§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2507201615063800
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2016.00853
論文名稱(中文) 服務傳遞過程中關鍵服務人員特徵對忠誠度的影響研究
論文名稱(英文) The Impact of Critical Service Providers’ Characteristics on Loyalty during Service Delivery
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 企業管理學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Business Administration
學年度 104
學期 2
出版年 105
研究生(中文) 楊子嫻
研究生(英文) Tzu-Hsien Yang
學號 603610014
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2016-05-31
論文頁數 98頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 羅惠瓊
委員 - 池文海
委員 - 李月華
關鍵字(中) 服務人員特徵
關鍵字(英) Service Providers’ Characteristics
Service Provider Relationship Quality
Customer Loyalty
Business Model.
Because of the economic abundance and life styles improvement, the management direction of the Taiwan beauty services industry is constantly changing, transiting from simple facial beauty to extensive whole body makeup, as well as leisurely body relaxation massage. It means that beauty salon provides not only just a facial skin care service but also a whole body skin care, massage. Such a change makes the present beauty characteristics different from the past one.  
  In addition to the intensive one-to-one service, being a standard in the past, the present beauty service emphasizes the characteristics of intimate customer-beautician interaction and the customer-oriented of long-term service. Consequently, the beauty service providers play an extra important role to entertain and serve the customers. Customers are usually sensitive and impressed to the characteristics of the beauty service providers during the long-term service.
  Past research has found that customers will pay attention to the characteristics of the beauty service providers as criteria to evaluate the extent of service satisfaction.  As a usual, the beauty salon films are more able to maintain long-term relationships with customers when they acquire higher positive evaluation on the beauty service providers, who are just the constituent of the films. It is apparent that the characteristics of the beautician are the key to build long-term relationships with customers, as well as are closely related to the success of the beauty salon films. Thus, this research will take advantage of the concept of the Relationship Quality in order to establish one quality model, which is suitable to study the Relationship Quality of beauty service providing process. Further, the influence of the characteristics of the beauty service providers on the Relationship Quality and Loyalty is studied while customers are in the process of beauty service.
  The paper questionnaires in this study include 421 valid copies, out of total 483 surveys, done on experienced grooming customers in Taoyuan. The analysis reveals (1) that the characteristics of empathy, politeness, professionalism, experience are the important to beauty service providers. The professionalism is the most criterion; (2) that the Service Providers’ Characteristics will affect the customer loyalty, by means of the Relationship Quality; and (3) that the Service Providers’ Characteristics is the most dominant factor to affect the service provider’s Relationship Quality.
  This study gives beauty salon films some suggestions as follows: (1) to use suitable persons and then culture them to be beauticians, who have inherent characteristics of beauty service; (2) to culture those persons who are helpful to set up good customer relationship; as well as (3) to reduce the resign rate of good employees. To allow employees to show proper and adequate features, and then establish a good Relationship Quality with customers, in exchange for the long-term customer loyalty. These actions will be helpful for the operation of beauty salons.
目錄	I
表目錄	III
圖目錄	V
第一章 緒論	1
1.1 研究背景與動機	1
1.2 研究目的	5
1.3 研究流程	6
第二章 文獻探討	7
2.1 服務人員特徵	7
2.2 關係品質	14
2.3 顧客忠誠度	24
2.4 服務人員特徵、關係品質、顧客忠誠度之關係	30
2.5 美容服務產業介紹	35
第三章 研究方法	43
3.1 研究架構	43
3.2 研究假說	44
3.3 研究變數之操作性定義與衡量方式	47
3.4 研究設計	52
3.5 資料分析方式	54
第四章 資料分析	56
4.1樣本之敘述性統計分析	56
4.2各構面之敘述性統計分析	58
4.3相關分析	61
4.4結構方程模式分析	62
4.5 假說檢定結果與討論	74
第五章 結論與建議	76
5.1研究結論	76
5.2管理意涵與研究貢獻	77
5.3研究限制與建議	80
參考文獻	81
附錄	95

表2-1關係品質的定義	16
表2-2關係品質的構面	17
表2-3顧客忠誠度的定義	24
表2-4顧客忠誠度的衡量方式	27
表2-5美容服務產業之分類	35
表2-6一般坊間專業美容沙龍保養課程內容與療效	38
表3-1服務人員特徵之衡量問項表	49
表3-2服務人員關係品質之衡量問項表	50
表3-3對服務人員之忠誠之衡量問項表	51
表3-4對公司之忠誠之衡量問項表	51
表3-5各構面之前測信度分析結果	53
表4-1樣本資料統計	57
表4-2受訪者至美容院的消費現況分析	58
表4-3服務人員特徵之敘述統計分析	59
表4-4服務人員關係品質之敘述統計分析	60
表4-5服務人員忠誠度之敘述統計分析	61
表4-6各構面之相關分析結果	62
表4-7服務人員特徵之驗證性因素分析結果	64
表4-8服務人員關係品質之驗證性因素分析結果	65
表4-9顧客忠誠度之驗證性因素分析結果	66
表4-10各構面之區別效度	66
表4-11服務人員特徵之區別效度	67
表4-12服務人員關係品質之區別效度	67
表4-13配適度指標說明	68
表4-14整體模式配適度檢定結果	69
表4-15結構方程模式路徑分析與假說驗證結果表	70
表4-16衡量變項之解釋力	71
表4-17服務人員關係品質之中介效果檢驗結果	71
表4-18「經營型態」的個別群組配適度檢測	73
表4-19不同「經營型態」的非限定與限定模式比較	74
表4-20假說檢定結果	75

圖2-1Gronroos(1990)服務傳遞系統	8
圖2-2Surprenant, Solomon and Czepiel(1985)服務接觸模型	9
圖2-3Crosby, Evans and Cowles(1990)關係品質模式	20
圖2-4Lagace, Dahlstrom and Gassenheimer(1991)關係品質模式	21
圖2-5Kim and Cha (2002)關係品質模式	22
圖2-6Rauyruen and Miller(2007)關係品質模式	23
圖2-7臉部美容服務傳遞流程	39
圖3-1研究架構圖	43
圖4-1模式之路徑分析圖	69
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