§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2806201000431400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.01398
論文名稱(中文) 資料倉儲系統再造關鍵因素之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study of the Key Factor on Data Warehouse System Reengineering
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊管理學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) On-the-Job Graduate Program in Advanced Information Management
學年度 98
學期 2
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 陳水福
研究生(英文) Shoei-Fu Chen
學號 795630077
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
第二語言別 英文
口試日期 2010-05-29
論文頁數 81頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 蕭瑞祥(rsshaw@mail.tku.edu.tw)
指導教授 - 楊明玉(myyang@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 徐煥智(shyur@mail.im.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 吳瑞堯(rywu@cc.shu.edu.tw)
委員 - 蕭瑞祥(rsshaw◎mail.tku.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 資料倉儲
關鍵字(英) Data Warehouse
Information System Reengineering
Critical Success Factors

資訊科技(Information Technology)被認為是企業管理之基礎,智慧資產的一部分,有助於企業長遠之發展。一個企業的資訊科技建設就等同於國家的公共基礎建設一般,過去台灣在許多國際組織評比是全球資訊國力領先國家之一,因此,資訊科技不僅為國家產業發展的主要動力,更是提高企業競爭力的重要推手。台灣企業如何能掌握現有的優勢,對資訊科技建設能有更新的創意及改革,並且透過善用商業智慧的分析與預測的能力,讓企業創造更多的利潤,減少更多的成本。深刻的左右企業的領導地位。


After our government relaxes the limitation of investment into China by Taiwanese companies, the economic relation of the Taiwan Strait becomes closer. With the variation of the cross-strait relation, the Taiwanese companies currently confront significant change and challenge. Even though Taiwan has earned prominent performance even under the opened and keen international competition, nowadays, the current situation of opening Taiwan's economic and trade policy towards Mainland China is quite different as before. We can say that the policy open means the beginning of competition. While confronting the pressure of keen competition, the issue of how to upgrade industries will be paid attention by all kinds of Industries. China has made positive efforts on his national infrastructure, which is compared to Taiwan, Taiwan seems to has insufficient efforts on such investment. 
Information Technology is usually deemed as the foundation of Industries management and is part of intellectual property, which is helpful for the long-term development of Industries. The industry’s Information Technology infrastructure is similar to the national infrastructure. According to the previous international organization rankings, they showed that Taiwan was one of the leading countries having national power on global information, Therefore, the information technology is not only the main power of national industry development, but also it is the significant pushing hand of increasing the industry competition.  Taiwan Industries need to know how to maintain the current predominance to obtain the renovated creativity and innovation, and use the analysis of commercial Intelligence and the ability of prediction for making more profits as well as decreasing the cost. It is deeply influence the leading status of the industries. 
Data Warehouse System looks like the infrastructure of the business Intelligence application in an industry. Many Data Warehouse System of Taiwan industries even hardly cope with the rapid changing information needs after undergoing diversified business transaction. How to get the business process reengineering through the data warehouse system,  integrate with the business process by previous cumulative data model, assist the industries to apply the current resources more efficiently, strengthen the industries system, make industries paying more attention on high value added products and sales, then promote the industry competition, are new topics of business Intelligence application. 
This research is mainly about the system reengineering of the data warehouse system, the execution of the project, the concerned issues, and key reasons of success or failure. The project personnel could acquire the advanced understanding of planning and execute the system reengineering of the data warehouse system through practical questions and discussion as well as through interview with the project leader. Then we are able to know the key factor is quite different between the whole new system of data warehouse and system reengineering of the existed data warehouse system.
第一章	緒論	1
1.1	研究背景與動機	1
1.2	研究目的	2
第二章	文獻探討	4
2.1	資料倉儲的定義	4
2.2	為什麼要建置資料倉儲	6
2.3	資料倉儲系統架構	7
2.4	資料倉儲的特性	13
2.5	資料倉儲與傳統資料庫的不同	15
2.6	資料倉儲建置的步驟	16
2.7	資料倉儲架構類型	20
2.8	資料倉儲設計方法	24
2.9	資訊系統導入影響	27
2.10	舊有資訊系統(Legacy System)	28
2.11	軟體系統再造	28
2.12	發展資料倉儲系統的關鍵成功及失敗因素	30
第三章	研究設計	33
3.1	研究方法	33
3.2	研究對象	33
3.3	研究流程	34
3.4	問卷設計	34
第四章	研究結果與分析	36
4.1	個案公司背景說明	36
4.2	個案之專案目的	36
4.3	個案之專案範圍	37
4.4	個案問題描述	37
4.5	專案問題及解決方案彙總摘要	41
4.6	研究發現	48
第五章	討論與結論	66
5.1	討論	66
5.2	結論	68
5.3	研究貢獻	69
5.4	研究限制	73
5.5	未來研究方向	74
第六章	參考文獻	75
附錄一、資料倉儲系統再造-訪談問卷	79
圖 2 1 :資料倉儲系統	9
圖 2 2 :可擴充性的資料倉儲系統	9
圖 2 3 :資料倉儲存取架構	10
圖 2 4 :集中式資料倉儲	21
圖 2 5 :資料超市資料倉儲	22
圖 2 6 :分散式資料倉儲	22
圖 2 7 :即時式資料倉儲系統	23
圖 2 8 :Top-Down 架構	25
圖 2 9 :Bottom-up 架構	26
圖 2 10 :Combination架構	26
圖 3 1 :研究流程圖	34
圖 5 1 :研究貢獻及研究目的達成	70

表 2 1 :資訊倉儲之定義	5
表 2 2 :資料倉儲與傳統資料庫的比較	16
表 2 3 :資訊倉儲建置步驟	16
表 2 4 :資料倉儲系統結構演進	23
表 2 5 :資訊系統導入程度分類表	27
表 2 6 :面臨處理Legacy System時的抉擇考量	28
表 2 7 :建置資料倉儲的成功與失敗關鍵因素	31
表 4 1 :專案問題之彙整表	37
表 4 2 :專案問題及解決方案彙總摘要	42
表 4 3 :解決方案與關鍵因素關聯表	49
表 4 4 :為系統「新建」與「再造」之差異影響比較表(訪談彙整)	55
表 5 1 :資料倉儲檢核表	71
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