§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2601201513405900
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2015.00872
論文名稱(中文) 英語學習標的推薦機制設計
論文名稱(英文) A design of English learning target recommender mechanism
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊工程學系博士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
學年度 103
學期 1
出版年 104
研究生(中文) 季振忠
研究生(英文) Chen-Chung Chi
學號 895410115
學位類別 博士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2015-01-26
論文頁數 83頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 郭經華
委員 - 陳孟彰
委員 - 郭經華
委員 - 石貴平
委員 - 張志勇
委員 - 楊接期
關鍵字(中) 餘弦相似度
關鍵字(英) Cosine similarity
Article recommender system
Document readability
有鑑於目前「數位原生世代」學習者,相較於「數位原生世代」學習者,更愛用3 C(電腦、通訊、消費型電子)產品與社群網路服務的特性,本研究所設計的學習標的推薦系統,為了要迎合這些數位原生世代學習者的學習需求,亦結合YouTube與Facebook等強大的社群網路服務,並引入IWill這個以高中生為主的英語學習平台中的學習者資料,以學習者語料庫分群的機制,嘗試分析這個學習族群的字彙能力,據以提供更精確的推薦。
For many EFL (English as Foreign Language) learners, reading English articles or listening to music has always been a good way to improve their English proficiency. However, it’s always not easy to find appropriate learning target for fulfill learners’ interest and vocabulary ability.
Nowadays most learners are “digital natives.” Compared to the characteristics the “digital immigrants”, the “digital natives” are used to using 3C (computers, communications, and consumers) products. Therefore this approach tries to develop a learning target recommender system that combine powerful social network – Youtube and Facebook, and import learner corpus – IWill (an English learners’ learning platform), tries to clustering the vocabulary characteristic this corpus to find out learners’ vocabulary using trend, therefore recommend appropriate learning target for learners.
Two parts have been implemented in this approach. The first part is to describe the vocabulary difficulty filtering mechanism, and then use it to choose and recommend appropriate learning target for English learners; The second part is applied this mechanism to recommend music video via mobile device or web browser, the design of the proposed recommend system has focused on the study of correlation word of Verb-Noun, let learners can learning by watch dynamic displaying lyrics sentence by sentence, and listen music audio at the same time; This proposed system fetching worth learning collocation words by calculating mutual information of corpus, and then provide a practice tool for improve both reading and listening skill.
Table of Contents
List of Figures	VII
List of Tables	IX
Chapter 1. Introduction	1
1.1 Related work	1
1.2 The purpose and contribution of this study	7
1.3 Introduce of the remain section	9
Chapter 2. Text databases and research tools	11
2.1 Text databases	12
2.1.1 Vocabulary Sets	12
2.1.2 Text Databases	13
2.2 Research Tools	14
2.2.1 Natural Language Processing Toolkit: NLTK	14
2.2.2 Data Mining Toolkit: Orange	14
2.2.3 Open ID Toolkit: Facebook Graph API	18
2.3 Document readability estimation formula	20
2.3.1 Automated Readability Index (ARI)	20
2.3.2 Coleman-Liau Index (CLI)	21
2.3.3 Flesch-Kincaid readability test / Flesch Reading Ease	22
2.3.4 Gunning Fog Index	23
2.3.5 SMOG and SMOG Index	24
2.4 Natural language processing	26
2.4.1. Document preprocessing	26
2.4.2. POS Tagging	26
2.4.3. Lemmatizing:	26
2.5 Mutual Information and Collocation database	28
2.5.1 Mutual Information	28
2.5.2 Collocation and Mis-Collocation	29
Chapter 3. Mechanism overview	33
3.1 Design a text-reading recommendation system	33
3.1.1 Natural Language Process Preprocessing	35
3.1.2. Feature Extraction Mechanism by IR Models	35
3.1.3. Find document patterns in Stage i+1 and make recommendation	40
3.2. Design a Music Video Recommendation System	44
3.2.1. Login process for keeping personal information	44
3.2.2. Web-based music video recommendation list and playing interface	44
3.2.3. Collocation Databases	46
3.2.4 Applied Text database	46
3.2.5. Lyrics’ vocabulary difficulty evaluation	46
Chapter 4. Mechanism Performance Evaluation	48
4.1 The evaluation of the text-reading recommendation system	49
4.1.1 The system’s ability to identify stage i + 1 level articles appropriate for learners	49
4.1.2 The article source differentiation accuracy of the system	51
4.1.3 The rationality of system-recommended online English news articles for certain learner populations	53
4.1.4 Analyze essays in the iWill learners’ corpus using document difficulty formula	56
4.1.5 System extension application in identifying articles written with superior abilities	57
4.2 The implement of the music video recommendation system	60
4.2.1 User interface	62
4.2.2 Quiz in lyrics	63
4.2.3. Lyrics’ clustering based on vocabulary difficulty estimation	64
4.2.4 Correlation relationship estimation between document difficulty and learners’ feedback	65
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work	70
Bibloigraphy	75

List of Figures
Figure 1 Screenshot of Search Interface for Finding Appropriate Readings.	6
Figure 2 Search results and analysis of readability (E. Miltsakaki et al., 2009)	6
Figure 3  Proportions of examinees from different age groups for GEPT in 2010.	12
Figure 4  Data mining tools: Orange interface	17
Figure 5  Login process – connected to the Facebook Graph API	19
Figure 6  User authentication – using the FaceGraph API	19
Figure 7  Gunning Fog Index algorithm.	24
Figure 8  Data collect flowchart in proposed collocation database.	31
Figure 9  A data fragment in collocation database.	31
Figure 10  Average MI of the collocation database	32
Figure 11  The recommendation making procedure in the reading target recommendation system.	34
Figure 12  Similarity between words from GEPT level 6 and SHSETs	40
Figure 13  A classifier accuracy estimation flowchart	41
Figure 14  The system ask learner to answer a quiz.	45
Figure 15  The system leaves feedback message to learner.	45
Figure 16  The system architecture: music video recommender.	47
Figure 17  Document classification accuracy compared	52
Figure 18  Difficulty score distribution from three text databases	54
Figure 19  Document clustering result (fetched from iWill learners’ corpus)	57
Figure 20  Average cosine similarity comparison between the 100 well-written articles and the nonselected articles (word frequency model)	59
Figure 21  Average cosine similarity comparison between the best 100 well-written articles and the nonselected articles (Boolean model)	59
Figure 22  An example for candidate lists of word-pair options.	63
Figure 23  Clustering result by analyze lyrics’ vocabulary difficulty.	64
Figure 24  Correlation relationship Between document difficulty and learners’ feedback	67
Figure 25  Correlation relationship between right-ratio of quiz and feedback from learner (N=28, r=-0.69)	69

List of Tables
Table 1  Categories of Orange widgets and functions	16
Table 2  Index score & description of Flesch Reading Ease Score method.	23
Table 3  GEPT level vocabulary covered ratio (before lemmatizing)	27
Table 4  GEPT level vocabulary covered ratio (after lemmatizing)	27
Table 5  Two example documents	37
Table 6  Similarity scores between documents and vocabulary sets	37
Table 7  Document features (obtained by applying the Boolean IR model)	38
Table 8  Raw data		42
Table 9  Evaluation results for the accuracy of classifiers.	50
Table 10  The confusion matrix	51
Table 11  Measurement methods in educational criteria for RS in TEL	61
Table 12  An evaluation framework for Recommendation System	74
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