§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2406200500255100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2005.00560
論文名稱(中文) 瓜地馬拉內戰後非法童工問題研究(1996-2005)
論文名稱(英文) The Study of Illegal Child Labor in Guatemala after the End of Civil War (1996-2005)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 拉丁美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies
學年度 93
學期 2
出版年 94
研究生(中文) 何祺婷
研究生(英文) Chi-Ting Ho
學號 690020069
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2005-05-30
論文頁數 153頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王秀琦
委員 - 陳雅鴻
委員 - 余小云
關鍵字(中) 瓜地馬拉
關鍵字(英) Guatemala
child labor
children's right
labor right
After the end of Guatemala’s thirty-six-year-long civil war, the government has been working positively on country development, however, the gap between the poor and the rich gets wider. Over half of all Guatemalans live in poverty. The phenomenon of child labor is very common in Guatemala because many children have to work for their family’s survival. According to “International Labor Organization”, the definition of “child labor” means some types of work performed by children below age 18. And in Guatemala, there are near 1 million child labors under 18 years old, which are almost 40 per cent of all child labors in Central America. The laws of Guatemala prohibit children under age 14 from being employed without authorization. However, there are about 500,000 child labors under 14 years old in this country, and most of them are illegal. Many types of work that these child labors involved are hazardous, and some even are unconditional worst forms of child labor, such as commercial sexual exploitation and child trafficking.      
  Besides the high poverty incidence, other social and cultural effects such as poor application of the law, and the traditional social value are also the reasons why child labor is so common in Guatemala nowadays. The indigenous Mayan people think that the work is an important way to pass on the tradition, and that the children can develop their characters and sense of responsibilities through working. Therefore, the Mayan children are asked to work at very young age. The prevalence of child labor varies substantially by sex, residence, and ethnicity. The data shows that between 7-14 year-old children, the work prevalence of male children is almost twice that of female children, and the prevalence of child labor in rural areas is almost twice that in urban areas, the possibilities of indigenous children becoming child labors are also twice that of non-indigenous children. The negative effects of illegal child labors include high school dropout rate, bad health conditions, and some child labors can’t go back to the society without psychological help.
  Many international organizations and NGOs try to help eliminate child labor problem in Guatemala enthusiastically, and the Guatemalan government also make many plans to against the phenomenon of child labor in the past decades. However, the results of the government’s work are not obvious. The reason may be the government doesn’t try hard enough, or the root of the child labor problem is too complicated to eliminate in the short term. This thesis aims to understand the problems of illegal child labor in Guatemala firstly by analyzing the background of child labor with political, social, and cultural aspects, secondly by studying the hazardous forms of child labor, and thirdly by understanding the organizations and institutes that are devoted to solving the child labor problem.
第一章 緒論.............................................1 
第一節 研究動機與目的...........................1 
第二節 研究範圍與方法...........................3 
第三節 資料來源與研究限制....................4 

第二章 童工概論......................................6 
第一節 兒童與童工之保護.......................6 
1. 兒童的界定..........................................6 
2. 童工保護之發展...................................8 
3. 兒童權利之提昇...................................12 
第二節 拉美童工問題...............................15 
1. 拉美童工問題之源起............................15 
2. 童工問題之相關研究............................17 
3. 近期拉美童工問題概況.........................21 
4. 拉美兒童權利運動................................26 

第三章 內戰後瓜地馬拉童工問題背景......28 
第一節 歷經長期內戰...............................28 
1. 長期內戰之經過...................................28 
2. 內戰造成之影響...................................33 
第二節 社會問題.......................................35 
1. 貧窮問題嚴重........................................35 
2. 兒童保護機制不健全.............................38 
第三節 文化問題.....................................46 
1. 傳統工作價值觀影響.............................46 
2. 成人文盲率高........................................50 

第四章 瓜地馬拉非法童工..........................56 
第一節 性別、城鄉、種族間之差異............56 
1. 男孩與女孩.............................................56 
2. 城市和鄉村.............................................60 
3. 印地安人與非印地安人...........................64 
第二節 非法童工之問題..............................65 
1. 危險工作形式.........................................65 
2. 最惡劣童工形式......................................72 
第三節 非法童工問題影響...........................75 
1. 影響健康...............................................75 
2. 失學率高.................................................77 

第五章 改善瓜地馬拉童工問題之計劃.........82 
第一節 瓜國政府之相關作為.......................82 
1. 政府簽訂之國際公約...............................82 
2. 政府訂定之相關計劃...............................86 
第二節 國際及民間組織之努力....................89 
1. 聯合國系統..............................................89 
2. 其他國外機構.......................................92 
3. 非政府組織..........................................93 

第六章 結論.............................................99 


附錄一 中文譯名對照..................................119 
附錄二 「聯合國兒童權利公約」條文.........125 
附錄三 瓜地馬拉童工相關法令之原文.........136 
附錄四 瓜地馬拉所簽署之童工及青少年相關國際勞工組織公約...149 

表 次 


圖 次 

壹、	中文部分






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