§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2607202000474600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2020.00757
論文名稱(中文) 國家安全風險與管制之研究-以無人飛行載具發展為例
論文名稱(英文) National Security Risks and Regulations: the Case of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際事務與戰略研究所碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
學年度 108
學期 2
出版年 109
研究生(中文) 林鈺航
研究生(英文) Yu Hang Lin
學號 705330099
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
第二語言別 英文
口試日期 2020-06-30
論文頁數 81頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 曾怡碩
委員 - 李大中
委員 - 林志隆
關鍵字(中) 無人飛行載具
關鍵字(英) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
The Legal and Regulation
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) refers to a powered aerial vehicle that does not need a pilot to operate in the cabin, but automatically controlled by a remote-control system. A UAV system is able to carry out various tasks in a dangerous environment, such as aerial photography, atmospheric monitoring, communication relay, etc. Military wise, a UAV system is able to execute missions such as battle file surveillance, intelligence search, or combat attack. A UAV system is complex that it contains the body, engine, control system, mission payload, wireless transmission, and other subsystems, which is fair to say that this is a micro-integrated and specific aviation engineering product. In a broad sense, an unmanned aerial vehicle can be as small as a remote-controlled aircraft that is familiar to general public. It can be as large as an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that can be deployed as a military weapon. However, what makes an UAV system unique are that this system is designed to perform special missions, and based on the needs, the system will have different payloads and flight characteristics. 
In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles have begun to emerge on the battlefield, and their excellent performance has begun to make many countries pay attention to their potential. Originally, the goal of using UAVs is to save personnel from boring, dangerous or dirty tasks. Due to their excellency, countries have started to develop the use of UAVs for civilian area outside the military. In Taiwan, the development and application of UAVs are mainly within the military science and technology sector, with aerospace technology vendors and academic institutions as partners. In terms of commercialization, it is still limited to aerial photography. Although there are initiatives for agricultural applications, they are still sporadic activities, which are not big enough to generate substantial commercial benefits. While the development of UAVs is booming, the flight safety of the vehicles, national security concerns, and possible impacts on basic human rights have also led to many discussions. The application of UAVs may cause damage to personal properties, legitimacy of weaponizing UAVs, the possibility of leakage of confidential national defense information, and privacy concerns; these are the challenges that need to be addressed when we talk about the commercialization of UAVs. 
In view of the rapid development of the UAVs, the researcher of this study uses historical research and literature analysis to present the history of unmanned aerial vehicles system, its recent development and applications, and concerns related to this new technological invention such as national security, impacts on basic human rights and any possible hidden threats. Further, the researcher examines the legal and regulation frameworks regarding UAVs deployment and applications. Building on these analyses, the researcher provides recommendations for the future development of unmanned aerial vehicles.
第一章	緒論	1
第一節	研究動機	1
第二節	研究目的	2
第三節	文獻探討	3
第四節	研究設計與架構	5
第五節	研究途徑與方法及風險管理	6
第六節	研究限制	6
第七節	章節安排     	7
第二章	無人機歷史發展及軍事應用	9
第一節	無人飛行載具之進程	9
第二節	我國無人機技術發展	13
第三節	中國無人機技術發展	14
第四節	小結	15
第三章	無人機之非軍事應用	16
第一節	防災與災害應變	17
第二節	交通運輸與物流	20
一.	交通運輸方面	20
二.	物流方面	22
第三節	娛樂及報導	24
一.	展演用無人機	24
二.	新聞報導	27
第四節	小結	28
第四章	無人機應用擴增所衍生之風險	29
第一節	安全飛行所面對之風險	29
一.	無人機飛行之安全性考量-網路相關因素	30
二.	無人機飛行之安全性考量-無人機機體本身因素	32
第二節	國家安全	33
一.	軍事、戰鬥領域	34
二.	間接的國家安全面向	36
第三節	隱私權爭議	38
一.	無人機與資訊取得	38
二.	反制無人機侵入	40
第四節	倫理考量	41
第五節	小結	42
第五章	管制層面之挑戰	44
第一節	無人機的管制原則	45
一.	一般責任法	48
二.	刑法	49
第二節	我國與其他國家的法規比較	50
一.	美國	50
二.	歐盟	51
三.	中國	53
四.	台灣	53
第三節	無人機的風險管理	54
第六章	結論與建議	60
第一節	軍事應用上之建議	60
第二節	監控應用上之建議	62
第三節	法規管制上之建議	63
第四節	結論	65
參考文獻	67
一.	中文文獻	67
二.	英文文獻	70
附錄:民用航空法【遙控無人機專章】	76

圖 1、研究架構圖	5
圖 2、雷恩情報偵察機	11
圖 3、MQ-1 掠奪者	12
圖 4、銳鳶(中翔二號)無人機	14
圖 5、救生無人機Auxdron Lifeguard	18
圖 6、英特爾Shooting Star無人機	25
圖 7、MQ-9死神偵察機	35
圖 8、FAA建議如何標示無人機	51
圖 9、風險評估階層圖	58

表格 1、風險分析表       56
一.	中文文獻
(一)	官方文件
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(二)	專書
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(三)	期刊論文
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(四)	博(碩)士論文
(五)	網路資料
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(六)	其他
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