§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2608201614330100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2016.00899
論文名稱(中文) 東協輪值主席角色功能之研究(2011-2015)
論文名稱(英文) Research on ASEAN Chair’s Role Function (2011-2015)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 亞洲研究所碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Asian Studies
學年度 104
學期 2
出版年 105
研究生(中文) 劉明祥
研究生(英文) Ming-Siang Liou
學號 703300086
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2016-06-17
論文頁數 215頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林若雩
委員 - 陳佩修
委員 - 左正東
關鍵字(中) 東協峰會
關鍵字(英) ASEAN Chairman
ASEAN Summit
ASEAN Community
East Asia Summit
South China Sea
本文以探討2011至2015連續5年來東協輪值主席國家的角色功能,以及所產生的差異比較。針對「東協輪值主席」角色功能之研究,採用Almond之「結構功能論」、Easton「政治系統理論」,並以「輸入的功能」、「內外環境因素」、「輸出的功能」說明;同時,引用政治系統的「分析及轉換」、「反饋的過程」,並參酌Almond & Verba政治文化取向的架構。
ASEAN chair has been focusing on ASEAN community last five years, namely, from year 2011 to 2015. This thesis tend to explore the ASEAN rotating presidency function as well as the role of the State, and the resulting difference for five consecutive years until ASEAN community is accomplished.
    The purpose of the study lies on how ASEAN's rotating presidency country to host the annual summit in order to build ASEAN community and promote political as well as economic integration in East Asia region.
    The results indicated as below: 
    Firstly, ASEAN rotating presidency role of the state function and pursuit of national interests in different ways.
    Secondly, when ASEAN chair faced a major event, taking into account domestic and international pressure, there will be different approaches, also resulting in different solutions.
    Thirdly, ASEAN or East Asia cooperation in the future, bound to find its own way rather than following the EU model.
    Fourthly, ASEAN countries maintain equal relations with external great powers, such as how to deal with United States and Japan, the tatics of foreign policy, which worth learning how Taiwan can play a much more active role in East Asia and Asia Pacific region.
第一章:緒論 .......................................................................................................................1
第一節:研究動機與目的.................................................................................... 1
第二節:研究方法與架構.................................................................................... 6
第三節:重要文獻檢閱...................................................................................... 22
第四節:研究範圍與限制.................................................................................. 34
第二章:東協組織與機制 ................................................................................................38
第一節:東協憲章、組織.................................................................................. 38
第二節:東協系列會議...................................................................................... 42
第三節:東協共同體三支柱.............................................................................. 46
第四節:東協輪值主席角色功能...................................................................... 54
第三章: 2011 年印尼輪值主席 .....................................................................................56
第一節:峇里第三協約宣言.............................................................................. 56
第二節:南海區域行動指導方針...................................................................... 59
第三節:東亞峰會強調互利關係、東協連結.................................................. 62
第四節:印尼輪值峰會的特殊性...................................................................... 65
第四章:2012 年柬埔寨輪值主席 ..................................................................................75
第一節:一個共同體,共同的命運.................................................................. 75
第二節:東協外長會議首度未發表聯合公報.................................................. 80
第三節:密集穿梭外交宣布南海 6 項原則.................................................... 83
第四節:柬埔寨輪值峰會:系列棘手問題...................................................... 87
第五章:2013 年汶萊輪值主席 .......................................................................................90
第一節:我們的人民,我們共同的未來.......................................................... 90
第二節:哈山納波嘉走訪馬尼拉和北京.......................................................... 92
第三節:加速AEC、啟動RCEP...................................................................... 96
第四節:汶萊輪值峰會讓東協屹立不搖.......................................................... 99
第六章:2014 年緬甸輪值主席 .....................................................................................101
第一節:團結前進,建設和平繁榮的共同體................................................ 101
第二節:東協「異中求同」的南海立場........................................................ 103
第三節:奈比都峰會對東協共同體進程影響................................................ 106
第四節:緬甸輪值峰會融入國際.................................................................... 108
第七章:2015 年馬來西亞輪值主席 ............................................................................114
第一節:我們的人民、我們的共同體、我們的願景.................................... 114
第二節:致力促進東協成為區域第三勢力.................................................... 116
第三節:東協外長會議風險管控.................................................................... 117
第四節:吉隆坡宣言:東協共同體成立........................................................ 120
第八章:東協輪值主席比較 ..........................................................................................127
第一節:由「歷年主持經驗」觀察「重大決議」........................................ 129
第二節:由「爭端處理能力」觀察「焦點議題」........................................ 132
第三節:強化輪值主席、秘書處功能............................................................ 135
本章小結............................................................................................................ 141
第一節:東協新會員國.................................................................................... 144
第二節:爭端解決機制.................................................................................... 151
第三節:東協對話夥伴.................................................................................... 159
本章小結............................................................................................................ 162
第十章:結論 ...................................................................................................................163
第一節:研究發現............................................................................................ 163
第二節:研究結論............................................................................................ 165
參考書目:........................................................................................................ 171
圖1-1 分析架構:奧蒙結構功能論 ................................................................................13
圖1-2 分析架構:伊斯頓政治系統論 ............................................................................15
圖2-1 東協組織圖 ..............................................................................................................47
圖2-2 東協共同體之間的相互作用 ................................................................................47
圖9-1 可能發展圖〈三頭馬車〉 ..................................................................................157
表2-1 東協機制及其成員國 .............................................................................................45
表8-1 印尼、柬埔寨、汶萊、緬甸、馬來西亞輪值主席比較表 ...........................142
表9-1 東南亞友好合作條約締約國家 ..........................................................................150
表9-2 東協憲章第八章爭端解決內容示意 .................................................................154
附錄1 東南亞國協大事紀 ..............................................................................................197
附錄2 東協為核心的RCEP ...........................................................................................208
附錄3APSC 藍圖:東協國家的民主指數 ...................................................................209
附錄4 AEC 藍圖主要重點 .............................................................................................210
附錄5ASCC 藍圖:東協多元化 ...................................................................................211
附錄6 東協秘書處歷任秘書長 .....................................................................................213
附錄7 東協三頭馬車機制草案規畫表 .........................................................................214
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6、http://www. www.ncku.edu.tw/cseas/

Twentyseventh ASEAN Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-22 November 2015.
  Chairman’s Statement of The 27th ASEAN SUMMIT, Kuala Lumpur, 21 November 2015
  Joint Statement on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Negotiations
  Chairman’s Statement of The 18th ASEAN-CHINA Summit Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 21 November 2015
  Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration on ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (2016-2020)
  Chairman’s Statement of The 13th ASEAN-INDIA Summit, Kuala Lumpur, 21 November 2015
  Chairman’s Statement of The 17th ASEAN-REPUBLIC of KOREA Summit, Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015
  Chairman’s Statement of The 18TH ASEAN Plus Three Summit, Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015
  Chairman’s Statement of The 18TH ASEAN-JAPAN Summit, Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015
  Chairman’s Statement of The 3RD ASEAN-UNITED STATES Summit, Kuala Lumpur, 21 November 2015

  Chairman’s Statement of The 7th ASEAN-UNITED NATIONS (UN) Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 November 2015
  Chairman’s Statement of The 10th East Asia SummitKuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015.
  Joint ASEAN-New Zealand Leaders’ Statement on the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN-New Zealand Dialogue Relations: Advancing our Strategic Partnership towards greater mutual benefit and prosperity, Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015.
  Plan Of Action to Implement the Joint Statement for ASEAN-NZ Startegic Partnership 2016 –2020, Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015.
  Joint Statement On The ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21 November 2015.
  Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership (2016-2020).
  ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change to the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Elimination of Violence against Children (ASEAN RPA on EVAC)
  ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Elimination of Violence against Women (ASEAN RPA on EVAW)
  Projected Gender Impact of the ASEAN Economic Community
  Report of the ASEAN Regional Assesment of MDG Achievement and Post-2015 Development Priorities

  Opening Address by Yab Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak Prime Minister of MALAYSIA on the Opening Ceremony of The 27th ASEAN Summit and Related Summitson 21 November 2015 st the Plenary Hall, Level 1, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

Agreements and Declarations
  Kuala Lumpur Declaration on The Establishment of The ASEAN Community, in Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015.
  Kuala Lumpur Declaration on ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Togetherin Kuala Lumpur, 22 November 2015.
  ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children
  Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education
  Declaration on ASEAN Post-2015 Environmental Sustainability and Climate 

Change Agenda
  Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Ageing: Empowering Older Persons in ASEAN
  Putrajaya Joint Declaration on ASEAN Post-2015 Priorities Towards an ASEAN Citizen-Centric Civil Service
  Regional Framework and Action Plan to Implement the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection

Press Releases
  To Launch the ASEAN Community, Leaders Gather in Malaysia for the 27th ASEAN Summit

Twentysixth ASEAN Summit,Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi, Malaysia, 26-28 April 2015.
  Opening Address of the 26TH ASEAN Summit, 27 April 2015, The Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)

  Thirteenth AEM-EU Trade Commisioner Consultations 26 April 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  Chairman’s Statement of The 26th ASEAN SummitKuala Lumpur & Langkawi, 27 April 2015

Agreements And Declarations
  Kuala Lumpur Declaration on a People-Oriented, People-Centred ASEAN
  Langkawi Declaration on the Global Movement of Moderates
  Declaration on Institutionalising the Resilience of ASEAN and Its Communities and Peoples to Disasters and Climate Change

Press Releases
  ASEAN Leaders Meet in Malaysia for the 26th ASEAN Summit

Twentyfith ASEAN Summit, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 11-13 November 2014
  Statement by H.E. U Thein Sein at the 25th ASEAN Summit Opening Ceremony
  Chairman’s Statement of the 25th ASEAN Summit
  ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change 2014
  Chairman’s Statement of 9th East Asia Summit (9th EAS) 13 November 2014
  Joint Statement/Declaration of the 9th EAS on regional response to outbreak of ebola virus disease
  EAS statement on Rapid Disaster Response
  EAS Statement on the rise of violence & brutality committed by terrorist/extremist org. in Iraq and Syria
  Chairman’s Statement of the 17th ASEAN Plus Three Summit
  Joint ASEAN-Australia Leaders Statement on the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations Towards a Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 12th ASEAN-India Summit, 12 Nov 2014
  Chairman’s Statement Of The 6th ASEAN –United Nations (UN) Summit
  ASEAN-U.S. Joint Statement on Climate Change 2014
  Chairman’s Statement of the 17th ASEAN-China Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 17th ASEAN-Japan Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the2nd ASEAN-U.S. Summit,13 Nov 2014

Agreements & Declarations
  Nay Pyi Taw Declaration on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2015 Vision
  Declaration on Strengthening ASEAN Secretariat and Reviewing ASEAN Organs
  EAS declaration on combating wildlife trafficking
  ASEAN-Japan Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Crime

Press Releases
  ASEAN Leaders Gather in Myanmarfor a ‘Historic’ Summit
  ASEAN Welcomes Principles for Public-Private Partnership Framework
  ASEAN Launches Communication Master Plan
  ASEAN, UNCTAD Launch ASEAN Investment Report 2013-2014

Twentyfourth ASEAN Summit, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 10-11 May 2014
  Statement by H.E. U Thein Sein at the 24th ASEAN Summit Opening Ceremony

  24th ASEAN Summit Chairman’s Statement
  ASEAN Foreign Ministers Statement on the Current Developments in the South China Sea
  ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Developments in Thailand
  Joint Statement of 8thIndonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT)
  Joint Statement of 10thBrunei Darussalam –Indonesia –Malaysia –Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area Summit(10th BIMP-EAGA Summit)

Agreements & Declarations
  Nay Pyi Taw Declaration –24thASEAN Summit

Press Releases
  Myanmar Hosts ASEAN Summit for the First Time

Twentythird ASEAN Summit, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 9-10 October 2013
  Chairman’s Statement of the 23rd ASEAN Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 16th ASEAN-Japan Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 16th ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 16th ASEAN-China Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 1st ASEAN-U.S. Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 11th ASEAN-India Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 5th ASEAN-United Nations (UN) Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 16th ASEAN Plus Three Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 8th East Asia Summit
  Joint Statement of the 16th ASEAN-China Summit on Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership

Agreements & Declarations
  Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2015 Vision
  Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration on Youth Enterpreneurship and Employment
  Bandar Seri Begawan Declaration on Noncommunicable Diseases in ASEAN
  ASEAN Declaration on Enhancing Cooperation in Disaster Management
  ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection
  The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Elimination of Violence Against Children in ASEAN
  Declaration of the 8th East Asia Summit on Food Security

Other Documents
Press Releases
  23rd ASEAN Summit in Brunei to reaffirm 2015 targets

Twentysecond ASEAN Summit, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 24-25 April 2013
  Chairmans Statement of The 22nd ASEAN Summit, “Our People, Our Future Together”
  Joint Statement Ninth BruneiDarussalam Indonesia Malaysia Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area Summit 9th BIMP EAGA Summit 25 April 2013 Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam

Agreements & Declarations
Other Documents
Press Releases
  Highlights of 22nd Summit in Brunei in Latest “ASEAN Today”, 6 May 2013 
  ASEAN Community 2015 is Top Priority at 22nd ASEAN Summit, Bandar Seri Begasan 23 April 2013
  ASEAN Summit Working Dinner, 25 April 2013 
  Arrival of ASEAN Leaders and Representatives, 25 April 2013 

Twentyfirst ASEAN Summit, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 18 November 2012
  Opening Statement By Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia At the Opening Ceremony of the 21st ASEAN Summit Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, 18 November 2012

  Chairman’s Statement of the 21st ASEAN Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 10th ASEAN-India Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 15th ASEAN-China Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 15th ASEAN-Japan Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 15th ASEAN-ROK Summit
  Chairman’s Statement of the 7th East Asia Summit (EAS)
  Leaders’ Statement on ASEAN Plus Three Partnership on Connectivity
  ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on the Establishment of an ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC)
  ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Joint Statement on the Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation
  Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD)
  ASEAN Human Rights Declaration
  Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders’ Meeting
  Joint Statement of the 15th ASEAN-China Summit on the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea

Agreements & Declarations
  ASEAN Agreement on the Movement of Natural Persons
  Joint Declaration on the Launch of Negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
  Guiding Principles and Objectives for Negotiating the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
  Declaration of the 7th East Asia Summit on Regional Responses to Malaria Control and Addressing Resistance to Antimalarial Medicines
  Phnom Penh Declaration on the East AsiaSummit Development Initiative

Other Documents
  Bali Declaration on ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations “BALI CONCORD III” Plan of Action 2013-2017
  Instrument of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia by the Federative Republic of Brazil

  Instrument of Extension of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
  ASEAN-INDIA EMINENT Persons’ Report to the Leaders

Press Releases
  Publications Launced to Help ASEAN Outreach to Businesses
  Aw Kun, Chum Reap Leah, Cambodia! A tribute to the lovely people of Cambodia
  INDONESIA’S Firm Commitment in Hosting ASEAN Secretariat inJakarta
  9th ASEAN Business Investment Summit (ASEAN-BIS) in Phnom Penh Concludes Successfully
  ASEAN and FTA Partners Launch the World’s Biggest Regional Free Trade Deal 
  ASEAN Investment Promotion Agencies to Intensify Concerted Efforts to Promote the Region as a Single Investment Destination 
  Submission to Leaders of ASEAN-U.S. Eminent Persons Group Report
  ASEAN Plus Three Commemorative Summit
  World’s Biggest Consumer Market Deepens Commitment with Latest Protocols between ASEAN and China
  Cooperation with dialogue partners and strategic partners feature high on Summit
  First Latin AmericaCountry Accedes to the Treaty of Amity & Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) partnership.
  ASEAN Leaders Endorse Landmark Agreements in Phnom Penh as Cambodia Stay Tuned for Other Summits with Senior World Leaders
  4th ASEAN-U.S. Leader’s Meeting
  Outcomes of the 21st ASEAN Summit Phnom Penh
  15th ASEAN-ROK SUMMIT Peace Palace
  15th ASEAN-JAPAN SUMMIT Peace Palace
  10th ASEAN-INDIA SUMMIT Peace Palace
  15th ASEAN-CHINA SUMMIT Peace Palace
  ASEAN Senior Officials’ Preparatory Meeting

Twentieth ASEAN Summit, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 03-04 April 2012
Documents adopted by Leaders
  ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Drug-Free ASEAN 2015
  Phnom Penh Agenda For Asean Community Building
  Phnom Penh Declaration on ASEAN: One Community, One Destiny

Documents noted by Leaders
  Asean’s Concept Paper on Global Movement of Moderates

Documents issued by theChair/Co-Chair
  Statement by the Chairman of ASEAN On the 45th Anniversary of ASEAN: The Way Forward
  Chairman’s Statement of the 20th ASEAN Summit

Documents signed by Ministers
  Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Association of Southeast ASIAN Nations (ASEAN) on Hosting and Granting Privileges and Immunities to the ASEAN Secretariat
  Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Association of Southeast ASIAN Nations (ASEAN) on Hosting and Granting Privileges and Immunities to the ASEAN Secretariat-(indonesia)
  ANNEX 6 Rules for Reference of Non-Compliance to the ASEAN Summit

Instrument of Incorporation of The Rules for Reference of Non-Compliance to the ASEAN Summit to the Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
  Rules of Procedures for the Interpretation ofthe ASEAN Charter

Joint Statements
  The 6th Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth-Triangle Summit
  Joint Statement Eighth Brunei Darussalam –Indonesia –Malaysia –The Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area Summit (8th Bimp-EAGA Summit)

ASEAN Secretariat News
  Surin Pitsuwan: Strengthening the Secretariat –the Heart of ASEAN , Phnom Penh, 4 April, 2012
  Cambodian Urges ASEAN to Focus on Integration, Especially on People-Centered Issues , Phnom Penh, 4 April, 2012

Nineteenth ASEAN Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 14-19 November 2011
  Speech H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia, at theASEAN Business and Investment Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  Speech H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia, at the Opening Ceremony of the 19th ASEAN Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011 (Unofficial translation)

Documents adopted by Leaders
  Declaration of the 6th East Asia Summit on ASEAN Connectivity, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  Declaration of the 6th East Asia Summit on the Principles for Mutually Beneficial Relations, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  ASEAN-Japan Plan of Action 2011-2015, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Joint Declaration for Enhancing ASEAN-Japan Strategic Partnership for Prospering Together, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on Cooperation in Flood Prevention, Mitigation, Relief, Recovery and Rehabilitation, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  Bali Declaration on ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations, “Bali Concord III”, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  Bali Declaration on the Enhancement of the Role and Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on Climate Change to the 17th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (COP17) and the 7th Session of the Conference of Parties serving as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP7), Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  ASEAN Declaration of Commitment: Getting To Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination, Zero AIDS-Related Deaths, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011

Documents noted by Leaders
  ASEAN Roadmap for the Attainment of Millenium Development Goals, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  The ASEAN Framework for Equitable Economic Development
  ASEAN Framework for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Documents issued by the Chair/Co-Chair
  Chairman’s Statement of the 6th East Asia Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011

  Co-Chairs’ Statement of the 4th ASEAN-UN Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  Chairman’s Statement of the 9th ASEAN-India Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  Joint Declaration of Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the UN, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  Chairman’s Statement of the 14th ASEAN-China Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Chairman’s Statement of the 14th ASEAN-Japan Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Chairman’s Statement of the 14th ASEAN-Republik of Korea Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Chairman’s Statement of the 14th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Chair’s statement of the 19th ASEAN Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011

Documents signed by Ministers
  Declaration on ASEANUnity in Cultural Diversity: Towards Strengthening ASEAN Community , Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN CoordinatingCentre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2011
  ASEAN Declaration of Consent to the Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia by the Federative Republic of Brazil, Bali, Indonesia, 16 November 2011
  Declaration on Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia by the Federative Republic of Brazil, Bali, Indonesia, 16 November 2011
  Rules of Procedures for Conclusion of International Agreement by ASEAN

Joint Statements
  Joint Statement of the 3rd ASEAN-U.S. Leaders’ Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Joint Statement of the 14th ASEAN-China Summit to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Dialogue Relations, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011

ASEAN Secretariat News
  Photo Release: CPR and Obama Photo at 19th ASEAN Summit, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  Summits Close with Promises of Closer Cooperation, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011

Eighteenth ASEAN Summit, Jakarta, 7-8 May 2011
  Speech by H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia, at the Opening of the 18th ASEAN Summit, Jakarta, 7 May 2011

Documents adopted by the ASEAN Leaders
  ASEAN Leaders’ Joint Statement on the ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations, Jakarta, 8 May 2011
  ASEAN Leaders’ Joint Statement on the Establishment of an ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, Jakarta, 8 May 2011
  ASEAN Leaders’ Joint Statement in Enhancing Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons in South East Asia, Jakarta, 8 May 2011

Documents issued by the Chair
  Chairman’s Statement 18th ASEAN Summit, Jakarta, 8 May 2011

ASEAN Secretariat News
  ASEAN Leaders Welcome Proposal to Bid for FIFA World Cup, Jakarta, 9 May 2011
  “Yes, ASEAN is our roots, origin and success,” SaysYouths, Jakarta, 8 May 2011
  ASEAN and AIPA to Continue Engagement, as Both Explore Best Ways to Complement Each Other, Jakarta, 8 May 2011
ASEAN Governments and CSOs Set for Closer Partnership in March towards 2015, Jakarta, 8 May 2011
  ASEAN Must Be Nimble Enough to Face the Challenges and Seize Opportunities of New Century, Urged Indonesian President, Jakarta, 7 May 2011
  Ministers Discuss Implementation Progress of AEC Blueprint, Jakarta, 7 May 2011

  ASEAN Secretariat to Get More Space in Jakarta, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  Closer Cooperation between ASEAN, UN Secretariats, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  ASEAN-China Further Liberalises Trade in Services, Bali, Indonesia, 19 November 2011
  ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Centre Launched, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Advancing Forestry Cooperation in International Year of Forest 2011, Bali, Indonesia, 18 November 2011
  Brazil Signs TAC, Bali, Indonesia, 16 November 2011
  Join the Secretary-General of ASEAN on the Internet to Discuss the Summits, Bali, Indonesia, 16 November 2011
  Thailand Deposits Instrument of Ratification of the Third Protocol to the TAC, Bali, Indonesia, 15 November 2011

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