§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2312201408555100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2015.00751
論文名稱(中文) 差異化學習型組織在供應鏈間知識共享促成及加速模式之建構
論文名稱(英文) Modelling the Facilitation and Acceleration of Knowledge Sharing for Differentiated Learning Organization in Supply Chain
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 管理科學學系博士班
系所名稱(英文) Doctoral Program, Department of Management Sciences
學年度 103
學期 1
出版年 104
研究生(中文) 陳明照
研究生(英文) Ming-Chao Chen
學號 896620282
學位類別 博士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2014-12-08
論文頁數 130頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王居卿
委員 - 李文瑞
委員 - 楊立人
委員 - 余坤東
委員 - 羅惠瓊
關鍵字(中) 知識創新
關鍵字(英) Knowledge creation
Learning organization
Social exchange theory
Motivating theories
Digital humanities
Knowledge sharing

本研究之目的,是探討如何建立存有差異化之學習型組織,在建構組織及供應鏈間之知識共享促成及加速模式。透過對知識創新、社會交換、社會網路及激勵等理論的推論,發掘能夠促成組織知識共享之因子,並藉由組織使用Web 2.0 的實例中,推論出其中能夠加速組織知識共享過程之因子,兩因子合併後即成為差異化學習型組織之知識共享促成及加速模式。根據組織實務經驗,使用Web 2.0可以讓組織很容易收集到大眾情報與資訊,因此據此激發創新知識與智能,是能夠非常創新且精準契合顧客需求。

如前所述,要培養組織及其供應鏈間之知識共享能力是一項複雜且費力耗時之工作,因其牽涉到人類行為及社交互動,使用Web 2.0,除可收集組織內外知識外,它還可使知識共享更容易且更快速達成。本論文亦推論出,以資訊數位科技將文化成份加入,將可使學習型組織創造差異化,因此綜合上述,本研究建構出差異化學習型組織之知識共享促成及加速模式。然後加上供應鏈間之綜效探討
Due to trend of globalization, market competitions have become tougher than ever. To survive, an organization must have enough knowledge to create values for customers. To effectively gain and accumulate knowledge, the knowledge has to be shared in the organization, i.e. become a learning organization. But knowledge sharing is not easy to carry out in an organization since it is against human nature; Knowledge is power and nobody is willing to share his power with others. However, When the "Knowledge to be selfish vs. Knowledge should be shared" debate on the occasion, find learning organization in the booming knowledge-sharing network of information exchange, is to enhance the organizational quality of the most obvious result by knowledge sharing cornerstone. 

The purpose of this study is to construct a knowledge-share facilitating and acceleration model in a differentiated learning organization and its supply chain through literature reviews. This paper identifies the factors that are able to facilitate knowledge sharing from knowledge creation, social exchange, social network and motivation perspectives. Web 2.0 initiatives as accelerating factors are then combined to construct a facilitating and accelerating model of knowledge sharing in organization. Through reviewing related literatures in social exchange theory, social network theory and motivation theory, facilitators are identified. Through reviewing real examples of enterprises, Web 2.0 applications are illustrated, and identified as accelerators. Through the use of Web 2.0, enterprise can collect public intelligence easier so that the knowledge created is more innovative and accurate to fit customer’s real need and want. 

Fostering knowledge sharing in organization and supply chain is a complicated and time-consuming work as it deals with human behaviors with social interactions. By utilizing Web 2.0, it can help implementing the key facilitators easier and faster, in addition to collecting internal and external intelligence. Adding digitized culture components by using IT digital technology is identified as the source of differentiation for a learning organization. By integrating the above inferences, A Knowledge sharing facilitation and acceleration model in differentiated learning organization is constructed. Synergy between members of supply chain is discussed. Through virtual teams, facilitating and accelerating models can also be implemented and carried out through the whole supply chain. Finally, all the members of the whole supply chain become differentiated learning organizations. This study is a cross-technology or interdisciplinary integration conceptual research that builds up a basic conceptual model. Empirical studies can be done in the future to test the validity of the model through empirical studies.
目     錄


第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
    第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………2
    第二節 研究問題與研究方法…………………………………4
    第三節 研究目的、觀念性架構與論文結構…………………6
第二章 學習型組織與知識創新……………………………………15
    第一節 知識創新萌芽…………………………………………16
    第二節 組織學習………………………………………………20
    第三節 學習型組織……………………………………………23

第三章 促進組織知識共享之相關理論……………………………27
    第一節 社會交換理論…………………………………………28
    第二節 社會網絡理論…………………………………………34

第四章 激勵理論在學習型組織之應用……………………………39
    第一節 激勵理論之演進………………………………………40
    第二節 激勵理論對差異化學習型組織之影響………………41
    第三節 激勵理論五階段論證及動態激勵管理………………44
    第四節 差異化學習型組織之正向激勵理論…………………48

第五章 Web 2.0的倡議:集結內部和外部知識…………………51
    第一節 成功善用Web 2.0集結知識智能之組織……………52
    第二節 應用Web 2.0收集公共創新之經驗…………………55
    第三節 差異化學習型組織中Web 2.0之應用功能…………57
    第四節 Web 2.0加速差異化學習型組織之知識共享………59

第六章 數位人文:一種區分差異化學習型組織之手段…………63
    第一節 數位人文是學習型組織差異化之根源………………64
    第二節 數位人文新視野………………………………………70

第七章 促成及加速知識共享模型之建構…………………………75
    第一節 建立組織知識管理系統………………………………76
    第二節 建立差異化學習型組織之知識共享平台……………78
    第三節 建構促成及加速知識共享模型………………………84
    第四節 整合供應鏈與虛擬團隊社群協作之知識共享模型…87

第八章 結論與建議…………………………………………………91
    第一節 結論……………………………………………………92
    第二節 建議……………………………………………………99

圖     次

圖1-1 本研究之觀念性架構…………………………………………11
圖1-2 研究流程及相關章節安排……………………………………13
圖2-1 SECI的過程矩陣………………………………………………18
圖2-2 組織知識創新的步驟…………………………………………20
圖2-3 組織學習與學習型組織到差異化學習型組織之關聯性……25
圖3-1 組織知識共享行為之盈虧損益關係矩陣……………………32
圖3-2 社會交換知識共享之學習型組織系絡………………………34
圖3-3 社會網絡理論之知識共享……………………………………38
圖4-1 社交網絡透過激勵至學習型組織知識共享之過程…………50
圖5-1 Web2.0加速學習型組織知識共享之善性循環………………61
圖5-2 透過Web2.0動態增強學習型組織之過程……………………62
圖6-1 數位人文之學習型組織………………………………………74
圖7-1 促成及加速知識共享模型……………………………………86
圖7-2 整合供應鏈與虛擬團隊社群間促成及加速之知識共享模型90

表     次

表1-1 問題解決策略與研究目的之連鎖………………………………7
表5-1 Web2.0優勢功能提升學習型組織達知識共享之目標………60
表7-1 建構促成及加速知識共享模型相關因子之理論基礎………87
表8-1 善用網絡Web2.0 IT加速組織知識共享之實現示例…………98
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