§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2402201514243400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2015.00766
論文名稱(中文) 透過認知寫作過程來提升學生寫作態度、讀者意識以及寫作品質
論文名稱(英文) Improving EFL University Students’ Writing Attitudes, Audience Awareness and Writing Quality through Cognitive Writing Process
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 英文學系博士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of English
學年度 103
學期 1
出版年 104
研究生(中文) 梁興皇
研究生(英文) Hsing-Huang Liang
學號 899110166
學位類別 博士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2015-01-08
論文頁數 195頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王藹玲
委員 - 車蓓群
委員 - 施佑芝
委員 - 林怡弟
委員 - 林銘輝
關鍵字(中) 認知寫作過程
關鍵字(英) Cognitive writing process
writing attitudes
audience awareness
writing quality
本研究旨在探討施行認知寫作過程在台灣大學生寫作表現之影響。研究對象為六十二位非英語系大一學生。研究期間為每週每堂課兩小時,共計十八週。研究對象在一學期內撰寫六篇寫作以及研究開始與結束需各別填寫一份問卷和進行一次全民英檢寫作模擬測驗以供分析。另外,九名學生則在研究結束後進行訪談。量化分析以成對樣本T檢定來分析寫作測驗以及問卷前後測之差異。質化分析以 ESL Composition Profile和 Audience Awareness Level來分析學生寫作品質和讀者意識,並透過課後訪談歸納出同異點。
  研究結果顯示: (一) 學生的寫作測驗分數在後測均提高,寫作品質之「內容」、「組織」以及「語言運用」稍有提升; (二) 大多數學生對於使用認知寫作過程提升他們寫作動機均持正面肯定態度;(三)大多數學生在書寫論說文時均能提出明確的論點以及考量讀者背景、喜好以及興趣。本研究同時發現,少數學生對於線上寫作資源以及運用讀者意識在寫作上表現不如大多數的學生。綜上所述,本研究指出認知寫作過程可提升學生寫作動機、寫作品質並且強化學生的讀者意識及寫作特色。最後本研究希望提供教師在寫作課程在施行認知寫作過程提出淺見,並建議未來研究方向。
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of implementing the cognitive writing process Taiwanese university students’ writing performance. The participants were 62 freshman from one “Freshman English” course at one private university in New Taipei City. This course consisted of two hours per week for 18 academic weeks. 
  For data collocation, the participants had to complete two Inventory of Processes in College Composition (IPCC) questionnaires, two General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) writing test, and six writing prompts. In addition, nine volunteer participants participated in semi-structured interviews.  For quantitative analysis, statistical significance tests on their writing test scores and questionnaires through paired sample t-tests. For qualitative analysis, the researcher evaluated their writing quality improvement and audience awareness change through ESL Composition Profile and Audience Awareness Level. 
The study results showed that: (a) the participants’ GEPT scores slightly improved and their writing prompt quality improved in terms of content development, organization and language usage; (b) the results of questionnaire showed most of the participants had positive attitudes towards using the cognitive writing process to enhance their writing motivation and (c) most of the participants used explicit statements to support their opinions especially in argumentative writing and considered target readers’ knowledge, needs and interests.  The researcher suggested that teachers could apply the cognitive writing process into their writing instruction to enhance students’ writing motivation, improve their writing quality and strengthen their audience awareness and voice in writing.  The researcher hoped this study can provide EFL teachers with a valuable perspective on writing instruction and provide insights for teachers into implementing the cognitive writing process in higher education.
Chapter 1 Introduction	1
Statement of the Problem	2
Purpose of the Study	8
Research Questions	9
Significance of the Study	9
Chapter 2 Review of the Literature	
English Writing Instruction Reformation in Taiwan	11
Cognitive Writing Processes Model	13
Cognitive Writing Processes in Taiwan	29
Writing Content and Genre	31
Two Relevant Issues	35
Summary of Chapter Two	44
Chapter 3 Methodology	45
Rationale for the Research Methods	45
Participants	46
Settings	47
Research Design	48
Teaching Materials	49
Instruments	50
Researcher’s Role	54
Typical Classroom Activities	55
Research Procedures	57
Data Collection	61
Data Analysis	63
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion	66
Overall Descriptive Results	68
Positive Responding to IPCC Questionnaire	77
Participants’ Perceptions of Using Voice in Writing	78
Positively Stimulating the Participants’ Strong Voice in Writing	81
Participants’ Perceptions of Doing Writing Discussion	82
Participants’ Reflections on Enhancing Writing Motivation through Overall Writing Activities	85
Participants’ Reflections on Teaching Materials and Teacher Instructions	89
Positive Enhancing the Participants’ Writing Motivation	92
Participants’ Perceptions of Using Self-assessment in Writing	94
Participants’ Perceptions of Using Revising in Writing	95
Participants’ Reflections on Using Peer-assessment in Writing	96
Participants’ Reflections on the Teacher’s Written Feedback	98
Proper Application of Formative Assessment into the Participants’ Writing	99
Hao’s writing performance	104
Irene’s writing performance	112
Ann’s writing performance	118
Obvious Improvement in Students’ Writing Prompts	125
Participants’ Perceptions of Applying Audience Awareness into Writing	126
Participants’ Interviews on Using Audience Awareness in Writing	130
Strengthening the Participants’ Audience Awareness in the Writing Process	134
Participants’ Reflections on Improving Writing Quality through Overall Writing Activities	136
Significant Improvement in the Participants’ Writing Quality	139
The Instructor’s Observation	140
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations	142
Summary of the Study	142
Conclusions	144
Implications of the Study	144
Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research	146
References	149
Appendices 	175
Appendix A	175
Appendix B	177
Appendix C	182
Appendix D	186
Appendix E	187
Appendix F	188
Appendix G	190
Appendix H	191
Appendix I	193
Appendix J	195
Table 1	
Summary of the Principal Orientations to L2 Writing Teaching	34
Table 2	
Seven Negative Worded Items	53
Table 3	
Timetable of Data Collection	61
Table 4	
Summary of the Data Analysis	64
Table 5	
Participants’ Background Information to English Proficiency and Learning Period	69
Table 6	
Participants’ Background Information to English Writing Learning	70
Table 7	
Results of Comparison of the Post-test and Pre-test of the IPCC Questionnaire	71
Table 8	
Results of the Participants’ Perceptions on Pre-writing Part	73
Table 9	
Results of the Participants’ Perceptions with Different Genres in the Writing Part	75
Table 10	
Results of the Participants’ Perceptions on Revising in the Post-Writing Part	76
Table 11	
Distribution of the Participants’ Responses to Voice in Writing	78
Table 12	
Three Themes of the Participants’ Responses to Writing Learning	82
Table 13	
Frequency of the Participants’ Perceptions on Overall Writing Activities	86
Table 14	
Summary of the Participants’ Perceptions to Teaching Materials and the Teacher’s Instruction	90
Table 15	
Distribution of the Participants’ Responses to Self-assessment in Writing	94
Table 16	
Summary of the Participants’ Responses to Revising in Writing	96
Table 17	
Results of the Comparison between the Post-test and Pre-test of the GEPT Writing Tests	102

Table 18	
Distribution of the Participants’ Responses to Audience Awareness in Writing	126
Table 19	
Three Themes of the Participants’ Responses to Audience Awareness	128
Table 20	
Distribution of the Participants’ Reflections on Improving Writing Quality	136
Figure 1. Structure of the Writing Model	14
Figure 2. A mind mapping for brainstorming a writing task	33
Figure 3. Triangulation Design	46
Figure 4. Flowchart of the Research Procedure.	58
Figure 5. Example 1: Hao’s pre-test writing	105
Figure 6. Example 2: Hao’s post-test writing	106
Figure 7. Example 3: Hao’s writing prompt 1-1	107
Figure 8. Example 4: Hao’s writing prompt 1-2	108
Figure 9. Example 5: Hao’s writing prompt 5-1	109
Figure 10. Example 6: Hao’s writing prompt 5-2	110
Figure 11. Example 7: Hao’s writing prompt 6-1	111
Figure 12. Example 8: Hao’s writing prompt 6-2	112
Figure 13. Example 1: Irene’s pre-test writing	113
Figure 14. Example 2: Irene’s post-test writing	114
Figure 15. Example3: Irene’s writing prompt 3-1	115
Figure 16. Example4: Irene’s writing prompt 3-2	116
Figure 17. Example: Irene’s writing prompt 6-1	116
Figure 18. Example: Irene’s writing prompt 6-2	117
Figure 19. Example 1: Ann’s pre-test writing	119
Figure 20. Example 2: Ann’s post-test writing	120
Figure 21. Example 3: Ann’s writing prompt 2-1	121
Figure 22. Example 4: Ann’s writing prompt 2-2	122
Figure 23. Example 5: Ann’s writing prompt 4-1	124
Figure 24. Example 6: Ann’s writing prompt 4-3	125
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