (2008), perhaps for fear of information asymmetry and active expose more corporate governance informationto investors. In addition, government-driven policy may also affect corporate sustainability disclosure information as a response. However, in non-crisis periods,business efficiency and sustainability disclosure is not a difference.Past many scholars to explore the relevance of sustainability disclosure (non-financial information) and financial information (eg ROA, ROI), or Causal relationship between corporate social responsibility(CSR) and financial information. However, due to different countries or sampling, yet a conclusion.  The study found that when a large change in the external operating environment (for example: during the financial crisis, or the implementation of the new policy), operating efficiency on the merits of sustainability disclosure significantly different attitude, good operating efficiency of enterprises will enhance the company's release of information transparency in response to stakeholders.
壹、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構 3
貳、文獻探討 6
第一節訊號理論 6
第二節 利害關係人理論以及其研究趨勢 7
第三節 企業之永續訊號指標 10
第三節 員工之評估指標 11
第四節 投資者評估指標 17
第五節消費者評估指標 21
第六節環境之評估指標 24
參、研究方法 28
第一節觀念性架構 28
第二節 變數 28
第三節 樣本及資料來源 35
第四節研究方法 37
肆、研究結果 41
第一節敘述性統計量 41
第二節檢定統計量 41
伍、結論與建議 50
第一節研究結論 50
第二節管理意涵 51
第三節研究貢獻 52
第四節研究限制與建議 53
參考文獻 55
表2- 1環境永續揭露指標及評分標準 25
表3-1永續揭露評估指標及評分標準 32
表3-2 投入產出變數 40
表4-1 員工評估項目之描述性統計量 42
表4-2 投資者評估項目之描述性統計量 44
表4-3消費者評估項目之描述性統計量 44
表4-4 環境評估項目之描述性統計量 44
表4-5總體永續揭露之描述性統計量 47
表4-6 2008經營效率值前50%與後50%企業揭露永續分數之統計量 48
表4-7 2009經營效率值前50%與後50%企業揭露永續分數之統計量 48
表4-8 2010經營效率值前50%與後50%企業揭露永續分數之統計量 48
表4-9 2008經營效率值前25%與後25%企業揭露永續分數之統計量 49
表4-102009經營效率值前25%與後25%企業揭露永續分數之統計量 49
表4-112010經營效率值前25%與後25%企業揭露永續分數之統計量 49
圖1-1研究流程圖 5
圖2-1內部組織架構 20
圖2-2企業永續揭露之評估項目 27
圖3-1觀念性架構 28
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