§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2502201914400900
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2019.00815
論文名稱(中文) 運用深度學習於網路入侵檢測之探討
論文名稱(英文) Conducting Network Intrusion Detection with Enhanced Deep Learning
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 電機工程學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
學年度 107
學期 1
出版年 108
研究生(中文) 吳東燁
研究生(英文) Dong-Ye Wu
學號 605450195
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2019-01-04
論文頁數 70頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 莊博任
委員 - 陳省隆
委員 - 許獻聰
關鍵字(中) 入侵檢測系統
關鍵字(英) Intrusion Detection System
Deep learning
Machine Learning
Anomaly detection
Feature selection
Attack detection
Computer network security
With the rapid development of information and communication in recent years, the amount of transmission used by people increase. In addition, a large number of internet of things devices are entering the market, which also results in a large amount of data transmission. With the generation of these flows, intrusion detection systems will be challenged.

In recent years, research has found that the challenges encountered by intrusion detection systems can be divided into the following categories: (1) the volume of data both stored and passing through networks continues to increase; (2) the depth of intrusion detection systems; (3) a variety of protocols and data. These three problems are the main challenges of intrusion detection systems in recent years. The first reason for the large amount of data generated in the network is the rapid development of the information and communication industry in recent years. The development of internet of things devices is also increasingly diversified, resulting in a large number of devices into the market. As a result, a large amount of information is transmitted over the network, and the data in the network becomes even larger. This will impose a burden on the intrusion detection system, because a large number of traffics in the transmission process, needs to be more intensive to deal with a large number of traffics. Even with the improvement in computing performance, it is still not enough to cope with the increasing traffic. In terms of the detection depth of intrusion detection system, in order to improve the effectiveness and accuracy of intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system can no longer rely on some simple or obvious features to identify whether the traffic is an attack. Must be able to observe and detect in greater depth, which means that intrusion detection system needs to observe more characteristics.

This paper proposes the method of deep learning to solve the imbalance of intrusion detection data set. We use deep variational autoencoders to generate new data to balance the unbalanced dataset. The balanced data can reduce the deviation of classifier in training because of the imbalance of data. In addition, we used a balanced dataset to train the deep autoencoder. By using the depth autoencoder to compress the features of the essential features, we can remove the redundant parts of the features. This will enable us to classify data more accurately. Experimental results show that classification accuracy is better when balanced datasets are used. Coupled with the use of the balanced dataset trained by the feature compression model, we can get better accuracy. Compared to unbalanced datasets, we have better robustness against unknown attacks. We can also solve the problem of over-fitting in the training of the model caused by the imbalance of various types of data. This will ensure that our intrusion detection model will not misjudge new types of data because they are not in the training data set.

第一章、緒論	1
1.1 研究背景	1
1.2 研究動機	2
1.3 論文架構	4
第二章、相關研究背景	5
2.1入侵檢測系統	5
2.1.1主機型入侵檢測系統	6
2.1.2網路型入侵檢測系統	7
2.2 主機型與網路型入侵檢測系統的比較	8
2.3 入侵檢測系統的挑戰	10
2.4 入侵檢測系統技術	10
2.4.1 統計異常的方法	11
2.4.2 基於規則	11
2.4.3 人工神經網路	11
2.4.4 自動編碼機(Autoencoder)	12
2.4.5 變分自動編碼機(Variational Autoencoder)	15
2.5 自動編碼器結合深度學習	18
第三章、提出之新方法	20
3.1 NSL-KDD Dataset	21
3.2 資料的前處理	24
3.2.1 One-hot編碼[25]	25
3.2.2 特徵值標準化	26
3.3平衡資料生成模型	27
3.4平衡資料收集	31
3.5使用平衡資料訓練特徵壓縮模型	35
3.6 平衡資料最佳化	38
第四章、模擬評估	38
4.1實驗環境	38
4.2訓練與測試資料	39
4.3面對未知資料的編碼評估	43
4.4入侵檢測系統評價指標	45
4.4.1混淆矩陣	46
4.4.2評估指標	48
4.5特徵壓縮模型比較	51
4.5.1 有無特徵壓縮模型與平衡資料分類	51
4.5.2 平衡資料準確率提升討論	53
4.5.3 特徵轉換壓縮成度對模型的影響	54
4.6 資料的生成數量的評估	56
4.7 神經網路層數量對準確度的影響	59
4.8 討論	60
第五章、結論與未來工作	62
參考文獻	65

圖2.1、傳統網路架構	5
圖2.2、主機型入侵檢測系統	7
圖2.3、網路型入侵檢測系統	8
圖2.4、傳統自動編碼器	14
圖2.5 變分自動編碼器	17
圖2.6 深度學習模型	18
圖2.7 深度自動編碼器	19
圖3.1、自動編碼器架構	28
圖3.2、變分自動編碼器架構	29
圖3.3、變分自動編碼器形狀	30
圖3.4、生成平衡資料集	32
圖3.5、使用平衡資料訓練的自動編碼器	36
圖3.6、入侵檢測系統分類模型	37
圖4.1 變分自動編碼器架構	41
圖4.2訓練資料集和平衡資料集與測試資料集間的比較	42
圖4.3、使用平衡資料和未平衡資料訓練自動編碼機的比較	45

表2.1主機型和網路型入侵檢測系統的比較[5]	9
表3.1 NSL-KDD資料集的特徵	24
表3.2轉換前的資料特徵	26
表3.3 轉換後的資料特徵	26
表3.4、攻擊型態與攻擊類別的對應	33
表3.5 平衡訓練資料集與原始訓練資料集的數量比較	35
表4.1 運算環境規格	39
表4.2 訓練資料集與測試資料集各類別數量	40
表4.3 各類別資料生成組數	42
表4.4 使用平衡資料訓練特徵壓縮模型的入侵檢測系統	47
表4.5 使用未平衡資料訓練特徵壓縮模型的入侵檢測系統	48
表4.6 五種分類的分類評價指標結果	50
表4.7、特徵壓縮模型與平衡資料集對傳統機器學習分類器的影響	52
表4.8 各類別準確率的提升的影響	54
表4.9、特徵壓縮程度對入侵檢測系統準確率所產生的影響	56
表4.10 訓練資料平衡程度對模型的影響	58
表4.11 訓練資料平衡對模型訓練時間的影響	59
表4.12 訓練資料縮放比例程度對模型的影響	59
表4.13 減少神經網路層數中不同神經元對準確率的影響	60
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