§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2501202110422800
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2021.00654
論文名稱(中文) 臺灣與韓國對歷史認知的比較:以日本殖民時期爲主
論文名稱(英文) Historical Consciousness of Taiwan and South Korea: Comparative Studies under the Japanese Colonial Stage
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 臺灣與亞太研究全英語碩士學位學程
系所名稱(英文) Master's Program in Taiwan and Asia-Pacific Studies, College of International Studies (English-Taught Program)
學年度 109
學期 1
出版年 110
研究生(中文) 金大弘
研究生(英文) Daehong Kim
學號 608245030
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2021-01-21
論文頁數 106頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林若雩
委員 - 鄧建邦
委員 - 劉德海
關鍵字(中) 臺灣
關鍵字(英) Taiwan
South Korea
Japanese Colonial Stage
Collective Memory
Taiwan and South Korea are historically very similar. Moreover, two countries share same experience of Japan's colonial rule as well as rapid economic growth since the liberation. However, only historical perceptions of Japan show conflicting attitudes. South Korea is one of the most famous anti-Japanese nations, and Taiwan is a nation that maintains a friendly relationship with Japan. In this study, the paper regards the cause as various medium that intervened in the process of collective memory formation, compares and analyzes the contents that occurred in the process of intervention, and try to investigate the cause. The paper also analyzes the social movements and war crimes that occurred during the Japanese colonial stage including human rights-related issues, and sees how they are interpreted and reconstructed in modern society. By Resolving the history of East Asia based on a biased historical perception, it will seek a solution to the historical conflict.
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction... 1
1.1. Research Motivation ... 4
1.2. Research Methodology... 5
1.3. Objectives and Potential outcomes... 7

Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review ... 10
2.1. Collective Memory ... 11
2.2. Favorable Collective Memory in Taiwan... 17
2.3. Anti-Japanese Tribalism ...18

Chapter Ⅲ Historical Background before the Colonial Stage ... 21
3.1. History of Taiwan before the Japanese Colonial stage ... 21
3.2. The Sino-Japanese War and Treaty of Shimonoseki... 23
3.3. Treaty of Ganghwa and the Eulmi Incident ... 25
3.4. Sudden loss of the country by Japan ... 30

Chapter Ⅳ National Movement and Commemoration ... 33
4.1 Anti-Japanese Movement in Taiwan ... 33
4.2. The March First Movement and Nationalism of South Korea.... 39
4.3. Comfort Women issues in Taiwan and South Korea ... 48
4.4. Chapter Conclusion ... 63

Chapter Ⅴ History Textbook ... 66
5.1. Textbook Composition on the Japanese Colonial Stage ... 67
5.2. Comparison of the Narrative and Description in History Education... 70
5.3 New Joint History Textbook by China, Japan, and South Korea ... 78
5.4. Chapter Conclusion ... 84

Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion ... 88 
6.1. Research Findings ... 88
6.2. Future Studies ... 93

References ... 97
Figure and Appendixes ... 105

List of Figures
Figure 1: Comparison Structure···6
Figure 2: The Picture of Myeongseong···29
Figure 3: The Movie Poster of “Seediq Bale” ···38
Figure 4: The March First Movement···42
Figure 5: The number of protest and the people who joined movement···44
Figure 6: Comparison of Anti-Japanese Movement in both Countries···46
Figure 7: The Statue of Peace···54
Figure 8: Meaning of the Statue of Peace···55
Figure 9: Characteristic of Comfort Women···64
Figure 10: Chapters of Taiwan History Textbook··68
Figure 11: Chapters of Korean History Textbook··· 69
Figure 12: GDP Growth Rates in Asian Countries, 1820~1998···74
Figure 13: The Percentage of Agriculture and Industry in GDP, Korea····75
Figure 14: The Percentage of Agriculture and Industry in GDP, Taiwan··· 76
Figure 15: The Process of Publication of Joint History Textbook··· 80
Figure 16: Levels of Acceptance and Exclusion on the History Textbook····85
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Figure and Appendixes
Figure 2: “The Picture of Myeongseong” https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%98%8E%E6%88%90%E7%9A%87%E5%90%
Figure 3: “The Movie Poster of Seediq Bale” https://kknews.cc/history/xvkvo9q.html
Figure 4: “The March First Movement” http://www.kocis.go.kr/koreanet/view.do?seq=1012505&RN=5
Figure 5: “The number of protest and the people who joined movement” http://db.history.go.kr/
Figure 7: “The Statue of Peace” https://www.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2016/01/08/2016010802181.html
Figure 8: “Meaning of the Statue of Peace” http://womenandwar.net/kr/peace-statue/
Figure 12: “GDP Growth Rates in Asian Countries, 1820~1998”, Angus Maddison, (2001), The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective, http://theunbrokenwindow.com/Development/MADDISON%20The%20World%20Economy--A%20Millennial.pdf
Figure 13: “The Percentage of Agriculture and Industry in GDP, Korea” Kim Young-wook, https://news.joins.com/article/16967
Figure 14: “The Percentage of Agriculture and Industry in GDP, Taiwan” 薛化元, (2006), 農業台湾・工業日本 一考察, [Agriculture Taiwan, Industry Japan],政治大學歷史研究所
Figure 15: “The process of Publication of Joint History Textbook” 신춘현. (2007), 한중일 삼국이 함께 쓴 동아시아근현대사 대안교과서의 서술체계와 내용분석: 미래를 여는 역사를 중심으로 [Analysis on the Joint History Textbook: Focusing on the “History that opens future”] 부경대학교 교육대학원 ., pp.12-13

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