§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2806201716104800
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2017.01009
論文名稱(中文) 海外打工度假者之資訊行為
論文名稱(英文) The Information Behavior of Working Holiday Makers Overseas
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊與圖書館學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Information and Library Science
學年度 105
學期 2
出版年 106
研究生(中文) 賴佳柔
研究生(英文) Chia-Rou Lai
學號 604000017
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2017-06-15
論文頁數 121頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 賴玲玲(llai@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 葉乃靜(ncyeh@cc.shu.edu.tw)
委員 - 林素甘(sukanlin@mail.tku.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 打工度假
關鍵字(英) Working Holiday Maker
Information Behavior
Online Information
Offline Information
    打工度假者使用之線上資源以網路、人際資源為主,頻繁透過Google及社群媒體取得日常生活所需之各種類資訊;線下資源則以人際資源為主,透過其他打工度假者及當地居民作為資訊取得管道,獲得工作、旅遊、交通方面資訊。打工度假者在取得資訊後會以雲端、紙本及硬體裝置儲存獲得之資訊,並使用社群媒體、部落格分享在海外打工度假的經驗。而打工度假者使用線上及線下資訊方式共有五種類型:一. 僅使用線上資源、二. 先使用線上資源,後使用線下資源、三. 僅使用線下資源、四. 先使用線下資源,再使用線上資源、五. 先瀏覽線上資源,後使用線下資源,再查找線上資源。
The purpose of this research is to explore the information behavior of Taiwanese working holiday makers (WHMs), including the kind of information WHMs need, ways WHMs use information resources, the uses WHMs have after acquiring information, and the contexts when WHMs use online versus offline information.
    This study used diary method and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The researcher first selected participants from a number of working holiday related Facebook groups and online forums, which WHMs use heavily to obtained daily information. Also, the researcher used snowballing method to collect participants who are qualified in this research. There were 12 participants in total. They were asked to log in a diary format for 7 consecutive days and were interviewed via Facebook Messenger and Line afterwards.
The findings of this study demonstrated that WHMs mainly need housing-, traffic-, job-, visa-, work-, travel-, language-, culture-, and cooking- related information. The importance of these needed information would grow or decrease according to the situation WHMs encountered overseas. WHMs used online resources mainly when looking for information, and they also use offline resources to obtained information that cannot be found online. The information resources and channels WHMs used include Google, smartphone applications, websites, social media websites, blogs, online forums, other Taiwanese WHMs, local residents, books, magazines, and posters on the streets.
WHMs used Internet and human resources online mainly, and they used Google and social media heavily to obtained daily information. WHMs used offline human resources to obtain work-, travel-, and traffic-related information from Taiwanese WHMs and local residents. After acquiring information, WHMs would save information online, on papers and notebooks, and on different devices. They also would share their experiences on social media and blogs. WHMs used online and offline resources in five different ways: (a) use online resources only, (b) use online resources first, and use offline resources later, (c) use offline resources only, (d) use offline resources first, and use online resources later, (e) browse the information on Internet, use offline resources, and search information online.

According to the above findings of this study, there are some suggestions for working holiday information providers and future research. For the information providers such as ministry of foreign affairs, they could do case analysis on emergency situations WHMs encountered overseas, and share the analysis on the handbooks, working-holiday information websites, and the working holiday related groups on social media websites. They could also host workshops for experiences sharing and podcast these events via social media. For future research, researchers can conduct longitudinal research on how WHMs use online and offline resources by recruiting participants before they go on working holiday. It is suggested future researchers interested in this area can increase the frequencies of participants’ diaries logging and interviews, and compare the resources being used before and after WHMs go abroad.
第一章	緒論	1
第一節	研究背景與動機	1
第二節	研究目的與問題	5
第三節	研究限制	6
第四節	名詞解釋	6
第二章	文獻探討	9
第一節	打工度假	9
第二節	資訊行為	18
第三節	線上資訊資源與線下資訊資源關係	29
第三章	研究方法	33
第一節	研究設計	33
第二節	研究範圍及對象	35
第三節	資料蒐集	39
第四節	資料分析	45
第五節	研究流程	46
第四章	研究資料分析	49
第一節	打工度假者資訊需求	49
第二節	打工度假者資訊來源	59
第三節	打工度假者的資訊使用	85
第四節	打工度假者線上與線下資訊活動	88
第五節	綜合討論	93
第五章	結論與建議	101
第一節	結論	101
第二節	建議	105
第六章	參考文獻	109
附件一 研究參與者徵求	119
表1臺灣青年外打工度假制度統整	13
表2 打工度假者動機相關研究	17
表3  Facebook臺灣打工度假社團	37
表4 研究參與者資料表	38
表5 研究問題與訪談問題對照表	44
圖1 日常生活資訊尋求模式	21
圖2 研究介紹與參與者徵求檔案I	40
圖3 研究介紹與參與者徵求檔案II	41
圖4 參與者所記錄之日誌範例I	42
圖5 參與者所記錄之日誌範例II	42
圖6 參與者所記錄之日誌範例III	42
圖7 研究流程圖	48
圖8 打工度假者所使用之線上資訊	96
圖9 打工度假者所使用之線下資源	99
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