§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2706200611050600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2006.01182
論文名稱(中文) 影響中國大陸地區所得差距之研究: 以1994-2003年之Panel Data實證分析
論文名稱(英文) Factors influence income differences between areas in China: Analyzed by 1994-2003 Panel Data
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 中國大陸研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of China Studies
學年度 94
學期 2
出版年 95
研究生(中文) 劉慧茹
研究生(英文) HUI-JU LIU
學號 693250192
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-06-09
論文頁數 90頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳建甫(chien_fu_chen@yahoo.com.tw)
委員 - 顏建發
委員 - 李志強
關鍵字(中) 地區所得分配
Panel Data追縱資料
關鍵字(英) Distribution of income in an area.
The Great Leap West
Panel Data.

因此,本論文將以農村部門與城鎮部門為撰寫主軸,時間上是自鄧小平南巡後,1994年至2003年近10年的所得水準和中國30個省市自治區,並結合橫斷面與時間序列之Panel Data追縱資料中隨機效果模型為實證研究方法,藉由資本累積、產業結構、所有制與人力資本等產業發展策略,以及西部大開發等區域發展策略來檢視,中國農村、城鎮部門區域間的地區所得差距,並討究其造成地區居民所得差距擴大之因素,同時探討西部大開發的區域發展策略實施後,是否能抑制農村與城鎮部門地區所得差距日益惡化。

Before China’s Open-Market Liberalization,the distribution of people’s income was basically led by the policy of equalization.However, after the practice of Open-Market Liberalization,Chinese government tended to pursue fast growth of economy, so the policy of equalization was changed into “effect first, and coexist with equalization.” Even though the modification did accomplish the rapid growth of the economy, accompanied with the growth is another problem of the enlarged gap between the rich and the poor in China. Especially after Deng Hsiao-Pin’s southern inspection tours, China government has made more aggressive sectional development policy and hence pushed the growth of economy even faster, and the unequal of people’s income remains the same. In order to shrink the gap, China government started to engage in “The Great Development of Western China,” but whether this project can solve the nation-wide unequal-income problem, or just benefit some of the local area remains unknown. Accordingly, this study will focus on the differences between the changes of people’s income in urban and rural area in China. 
The core of this study is the income level of rural and urban areas, and the period of time analyzed is 10 years after Deng’s southern inspection tour, which is 1994~2003, and the geographic area of the study includes 30 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in China. With the methods of tangent plane, time sequence, and model of random effect Panel Data, and the inspection to these policies: capital accumulation; industrial construction; possession; human resources; and western development, the study try to exam the income differences between people in rural and urban area, hence discover the factor that caused the enlargement of the gap between the rich and the poor. The study will also exam the effect of “The Great Development of Western China” policy to stop the enlargement of the gap between the rich and the poor.
The discovery from the study can be demonstrated in three aspects. First is the income level. In rural area, the income level is mainly influenced by the saving rate, the percentage of people who employed by enterprises, and the percentage of people with higher education. On the other hand, the income level in urban area is influenced by the percentage of people who employed by second-tier industry and non-government-owned enterprises.Second is the factor that caused differences between three areas. In rural area, the differences are mainly caused by education level and the percentage of people employed by enterprises. Nevertheless, the differences in urban area are mainly caused by the unequal employed rate in non-government-owned enterprises. Third is the influence to income level by “The Great Development of Western China.” Although the policy raised the income level in both rural and urban areas in three great areas, the growth in urban area were still faster than it in rural area. On the other hand, “The Great Development of Western China” brought equally apparent changes to the rural area everywhere, but its influence to the urban area only shown in western and central China. From the developing trend of income gap, it is enlarging in rural areas of Eastern, Central, and Western China. However, in urban area, the enlargement only happened in Eastern and Western China, and in urban area of Central China, the income gap is actually shrinking. Accordingly, till year 2003, the policy of “The Great Development of Western China” affects more on shrinking the income gap of the urban area in general, but affects much less to the rural area. The result shows that this policy’s effect is very limited to shrink the income gap of the rural area compares to its effect to the urban area.
目    錄
第一章	緒論…………………………………………………………………………..1
第一節	研究動機………………………………………………………………..1
第二節	研究目的………………………………………………………………..5
第二章	文獻探討……………………………………………………………………..6
第一節 經濟發展中倒U曲線與所得差異……….……………………………6
第二節 經濟結構對地區所得水準…………………………………………....10
第三節	政策因素對地區所得水準……………………………………………12
第四節	研究地區所得差距之文獻……………………………………………19
第三章	研究方法與研究設計………………………………………………………24
第一節	研究方法………………………………………………………………24
第二節	Panel Data追縱資料模型分析………………………………………..30
第三節	研究設計………………………………………………………………33
第四節	研究限制………………………………………………………………39
第四章	中國大陸地區所得變遷與實證分析………………………………………41
第一節	農村與城鎮地區所得階段性變化……………………………………41
第二節	1994-2003年地區所得之趨勢變化…………………………………..49
第三節	影響地區所得之變異數分析…………………………………………57
第四節	農村與城鎮地區所得實證分析…………...………………………….63
第五章	研究結果與後續研究………………………………………………………71
第一節	研究結果………………………………………………………………71
第二節	後續研究………………………………………………………………74


表  目  錄
表1-1  中國五等份各所得之比例………………………………………………….2
表2-1  1993-1996年中國分地區稅負狀況..............................................................15
表2-2  影響中國大陸區域所得差距因素之相關文獻……………………………23
表4-1  1978~1990年農村居民收入結構變化………………………………….....43
表4-2  1990~2003年農民收入組成比重變化表………………………………….44
表4-3  1978年~2003年中國經濟改革後農村與城鎮居民收入變化…………….48
表4-4  2003年中國東部地區城鎮與農村部門居民平均收入差距情況表………51
表4-5  2003年中國中部地區城鎮與農村部門居民平均收入差距情況表………53
表4-6  西部地區農村居民人均純收入變化………………………………………55
表4-7  2003年中國西部地區城鎮與農村部門居民平均收入差距情況表………55
表4-8  城鎮部門ANOVA估計結果……………………………………………….57
表4-9  城鎮部門影響所得因素之平均數與標準差………………………………59
表4-10 農村部門ANOVA估計結果……………………………………………….60
表4-11 農村部門影響所得因素之平均數與標準差………………………………62
表4-12 農村部門所得水準個別影響因素之迴歸分析……………………………64
表4-13 城鎮部門所得水準個別影響因素之迴歸分析……………………………66
表4-14 農村與城鎮各個模型實證迴歸結果………………………………………69
表5-1  影響農村與城鎮部門所得水準分析表……………………………………72
表5-2  西部大開發實施後對農村與城鎮部門影響分析表……………………....73

圖  目  錄
圖4-1  1978~2003年農村人均純收入變化趨勢圖……………………………….41
圖4-2  1978~2003年城鎮居民人均可支配收入變他趨勢圖…………………….45
圖4-3  1994~2003年中國東部地區城鎮部門所得變化趨勢圖………………….50
圖4-4  1994~2003年中國東部地區農村部門所得變化趨勢圖………………….50
圖4-5  1994~2003年中國中部地區城鎮部門所得變化趨勢圖………………….52
圖4-6  1994~2003年中國中部地區城鎮部門所得變化趨勢圖………………….52
圖4-7  1994~2003年中國西部地區城鎮部門所得變化趨勢圖………………….54
圖4-8  1994~2003年中國西部地區城鎮部門所得變化趨勢圖………………….54
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