§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2606200723324500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2007.00842
論文名稱(中文) 口味偏好、購買涉入程度與消費者購物傾向之關聯性探討
論文名稱(英文) The Study of Relationships among the Taste Preference, Purchase Involvement and the Shopping Tendencies of the Consumers
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際貿易學系國際企業學碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of International Trade
學年度 95
學期 2
出版年 96
研究生(中文) 李筱瑩
研究生(英文) Shiao-Ying Li
學號 694480988
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2007-06-04
論文頁數 115頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃志文
委員 - 陳耀竹
委員 - 張俊惠
關鍵字(中) 口味偏好
關鍵字(英) Taste Preference
Purchase Involvement
Shopping Tendencies







In recent years, behavioristic psychologists have drawn the findings that the person who prefers different taste has different personality trait. The social activities and consumption behaviors that the consumers with different personality traits performed could be predicted . It infers that according to the personality traits, it can examine the buying behavior of the individual, and know the style of shopping tendencies. On the other hand, “ Purchase Involvement” also can be an important tool to predict the consumer behavior and distinguish the style of shopping tendencies. However, there are not any studies about the relationships among the taste preference, purchase involvement and the shopping tendencies of the consumers in the foreign or domestic countries. Therefore, the study is a exploratory research to analyze the relationship among the taste preference, purchase involvement and the shopping tendencies of the consumers, and to examine the difference among consumers with different taste preference, purchase involvement levels and shopping tendencies on the demographics.

    The questionnaire survey method was used to collect the taste preference, purchase involvement of the mobile phone, shopping tendencies and demographic data of the students of In-Service Master Program of Business and Management Administration, Tamkang University. Then the data was analyzed by using SPSS software and tried to verify 27 hypotheses. From the study, we have drawn the findings as follow:

1.Consumers with different taste preference were not significantly different on the purchase involvement levels of the mobile phone.   

2.Consumers with high and low purchase involvement levels were significantly different on the Conspicuous-Buying Style, but were not significantly different on the Impulsive-Buying Style, Market Maven Style and Rational-Buying Style. And comparing to the other three styles, the consumers who prefer spicy taste obviously shows more conspicuous. 

3.Consumers with high purchase involvement levels obviously show the shopping tendencies of Conspicuous-Buying Style. And Consumers with low purchase involvement levels obviously show the shopping tendencies of Impulsive-Buying Style.

4.Consumers with different taste preference were not significantly different on the demographics variables including sex, age, job, years of work experience, education, marriage condition and monthly income.

5.Consumers with high and low purchase involvement levels were significantly different on the demographics variables including sex and age.

6.Consumers with different shopping tendencies were significantly different from sex.
目  錄
目    錄……………………………………………………………………I
圖 目 錄…………………………………………………………………III
表 目 錄…………………………………………………………………IV

第一章  緒論.……………………………………………………………1
第一節  研究背景與動機.………………………………………………1
第二節  研究目的.………………………………………………………4
第三節  研究範圍與對象.………………………………………………5
第四節  研究流程.………………………………………………………6

第二章  文獻探討.………………………………………………………7
第一節  味覺之相關研究.………………………………………………7
第二節  涉入理論………………………………………………………11
第三節  生活型態理論…………………………………………………27
第四節  消費者購物傾向………………………………………………37

第三章  研究方法………………………………………………………46
第一節  觀念性架構……………………………………………………46
第二節  變數的操作性定義與衡量……………………………………47
第三節  研究假說………………………………………………………51
第四節  問卷設計………………………………………………………53
第五節  研究對象及抽樣設計…………………………………………57
第六節  資料分析統計方法……………………………………………59

第四章  研究結果與分析………………………………………………61
第一節  樣本結構………………………………………………………61
第二節  購買涉入程度分析……………………………………………65
第三節  購物傾向分析…………………………………………………68
第四節  口味偏好與手機購買涉入程度對購物傾向之分析…………74
第五節  各類型消費者在人口統計變數之差異分析…………………78
第六節  假設檢定結果之彙整…………………………………………94

第五章  結論與建議……………………………………………………96
第一節  研究結果………………………………………………………96
第二節  研究發現………………………………………………………99
第三節  研究限制………………………………………………………101
第四節  後續研究建議…………………………………………………102


圖 目 錄

圖1-1   電信服務用戶數及普及率………………………………………3
圖1-2   本研究流程………………………………………………………6
圖2-1   味蕾的結構圖……………………………………………………8
圖2-2   味覺空間四面體…………………………………………………9
圖2-3   舌表面味蕾的分佈以及對各基本味最敏感的區域……………10
圖2-4   Zaichkowsky(1986)的涉入概念圖.……………………………17
圖2-5   思考可能模式(Elaboration Likelihood Model;ELM).………24
圖2-6   購買涉入與購買決策關係圖……………………………………26
圖2-7   Lazer生活型態階層概念..………………………………………28
圖2-8   生活型態對消費者決策的影響過程……………………………31
圖2-9   生活型態與消費過程……………………………………………32
圖2-10  生活型態對消費者行為的影響.………………………………33
圖2-11  生活型態研究之ㄧ般化架構.…………………………………35
圖3-1   研究架構圖………………………………………………………46
圖4-1   購買涉入分數次數分配圖………………………………………66
表 目 錄

表2-1   各學者對基本味覺之分類………………………………………10
表2-2   各學者對涉入定義彙總表………………………………………12
表2-3   涉入前因衡量構面彙總表………………………………………22
表2-4   消費者購買決策過程……………………………………………23
表2-5   消費者高/低涉入行為之比較..…………………………………25
表2-6   生活型態之定義…………………………………………………29
表2-7   生活型態之構面…………………………………………………36
表2-8   Lesser and Hughes之購物者型態.……………………………40
表2-9   Ohanian & Tashchian對涉入型購物者與娛樂型購物者的特
表2-10  各學者對消費者類型之彙總表.………………………………44
表3-1   口味偏好之問卷設計……………………………………………53
表3-2   手機購買涉入程度之問卷設計…………………………………54
表3-3   生活型態之問卷設計……………………………………………54
表3-4   人口統計變數之問卷設計………………………………………56
表3-5   各系所樣本回收情況彙總表……………………………………58
表4-1   消費者口味偏好分析統計表……………………………………62
表4-2   樣本之人口統計分布情形………………………………………64
表4-3   購買涉入量表之敘述性分析……………………………………65
表4-4   購買涉入分數統計表...…………………………………………67
表4-5   購買涉入程度分組t檢定表..……………………………………67
表4-6   購物傾向之因素分析表…………………………………………69
表4-7   購物傾向因素一之內容…………………………………………69
表4-8   購物傾向因素二之內容…………………………………………70
表4-9   購物傾向因素三之內容…………………………………………71
表4-10  購物傾向因素四之內容.………………………………………71
表4-11  購物傾向因素之信度分析.……………………………………72
表4-12  各集群購物傾向因素之樣本、百分比及平均數檢定表.……72
表4-13  口味偏好與購買涉入程度之卡方檢定表.……………………74
表4-14  口味偏好對購物傾向各構面之單因子變異數分析表.………76
表4-15  口味偏好對炫耀性購物傾向影響之LSD事後多重比較表.…76
表4-16  購買涉入程度與購物傾向類型之卡方檢定表.………………77
表4-17  人口統計變項之新分類表.……………………………………78
表4-18  不同口味偏好的消費者在人口統計變數上之分佈與卡方檢定
表4-19  消費者手機購買涉入程度在人口統計變數上之分佈與卡方檢
表4-20  消費者購物傾向類型在人口統計變數上之分佈與卡方檢定表
表4-21  假設檢定結果之彙總表………………………………………94
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