§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2602201012015200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.00916
論文名稱(中文) 緬甸撣邦跨國性與人類安全之研究︰批判性安全之觀點
論文名稱(英文) A Study of Transnational and Human Security in Shan State, Myanmar: A Critical Security Perspective
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 東南亞研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
學年度 98
學期 1
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 辛心
研究生(英文) Katherine Jane Clague
學號 695260256
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-01-27
論文頁數 208頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林若雩(linjuoyu@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 李瓊莉
委員 - 陳牧民
關鍵字(中) 緬甸
關鍵字(英) Myanmar
Shan state
non-traditional security
transnational security
human security
critical security studies
the Welsh school
drug trade
全球化時期的跨國性安全威脅是種「無邊境的問題」。後冷戰時代,隨著單極(unipolar)世界體系的形成,毒品交易逐漸全球化並且亦傾向集中在所謂「失敗國家」的境內,或者在地理上邊陲的地區。緬甸的情形更是嚴峻,毒品交易在這個失敗邊陲國家中所造成的是更深層的非傳統安全威脅。這種威脅與失敗/邊陲國家之間的複雜關係會發展至今日的現況並非巧合,反而突顯了世界政治與經濟體系的嚴重結構性問題 (UN 2000c:11 在 Bhattacharyya 2005: 92);這樣的情勢亦說明了安全與貧窮之間既根生蒂固又不可否認的關連性。隨著學者和決策者開始承認全球貧富差距的擴大以及發展不良等問題,其實就是引起其跨國性安全威脅之主因,與貧窮相關,以人為中心的議題逐漸被安全化,定位為人類安全威脅。然而,雖人類安全與跨國性安全議題均屬於非傳統安全論述的範圍,但是兩者被安全化的目的、指涉對象和收穫者的差異,使著兩者背後被安全化的意義有所明顯不同。 

『我們現今所處的環境取決於我們過去所選擇的方式(Booth 1991:35)』。於是經由對過去的反省,可作為創造更好未來之基礎。藉由採取批判性理論思維研究緬甸撣邦跨國性與人類安全威脅,筆者跳脫既存的分析框架,發掘其受威脅的地緣政治歷史背景之根源,並探討為何以新現實主義思考所制定的處理措施及政策無法成功達成目標。從解構階段到重建階段,筆者分析國際層次行爲者回應安全的新面向而企圖重建安全措施的兩個例子:毒品交易和愛滋病。從分析目前重建的個案筆者發現:唯有經過安全論述之深化(deepening),在議題上的擴展才能真正處理當地多面向的威脅來源。由這新的視角可進一步探討如何真正處理從結構或歷史背景而產生的錯誤,繼而在最後提出以人類安全主流化作為解決撣邦地區非傳統安全威脅背後的根源問題之未來途徑。

A new generation of trans-national security threats facing us in this Globalised era are borderless in nature; emerging from a remapping of the globe along unipolar lines following the end of the cold war, the illegal drug trade for example has gradually developed into a globalised industry, and the production of this trade has orientated itself towards the territory of so called failed states or economically and geopolitically marginalised areas.  The situation in the Shan State, Myanmar, is an exaggerated version of this, as the country’s chronic drug trade has not only deepened and diversified but also led to the emergence of a string of other non-traditional security threats all fuelled by the characteristic poverty and marginalisation of this problem area.  The complex connection between this new generation of security threats on the one side and failed or marginalized states on the other is not after all a coincidence but rather an indication of the deep-seated structural problems laying often dormant within the World political and economic system (UN 2000c:11 Bhattacharyya 2005: 92), revealing a deep and undeniable link between security and poverty.  In recent years many of these human centred, poverty fuelled security threats have been defined in international security literature as part of a human security discourse.  However, despite the fact that trans-national and human security are both part of this new non-traditional security discourse, they are in reality drastically different in terms of motivation and referent object for their securitization.       

With the Welsh School of Critical Security Studies (CSS) as its theoretical base, this thesis argues that any discussion of constructing new security measures at a localized level should be contingent on the deconstructing of the top-down hegemony which currently exists in mainstream security discourse. By stepping out of the given local and global framework, this critical project has sought out the roots of insecurity in the geopolitical historical context of Myanmar’s Shan States: the deep-seated conflict existing between the indigenous collective images of the region and the modern shared inter-subjective ideas which have become the ‘reality’ of the realist school of security studies.  Following this process of deconstruction, this paper analyzes two attempts at an international level to reconstruct security measures for addressing trans-national security threats in the light of their roots in poverty and underdevelopment: the drug trade and HIV/AIDS. Through probing into the counterproductive effects of realist informed measures and policies, formulated in response to the emergence of these trans-national security threats, it becomes evident that only by first deepening the security discourse to include human-centred means with emancipatory ends, can policymakers and actors begin to address the multiple sources of insecurity threatening the Shan State which have been highlighted by the broadening of security to include new non-traditional issues.  

Finally this thesis discusses the potential of mainstreaming human security as a future direction for policymakers and security actors alike. Emphasising the dual advantages of this approach in its potential to improve the human security situation in the region and in turn reduce the amount of trans-national threats emerging from its borders, while at the same time working to restore both the Shan State and Myanmar to their respective political communities through a process of communicative action; while through the process of promoting cooperation and interaction between national and local governments and civil society within Myanmar, taking the first tentative step in establishing a bottom-up political community for the future.
序 …………………………………………………………………III
第一章:緒論 ……………………………………………………1
第一節:研究動機 ………………………………………………3
第三節:文獻回顧 ………………………………………………….13
         二、理論架構: 研究範例與觀點……………………24
	三、研究方法 …………………………………………31
四、研究範圍與限制 ……………………………………………34
第二章:從解構撣邦歷史發展對「人」的安全所造成的威脅,揭示跨國性安全威脅之歷史根源 …38
第二節: 撣邦居民的權利和自決權因殖民時代而遭到弱化………42
第三節:撣邦地區成為後殖民時期外來勢力常劫掠和剝削之對象 47
第四節: 以撣邦封閉狀態為全球化時期「無邊境問題」之來源…54
第四章: 以愛滋病毒/愛滋病因應措施為建立合作平台的共同目標…100
第三節:緬甸政府之角色 …………………………………………114
第六章:結論 ……………………………………………………….167
第一節:研究發現 ………………………………………………..167
參考獻  ………………………………………………………….184
附錄  ……………………………………………………………….201
縮寫字表  ………………………………………………………… 205
中英特殊詞表  …………………………………………………… 207

1.1 安全研究範圍之比較…………………………………………24
3.1 2004 – 2008年撣邦種植罌粟面積之分布圖…………………78
3.2 原無種植和原有種植罌粟村莊之負債比較…………………83
3.3 毒品氣球效應…………………………………………………87
5.1 三層次安全威脅的惡性循環…………………………………133

3.1 原有種植罌粟村莊的稻米短缺程度…………………………79


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