§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2407200910135600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2009.00910
論文名稱(中文) 考慮預購商品的一些確定性存貨模式之最適訂購策略
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 管理科學研究所博士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Management Science
學年度 97
學期 2
出版年 98
研究生(中文) 翁明偉
研究生(英文) Ming-Wei Weng
學號 894560258
學位類別 博士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2009-07-16
論文頁數 83頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 張紘炬
委員 - 林進財
委員 - 陳淼勝
委員 - 黃志文
委員 - 歐陽良裕
委員 - 戴忠淵
委員 - 王智立
關鍵字(中) 存貨
關鍵字(英) Inventory
Finite planning horizon
Time-varying demand
Trade credit
Advance booking discount
    另外,我們也發現到:供應商基於某些原因如欲刺激零售商購買或買賣雙商簽訂供應鏈合約,會嘗試提供顧客信用交易等優惠。然而,事實上,零售商也可能提供顧客信用交易期限,以刺激需求來增加銷售收入。因此,我們考慮了供應商提供給零售商一個信用交易期限M ,同時零售商亦提供給顧客一個信用交易期限N,並在 N < M假設下,進一步探討零售商最適訂購量存貨模型。
In business dealing, there exists many factors like advance booking discount to make retailers buy goods early. For companies, the advance booking discount strategy is common and useful in reality to decrease the estimation error in demand and to increase the market share. Furthermore, in real life, the demand is usually influenced by time. In the growth stage of a product life cycle, the demand rate can be well approximated by a linear form or exponential form. The retailer sells the product through an advance booking discount and aiming to optimize price discount and replenishment cycle time to maximize total profit per unit time.
Next, the supplier would offer the retailer a delay period M and the retailer could sell the goods and accumulate revenue and earn interest within the trade credit period. Furthermore, the retailer also offer the customer a delay period N to stimulate his/her customer demand to develop the retailer’s replenishment model(N < M ). Under these conditions, we model the retailer’s inventory system as a cost minimization problem to determine the retailer’s optimal ordering policies.
Further, the general assumption in classical inventory models is that the organization owns a single warehouse without capacity limitation. In practice, while a large stock is to be held, due to the limited capacity of the owned warehouse (denoted by OW), one additional warehouse is required. This additional warehouse may be a rented warehouse (denoted by RW), which is assumed to be available with abundant capacity. However, the backlogging rate in classical inventory models based on the waiting time are realistic only if the supply chain between the retailer parties and the customer parties has enabled share information through the well channel partnership. 
This thesis is consisted of five chapters. In Chapter 2, we first explores a generalized inventory control system for deteriorating items with time-varying demand under advance booking discount and two-echelon trade credits. In Chapter 3, we extend Chapter 2’s model and then propose a finite time horizon inventory model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand through an ABD program. We further simplify the search process by providing an intuitively good starting value for the optimal number of replenishments and the optimal replenishment cycle time. In Chapter 4, we present a deterministic inventory model for deteriorating items with two warehouses under ABD program.
Moreover, we assume that the backorder cost per unit time is a linearly function and partial backlogging δ . The necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solutions for the three models are shown. Some numerical examples are used to illustrate the three model and conclude the thesis with suggestions for possible future research.
目錄 i

表目錄 iv
圖目錄  v
使用符號一覽表 vi
第一章 續論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 相關文獻探討 2
1.2.1 信用交易 2
1.2.2 與時間有關需求 3
1.2.3 預先訂購 4
1.2.4 兩倉庫存貨模型 5
1.3 本文結構 6
第二章 在允許信用交易與預先訂購下之退化性商品的存貨模型 8
2.1 前言 8
2.2 符號說明與假設 9
2.3 模式的建立 10
2.4 情況1.之模式求解 19
2.5 求解過程 20
2.6 數值範例 23
第三章 允許預先訂購與在有限計畫期間內需求隨時間變動之最適訂購策略 25
3.1 前言 25
3.2 符號說明與假設 25
3.3 模式的建立 26
3.4 模式求解 28
3.5 演算法 30
3.6 數值範例 33
第四章 需求率為固定常數且預先訂購的兩倉庫退化性商品存貨模式 35
4.1 前言 35
4.2 符號說明與假設 35
4.3 模式的建立 37
4.4 模式求解 42
4.5 自有倉庫無容量限制的存貨模型 51
4.6 數值範例 56
第五章 結論 58
5.1 主要研究成果 58
5.2 未來研究方向 60
參考文獻 61
附錄 A 72
附錄 B 74
附錄 C 75
附錄 D 76
附錄 E 78
附錄 F 80
附錄 G 81
附錄 H 83
3.1 例題1之求解程序列表 34
4.1 P(to; ts)和Pow(to; ts)數值範例結果 56
4.2 P(to; ts)和Pnon-ABD(to; ts)數值範例結果 57
4.3 參數δ變動對最適總利潤的影響 57
4.4 參數cb變動對最適總利潤的影響 57
1.1 本文結構流程圖 7
2.1 存貨水準與產生利息之銷售量是意圖 11
3.1 Nelder-Mead演算法示意圖 32
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