§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2606201913464300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2019.00879
論文名稱(中文) 消費者瘋狂搶購行為之研究
論文名稱(英文) The research of consumers’ buying frenzy behaviors
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際企業學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in International Busines
學年度 107
學期 2
出版年 108
研究生(中文) 黃千慧
研究生(英文) Chien-Huei Huang
學號 706550190
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2019-06-26
論文頁數 61頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 曾忠蕙(136466@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 黃增隆
委員 - 劉怡媛
關鍵字(中) 消費者瘋狂搶購行為
關鍵字(英) Panic-buying Spree for Toilet Paper
Consumer internal psychological factor
price strategy
marketing strategy
market circumstance factors
2018年二月從中台灣民眾間爆發衛生紙搶購熱潮,連國際新聞媒體也對台灣這樣的搶購行為產生好奇,而加以報導。大家應該還記得90年代的葡式蛋塔效應,當時造成一波葡式蛋塔開店及關店風潮,之後陸續又有清玉的「黃金比例」、日本雷神巧克力及美國 Krispy kreme Doughnuts,這樣「一窩蜂」的市場案例不勝枚舉,排隊搶購已經成為台灣常見的社會現象。
研究結果發現: (1)價格策略提供消費者購買動機,然而價格策略對瘋狂搶購行為並沒有絕對的直接影響關係;(2)促銷策略與消費者購物行為與瘋狂搶購有正相關;(3)市場環境因素易造成消費者衝動性購買,與瘋狂搶購行為有正相關;(4)民生用品是最能吸引消費者的瘋狂搶購行為;(5)從眾心理是影響消費者瘋狂搶購行為的主要內在心理因素;(6)促銷策略對企業績效目標的達成有積極正面效益。

In February of 2018, the outbreak of toilet paper rushed among Taiwanese people, and even international presses were curious about such shopping behavior in Taiwan. Everyone should remember the Portuguese-style egg tarts effect in 1990s, which caused a wave of Portuguese-style egg tarts shops open and close continuously in a short time, and later another line-up food of ‘Golden Ration’ Qingyu, a kind of lemonade, a Japanese Raytheon chocolate and Amerian Krispy kreme Doughnuts. Here a numbers of market cases could be mention, crazy trends has become a common Taiwan social phenomenon.
The study made a thought from the toilet paper panic-buying event, and reviewing some past samples of buying frenzy behavior pattern happened in Taiwan in recent years. We try to figure out the impact of causing by the kinds of crazy buying behavior via having an insight into the five cores of concept of price strategy, promotion activities, environment factors, commodity attributes and customers’ internal psychology.
To collect people’s opinions on the factors affecting consumer’s crazy buying behaviors, and compare the current marketing strategies of enterprises executing, we use the questionnaire survey method that sets up the outline of the research with the five major aspects as the core. Also to facilitate the marketing personnel of enterprises to set an effective strategy according to the attributes of the goods and their target market, hopping through the discussion of consumer’s buying frenzy behaviors benefits them to achieve companies’ short-term performance goals in the future, furthermore, maintain the goal of company's sustainable business.
The research’s results show that (1) price strategy provides consumers with purchasing motives, but price strategy has no direct influence on crazy buying behaviors. (2) Promotion strategy is positive related to consumer shopping behavior and crazy buying behavior, (3)Market environment factors are easy to cause consumers to purchase impulsively, and have positive correlations with crazy buying behaviors.(4) Necessities are the most mad product attributes to arouse consumers’ buying spree behaviors. (5)Herd mentality is the main internal psychological factors of affecting consumers’ crazy snapping behavior. (6)The promotion strategy has actively positive effects on the achievement of corporate performance goals.
第一章  緒論	1
第一節 研究(問題/主題)背景	1
第二節 研究動機	2
第三節 研究目的	2
第二章  文獻探討	4
第一節  消費者行為(Consumer Behavior)釋義	4
第二節  導致消費者瘋狂搶購行為的相關影響因素	5
第三章研究設計與實施	13
第一節 研究架構	13
第二節 研究方法	14
第三節 研究工具	14
第四章  資料蒐集及分析	21
第一節 促銷策略績效目標	21
第二節 針對問卷中有參與衛生紙搶購消費行為的分析	24
第三節 問卷中回覆沒有參與衛生紙搶購消費行為的分析	26
第四節 小結	27
第五章  研究結果與建議	37
第一節 研究結論	37
第二節 管理意涵	40
第三節 研究限制	41

圖表1-1研究架構圖	13
圖表1-2衛生紙搶購事件前後,依衛生紙類商品各別銷售業績的變化	22
圖表1-3衛生紙搶購事件前後,衛生紙類別銷售數量的變化	22
圖表1-4比較2017vs2018搶購事件發生前後,某量販通路銷售業績的變化	23
圖表 1-5衛生紙搶購事件後,衛生紙類別售價月平均漲幅的變化	24

表格1-1 影響消費者行為的因素與相關性	4
表格1-2 問卷問題目的及內容	15
表格1-3 問卷個人資料問項參與搶購與沒參與搶購回覆對照表	28
表格1-4 價格策略問項參與搶購與沒參與搶購回覆對照表	28
表格1-5 促銷活動因素參與搶購與沒參與搶購回覆對照表	29
表格1-6 市場環境因素對參與搶購與沒參與搶購回覆對照表	31
表格1-7 商品屬性問項與參與搶購與沒參與搶購回覆對照表	32
表格1-8 消費者心理因素:參與搶購與沒參與搶購回覆對照表	34
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