§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2506201415171700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2014.01010
論文名稱(中文) 從美國印地安保留區看印地安原住民族的過去現在與未來
論文名稱(英文) Past, Present and Future of American Indians on Indian Reservations in U.S.A.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Master's Program, Graduate Institute of the Americas
學年度 102
學期 2
出版年 103
研究生(中文) 劉興民
研究生(英文) Hsing-Min Liu
學號 697250115
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2014-06-16
論文頁數 91頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 紀舜傑
委員 - 李本京
委員 - 石忠山
關鍵字(中) 印地安人
關鍵字(英) Indian
American natives
Indian reservations
Tribal government
Red Power
Reviewing history, the conflicts between Whites and Indian have never stopped since Europeans came to Americas in 16th century. There were many Indian tribes being slaved or massacred by Whites in order to seize their lands. They were forced to leave their homelands, and their ways of lifestyle, religions, cultures almost were destroyed. The conflicts in between were not solved even at the beginning period of USA built. The reservation system became a solution of easing the conflicts between Whites and Indians. However, there were no big differences on the federal Indian policies for appeasement from founding father, President Washington to the following successors. The purpose of Indian reservation policy not only preserves Indian tribes a place to live but also hope to achieve tribal self-government so their culture could be passed down. Nowadays the policy considered “beneficial” to Indians (from Whites’ point of view) results a lot of problems. The Indians on reservations live in a poor situation, and a lot of youngers have to leave reservation to big cities. Many doubts remain in the preservation of Indian cultures. It seems the peaceful people who living in a harmony with nature are drowning in the mainstream. Is it an end for Indian reservations? 
    First chapter includes motivation, questions, purposes, method, and structure of my research. Second chapter reviews American history of Indians and Indian reservation. Indians were treated unfairly by European colonists such as massacre, banishment and robbery. The allotment and assimilation were later policies after US federal government settled. Third chapter introduces the evolution history of Indian self-government and Indian culture preservation. Indian social movement and Red Power accelerate the making of tribal self-government. Native language and culture preservation are also important actions on Indian reservations. Fourth chapter indicates several serious problems on Indian reservations, such as poverty, unemployment, etc. Half of Indian populations immigrated to big cities, losing their identity of being an Indian and wandering between traditional and modern society. The system of reservation is collapsing and the future of Indians is obscure. Fifth chapter brings the conclusion of my research. Although many problems waiting to be solved on reservations, the true value and meaning need to work on together by Indians and non-Indians in the future.
目  錄
第一章	緒論                                          
第一節	研究動機與目的………………………………...………….1
第二節	文獻探討…………………………………………..………..5
第三節	研究方法與研究架構……………………………………..9

第二章	美國印地安原住民與印地安保留區設立的歷史沿革
第一節	美國印地安原住民與來自歐洲新移民的衝突………....11
第二節	聯邦政府對印地安原住民的政策與保留區的設置……17
第三節	二十世紀美國印地安原住民的生活概況………………23

第三章	美國印地安保留區自治與印地安原住民文化傳承
第一節	二次大戰後美國印地安保留區的自治發展……..……..29
第二節	印地安保留區的母語教育與文化保存……………...….35
第三節	保留區對印地安經濟的正面意義與負面影響…………41

第四章	美國印地安保留區之未來展望
第一節	保留區部落與州及聯邦政府之間的關係………………53
第二節	印地安原住民的族群認同與社會運動…………...…….61
第三節	二十世紀以來美國的印地安政策分析…………..……..67

第五章 結論……………………………………………………………..75

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