§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2407201811390400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2018.00733
論文名稱(中文) 交易型虛擬社群正向行為意圖之影響因素:以斯洛伐克參與者為例
論文名稱(英文) What Brings to Positive Behavioral Intention of Transaction Virtual Community Participants? The evidence in the Slovak Republic
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 經營管理全英語碩士學位學程
系所名稱(英文) Master's Program in Business and Management (English-Taught Program)
學年度 106
學期 2
出版年 107
研究生(中文) 奧力維
研究生(英文) Oliver Velecký
學號 606585080
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2018-07-06
論文頁數 36頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳怡妃
委員 - 曹銳勤
委員 - 李天行
關鍵字(中) 網絡服務質量
關鍵字(英) web service quality
social identification
intention to get information
purchase intention
transactional virtual community
Virtual communities have recorder rapid growth in terms of numbers of participants throughout past few decades. This research aims to cover the issue of virtual community participants in the Slovak Republic to their positive behavioral intentions within the group. This investigation combines the technology acceptance model (TAM), which defines end-users’ behavior towards the usage of information technology with the social identity theory that implements background of psychological factors and their influence on participant’s behavior. The objective is to examine the elements affecting positive behavioral intention of the Slovak transactional virtual community participants. Research findings demonstrate that web service quality influences social identification of Slovak participants within virtual communities. Secondly that social identification and web service quality strengthens behavioral intentions (spread of eWOM, purchase intentions and intention to get information).
中文摘要	I
Abstract	I
List of Figures	IV
List of Tables	V
Chapter 1. Introduction	1
Chapter 2. Literature review	4
2.1 Virtual Communities (VC)	4
2.2 Social identity theory	5
2.3 Technology acceptance model	7
2.4 Research framework	8
2.5 Hypothesis development	10
Chapter 3. Methodology	15
3.1. Data collection	15
3.2. Measurement	16
3.3 Measurement development	17
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion	20
4.1 Results	20
4.2 Discussion	22
Chapter 5. Implications and Limitations	25
5.1 Academic implications	25
5.2 Management Implications	25
5.3 Limitations and future research suggestions	27
References	28

List of Figures

Figure 1:User acceptance of technology model	8
Figure 2:Research framework	10

List of Tables

Table 1:Sample statistics	18
Table 2:Results of construct validity and reliability	19
Table 3:Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficients	20
Table 4:Standardized regression results for social identification.	22
Table 5:The influence of web service quality on behavioral intention	23
Table 6:The influence of social identification on behavioral intention	23
Table 7:Standardized regression results for behavioral intention	24
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