§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2406200808454500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.00827
論文名稱(中文) 台灣公藏印譜之調查與研究
論文名稱(英文) An In-depth Research on the Compilation and Collection of Printed Copies of Chops and Seals Deposited in Public Libraries across Taiwan.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 漢語文化暨文獻資源研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Chinese Linguistics and Documentation
學年度 96
學期 2
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 柯詩安
研究生(英文) Se-An Ko
學號 693280017
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2008-05-28
論文頁數 348頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 吳哲夫
委員 - 薛平南
委員 - 陳仕華
委員 - 吳哲夫
關鍵字(中) 印譜
關鍵字(英) Sigillary Prints
Seals and Signets
Seal and signet engraving in Taiwan
秦漢以來,漢民族使用印章的習慣已極為普遍,無論是官方或是民間,都留下了數量龐大的印章,這些官私印遂成為金石學家研究歷史、官制或文字的 憑藉之一;另一方面,印章在宋元文人感情的挹注下,逐步提升美學與文學內涵,自是,文人相繼醉心於斯,促使了明清兩代印章藝術高度發展,儼然與詩文、書法、繪畫完美結合,成為中華藝術獨特的表現形式。
Starting from Ch’in and Han dynasties, it has been a common practice among the Han people, both officials at different levels of government and ordinary people in various castes of society, to employ seals and signets, many of which, as times wears on, have been left behind. As a result, a solid foundation based on this heritage of seals and signets has been laid for the investigation and research of its history, the bureaucratic hierarchy and lexicology. Moreover, with the addition of a personal touch, seals and signets are enhanced in terms of their aesthetic and literary value. Consequently, men of letters have been known to absorb themselves in this art form, further helping promote it to a more exquisite level. It has thus been ranked with poetry, painting and calligraphy and has in turn established itself as a unique art form.
    Considering such a centuries old and wide scoped source of documentary information, there is supposed to be an urgent need to create a scientifically independent research mode for a more systematic academic survey and this is where most of the experts dedicated to sigillography are concentrating their time and energy: the history, the discourse and the craftsmanship of the sigillary art. The part of history focuses on the fundamental files and documents, the various stages of development in its different historical backgrounds. The part of discourse covers the historical views, the treatises on sigillography, and related research approaches. As regards the craftsmanship, it consists of connoisseurship and creation. Among the three, the part of craftsmanship is considered to have attained a relatively high level of maturity. The other two parts, the history and the discourse, have also been receiving attention from scholars in this area in recent years. A Survey and Investigation of the Printed Copies of Seals and Signets Hoarded in Public Libraries Across Taiwan is conducted with the history and discourse of sigillography as its keystone. The author of this research also holds that an extensive survey and organization of the printed copies of seals and signets paves the way for a research mode of sigillography.
    There has never been found a systematic and comprehensive approach applied to the sigillary prints stocked in public libraries across in Taiwan. There also has been a lack in a complete probe into the historical stages of sigillary development in Taiwan, let alone anything about the history of seal engraving that can be called our own. A Survey and Investigation of the Printed Copies of Seals and Signets Hoarded in Public Libraries Across Taiwan, through the a systematic survey of categorical information, provides an abundance of substantial evidence in relation to the sigillary development in Taiwan, which has been left a lamentable void till the publication of this research result. The research work involved is made up of the following two parts: the editing of bibliography and the composition of prefaces and postscripts. The editing of bibliography aims at a proper understanding of the current status of library~hoarded printed copies of seals and signets. On the other hand, the composing of prefaces and postscripts is done in the hope of presenting a more defined explanation about the thoughts and cultural backgrounds that lie in various historical contexts. It is the author’s hope that, with the aid of this comprehensive presentation of printed copies of sigillary works hoarded in public libraries across Taiwan, those who are interested in making a probe into the sigillary history in Taiwan can benefit from this research.
第一章  緒論		1
第一節  研究動機與目的	1
一、研究動機		1
二、研究目的		7
第二節  研究範圍與對象	9
一、調查範圍的釐清及界定:	9
二、研究對象的限定		10
第三節  研究方法與步驟	12
一、研究方法		12
二、具體實施的步驟:	12
第四節  文獻探討與回顧	15
一、前人研究之成果		15
二、現存公藏印譜的整理概況	17
第二章  印譜的發展與分類	18
第一節  印譜形式的緣起	18
第二節  印譜的發展		22
一、印譜功能的轉變		22
二、印譜發展的進程		23
第三節 印譜的分類		26
一、記錄與收藏		29
二、模仿			30
三、創作			30
四、教學			31
五、交誼			31
第四節 印譜內涵的擴充		33
一、序跋部份			33
二、印蛻部份			35
第三章 台灣之公藏印譜典藏現況調查(一)	38
第一節  國家圖書館			40
第二節  國立中央圖書館台灣分館	64
第三節  中央研究院			75
一、傅斯年圖書館			75
二、中研院文哲所圖書館		101
第四節  故宮博物院圖書館		102
第五節  歷史博物館			114
第四章    台灣之公藏印譜典藏現況調查(二)	115
第一節  台灣大學圖書館		115
第二節  政治大學圖書館		151
第三節  東海大學圖書館		153
第五章  台灣公藏印譜內涵分析	156
第一節  印譜的著錄分析		156
第二節  公藏印譜分析		158
一、依時序分析			158
二、依印譜類別分析			158
三、依版本分析			159
四、依出版國別分析			159
第三節  台灣公藏印譜的價值		160
一、保存中日台三地印譜		160
二、向上延伸台灣篆刻史		161
三、特殊印譜述略			162
第六章  台灣公藏印譜之文獻意義	168
第一節  公藏印譜的共時性		168
一、故宮博物院所藏觀海堂藏印譜	168
二、國家圖書館所藏昆吾室藏印譜	171
三、台大圖書館所藏石原文庫印譜	173
四、中央圖書館台灣分館所藏台灣總督府藏印譜	174
第二節  印譜文獻的歷時性		175
一、明──集古印譜啟發印人		175
二、清──內涵豐富技藝兼備		176
三、近代──印人交流彙譜成風	176
第三節  充實地方藝文志		177
一、海峽兩岸文人間互動情形		177
二、日治時期日台印人結社概況	178
三、中國與日本文化交流概況		178
第七章  結論			180
附錄  公藏印譜善本序跋		185
參考文獻	         			346

(明)甘暘鈐印本,《集古印譜四卷四冊》 (1596年)


《藝術史學的基礎》,Maurizio Fagiolo著;曾堉、葉劉天增譯(台北:東大圖書股份有限公司,1992年4月,第1版)



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