§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2806201000173500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.01026
論文名稱(中文) 組織文化、知識分享與創新能力之 關聯性研究--以台灣汽車產業為例
論文名稱(英文) A study on the relationships among organizational culture,knowledge sharing and innovation ability: The case of the automobile industry in Taiwan.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 管理科學研究所企業經營碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration in Management Sciences
學年度 98
學期 2
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 吳泰德
研究生(英文) Tai-Te Wu
學號 797620084
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-06-05
論文頁數 100頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 廖述賢
共同指導教授 - 陳怡妃
委員 - 劉基全
委員 - 陳水蓮
關鍵字(中) 組織文化
關鍵字(英) Organizational culture
Knowledge sharing
Innovation ability
structural equation modeling
moderating effect
During the past two years, the automobile industry around the world has undergone great changes. After General Motor Corporation (GM) and Chrysler announced bankruptcy in 2009 due to management and policy failure, American automobile industry, which used to dominate the development of global automobile industry, as well as its automobile parts suppliers have faced with severer challenges in their management. Moreover, under the worsening of global warming, automobile manufacturers have put great emphasis on environmental protection and green vehicles have been developed to lower the impact of vehicles on the earth environment.
   Under the tough industrial environment, Taiwan’s automobile industry should continue its development and open up new territory in the emerging markets such as Mainland China and India. With the domestic resources advantage and core competency such as the manufacturing level of low cost and high quality, the ability of whole-vehicle modification and design, and the flexible manufacturing capability that is able to integrate, as well as the widening demand from the emerging markets, Taiwan should be able to increase its global competitiveness through the development of regional product platform. 
   The present study aims to investigate the effect of organizational culture and knowledge sharing on the developing process of innovation ability in the knowledge-intensive automobile industry. Questionnaires are given to 49 parts suppliers, 6 whole-car manufacturers and 7 car dealers in Taiwan. 449 valid questionnaires are returned and an empirical analysis through structural equation modeling (SEM) is performed to assess the effect of organizational culture and knowledge sharing on innovation ability. The result shows that knowledge sharing is the mediating variable of organizational culture and innovation ability and that organizational culture has a significant positive effect on knowledge sharing.
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景--------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究動機--------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.3 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.4 研究流程--------------------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------6
2.1 組織文化--------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.1.1 組織文化的涵意--------------------------------------------------------6
2.1.2 組織文化的影響 -------------------------------------------------------9
2.1.3 組織文化的類型--------------------------------------------------------9
2.1.4 小結-----------------------------------------------------------------------13
2.2 知識分享-------------------------------------------------------------------13
2.2.1 知識分享概念與觀點------------------------------------------------13
2.2.2 知識分享的重要性---------------------------------------------------20
2.2.3 知識分享的方式與媒介---------------------------------------------21
2.2.4 知識分享意願與行為------------------------------------------------22
2.2.5 知識分享的衡量構面------------------------------------------------23
2.2.6 小結-----------------------------------------------------------------------24
2.3 創新能力-------------------------------------------------------------------25
2.3.1 創新的定義-------------------------------------------------------------25
2.3.2 創新的分類-------------------------------------------------------------29
2.3.3 影響創新能力的因素------------------------------------------------33
2.3.4 創新能力的衡量構面------------------------------------------------33
2.3.5 小結-----------------------------------------------------------------------34
2.4 研究假設-------------------------------------------------------------------34
2.4.1 組織文化與知識分享之關聯性-----------------------------------34
2.4.2 知識分享與創新能力之關聯性-----------------------------------37
2.4.3 組織文化與創新能力之關聯性-----------------------------------38
2.4.4 組織文化、知識分享與創新能力之關聯性-------------------39
2.4.5 供應鏈層級的調節效果---------------------------------------------40
2.5 研究地圖-------------------------------------------------------------------40
2.6 概念性架構----------------------------------------------------------------41
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------44
3.1 研究架構-------------------------------------------------------------------44
3.2 研究變項操作性定義及衡量-----------------------------------------45
3.2.1 組織文化-----------------------------------------------------------------45
3.2.2 知識分享----------------------------------------------------------------46
3.2.3 創新能力----------------------------------------------------------------48
3.3 研究對象與抽樣設計---------------------------------------------------50
3.3.1 研究對象----------------------------------------------------------------50
3.3.2 抽樣設計----------------------------------------------------------------51
3.4 問卷預試與信度分析--------------------------------------------------54
3.5 資料分析方法------------------------------------------------------------56
3.5.1 敘述性統計-------------------------------------------------------------57
3.5.2 信度分析----------------------------------------------------------------57
3.5.3 效度分析----------------------------------------------------------------57
3.5.4 結構方程模式---------------------------------------------------------57
3.5.5 調節分析----------------------------------------------------------------57
第四章 資料分析-------------------------------------------------------------58
4.1 敘述性統計分析---------------------------------------------------------58
4.2 測量模式分析------------------------------------------------------------60
4.2.1 信度分析----------------------------------------------------------------62
4.2.2 整體適配指標---------------------------------------------------------62
4.2.3 收斂效度----------------------------------------------------------------65
4.2.4 區別效度----------------------------------------------------------------67
4.3 相關分析-------------------------------------------------------------------68
4.3.1 組織文化與知識分享的相關性-----------------------------------69
4.4 競爭模式-------------------------------------------------------------------70
4.5 結構模式分析-------------------------------------------------------------70
4.6 調節分析-------------------------------------------------------------------76
第五章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------79
5.1 研究結論-------------------------------------------------------------------79
5.2 研究貢獻-------------------------------------------------------------------80
5.3 管理意涵-------------------------------------------------------------------81
5.4 未來研究方向與研究限制---------------------------------------------84

表2.1 組織文化涵義整理表-------------------------------------------------8
表2.2 組織文化類型論點彙總表-----------------------------------------12
表2.3 知識分享觀點彙總表-----------------------------------------------19
表2.4 知識分享相關研究整理--------------------------------------------20
表2.5 Wang and Ahmed 組織創新構面表---------------------------27
表2.6 創新相關學者定義---------------------------------------------------28
表2.7 創新相關類型彙整---------------------------------------------------31
表3.1 整車製造廠樣本------------------------------------------------------51
表3.2 汽車零件供應商樣本------------------------------------------------51
表3.3 汽車經銷商樣本------------------------------------------------------53
表3.4 問卷預試發放對象---------------------------------------------------55
表3.5 預試問卷各變項構面Cronbach’sα係數彙整表-------------56
表4.1 公司&人口變項資料表---------------------------------------------59
表4.2 研究次構面之平均數、標準差、偏態與峰度---------------60
表4.3 信度分析彙總表------------------------------------------------------62
表4.4 研究變項之驗證性因素分析彙總表----------------------------64
表4.5 收斂效度分析結果表-----------------------------------------------66
表4.6 區別效度---------------------------------------------------------------68
表4.7 相關係數矩陣---------------------------------------------------------69
表4.8 二種組織文化模式下之配適度指標----------------------------70
表4.9 總路徑彙總表---------------------------------------------------------71
表4.10 團隊合作型組織文化路徑彙總表------------------------------73
表4.11 競爭模式比較分析表----------------------------------------------75
表4.12 直接與間接效果表-------------------------------------------------76
表4.13 調節效果--------------------------------------------------------------77
表4.14 路徑限定:非限定---------------------------------------------------78
表5.1 研究假設與驗證結果彙整表--------------------------------------80

圖1.1 研究流程圖--------------------------------------------------------------5
圖2.1 四種不同的文化類型------------------------------------------------11
圖2.2 研究地圖----------------------------------------------------------------41
圖2.3 概念性架構圖----------------------------------------------------------43
圖3.1 研究架構圖-------------------------------------------------------------45
圖4.1 結構模式圖-------------------------------------------------------------71
圖4.2 團隊合作型文化結構模式圖--------------------------------------72
圖 4.3 模式一:部份中介-----------------------------------------------------74
圖 4.4 模式二:完全中介-----------------------------------------------------74
圖 4.5 模式三:直接模型-----------------------------------------------------74
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