§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2502201109533200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00890
論文名稱(中文) 虛擬社群資訊分享行為—以美容社群為例
論文名稱(英文) Information Sharing of the Virtual Community – A Case Study of the Cosmetics Website
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊與圖書館學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Information and Library Science
學年度 99
學期 1
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 蔡至欣
研究生(英文) Chih-Hsin Tsai
學號 696000172
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-12-27
論文頁數 132頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 賴玲玲
委員 - 林素甘
委員 - 葉乃靜
關鍵字(中) 虛擬社群
關鍵字(英) virtual community
information sharing
The Internet has helped the development of virtual communities, which increases opportunities for information sharing. Information sharing is a natural and common behavior in information behavior. This research takes the approach of netnography and intensive interviews to investigate cosmetics website’s information sharing. The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows. The virtual community can attract people for information sharing, but the motivation of sharing is affected greatly by the community members and the quality of sharing; members respect and value personal experience sharing, which in turn affects their sharing; the quality sharing of information can encourage other members’ contribution, which further strengthens and extends the information; members use a variety of online sharing platforms to assess information obtained from different channels; members value the information obtained, and would share again with other people; roles and contributions of the community members might change and increase, but the opposite might happen if the sharing quality becomes poor.
Based on the results of the study, suggestions are proposed for managers of virtual communities and the library to consider: 1. virtual communities can adopt incentive system to stimulate information sharing among members; on the other hand, warning system should also be set up to maintain good quality of sharing; 2. libraries are advised to pay more attention on developing virtual communities to increase users’ interaction. The following suggestions are made for future researchers to consider when embarking on related questions: 1. to investigate different online sharing platforms; 2. to research the information sharing by different groups, different conditions, and subjects. 3. to study the role of information sharing in information behavior; 4. to investigate how trust between the researcher and the members of the community can be obtained to facilitate research regarding the virtual community.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的與問題5
第三節 名詞解釋6
第四節 研究成果7
第五節 研究限制7
第二章 文獻探討9
第一節 虛擬社群9
第二節 資訊分享行為	25
第三節 虛擬社群的資訊與知識分享36
第三章 研究方法51
第一節 研究方法介紹	51
第二節 研究網站55
第三節 資料蒐集與分析60
第四節 研究流程71
第四章 資料詮釋73
第一節 資訊分享的動機73
第二節 資訊分享的類型與來源80
第三節 資訊分享內容的評估與運用86
第四節 不同類型資訊分享平台94
第五節 資訊分享模式	97
第六節 綜合討論105
第五章 結論與建議115
第一節 結論115
第二節 建議118
參考文獻	123

表2-1 虛擬社群常見功能19
表2-2 虛擬社群會員不同階段之資訊和知識分享48
表3-1 Fashion Guide 網站事紀56
表3-2 Fashion Guide網站會員分類表62
表3-3 Fashion Guide討論區話題張貼與回應分享編碼參考表66
表3-4 Fashion Guide受訪者簡介68
表3-5 訪談逐字稿編碼參考表70
表4-1 Fashion Guide討論區的資訊分享類型表81
表4-2 不同類型分享平台差異表114

圖1-1 台灣歷年經常上網人口情況2
圖1-2 2009年1月至2010年1月時尚美容網站到達率4
圖2-1 虛擬社群的六大構成要素	17
圖2-2 會員發展階段20
圖2-3 虛擬成員的類型22
圖2-4 合作性資訊行為27
圖2-5 網路社群資訊交換行為之態樣45
圖2-6 虛擬社群成員互動模式46
圖3-1 Fashion Guide網站首頁57
圖3-2 Fashion Guide 討論區以Beauty討論區為例58
圖3-3 Fashion Guide討論區列表58
圖3-4 Fashion Guide討論區網友發言格式59
圖3-5 Fashion Guide 「MyFG個人化服務」60
圖3-6 研究者討論區觀察筆記樣本65
圖3-7 研究者會員觀察筆記樣本65
圖4-1 Fashion Guide討論區個人圖像顯示區89
圖4-2 PTT格式示意圖97
圖4-3 目的性資訊分享模式99
圖4-4 非目的性資訊分享101
圖4-5 Fashion Guide討論區資訊分享模式102
圖4-6 Fashion Guide討論區網友資訊分享模式111
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