§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2307200912451200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2009.01390
論文名稱(中文) 跨性別敘事之人機合體再現: 葛傑密的《變成一個可見的男人》,珍.莫里斯的《謎》及費雷斯的《藍調石牆T》
論文名稱(英文) Cyborg Representations in Trans-Narratives: Jamison Green’s Becoming a Visible Man, Jan Morris’ Conundrum and Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 英文學系博士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of English
學年度 97
學期 2
出版年 98
研究生(中文) 鄭雅丰
研究生(英文) Ya-Feng Cheng
學號 893010164
學位類別 博士
語言別 英文
第二語言別 英文
口試日期 2009-07-11
論文頁數 163頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 馮品佳(pcfeng@mail.nctu.edu.tw)
共同指導教授 - 宋美璍(sungmh@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 海柏(hapa@pu.edu.tw)
委員 - 丁乃非(dingnf@cc.ncu.edu.tw)
委員 - 吳萼洲(ecwu@pu.edu.tw)
委員 - 蔡振興(rnchtsai@mail.tku.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 跨性別
關鍵字(英) cyborg
哈若薇在《人機合體宣言》提出了著名的「人機合體」概念去崩解人/動物,有機體/機械,身體/非身體等三個疆界。這樣的論述開啟了當代對「人性」及「性別」的另類思考空間,也提供了後現代社會重新建構人類主體性與性別多元化的可能性。哈若薇的「人機一體」世界重新定義了主體性、性別、時間、疆域等等觀念,流變出異於主流、脫離宰制、超越既定想像的交混雜揉性,亦創造了後人類與後性別的新的可能性。哈若薇的人機合體宣言在於跨越疆界,破解所有固著僵化的二元對立,以實踐一個沒有性別劃分及階級高下之烏托邦理想社會。跨性別傳記敘述中的荷爾蒙注射及性別重整手術鬆動了男/女的固著疆域,同時也強烈呼應了哈若薇所要打破之有機體/機械,身體/非身體之界線。本文即是從「人機合體」的脈落去探討三個跨性別敘事: 葛傑密的《變成一個可見的男人》,珍. 莫里斯的《謎》及費雷斯的《藍調石牆T》。  「人機合體」的能動性與流動力提供了跨性別者在雜揉不純的邊緣中求生存的力量與想像。  本論文透過「人機合體」觀點脈落化跨性別敘事中之身分及性別的混淆、斷裂與再重建過程。透過「人機合體」觀點,從而肯定跨性別者在後人類、後性別空間下所開創出異於主流霸權的主體變異及越界所形成的雜揉、斷裂、交織的身分。
In her “A Cyborg Manifesto,” Donna Haraway defines “cyborg” as the hybrid of humans/animals, animal-humans(organism)/machine, and physical/non-physical.  This “monstrous” identity with the fluidity and mobility of the posthuman and postgender is for power of survival.   Sue-Ellen Case, a queer theorist, suggests that the lesbian roles of butch and femme be a dynamic duo; moreover, the position of the transgender is often situated in an “in-between” limbo.  In this dissertation, the cyborg’s strong will to survive through the representations of impurity and hybridity is illustrated by interweaving three trans-narratives, Jamison Green’s Becoming a Visible Man, Jan Morris’s Conundrum and Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues.  The political identity of the transgender is discussed in the context of the postgender on the basis of Hayles’ posthuman assumptions.  Furthermore, the critical points of the medical and technological HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and SRS (Sex-Reassignment Surgery) help contexualize the relationship between the transgender and the cyborg.
Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………ii
Chinese Abstract ……………………………………………………………….iii
English Abstract …………………………………………………………………iv
Chapter One    Trans-Narratives in the Context of the
               Cyborg ……………….1
 I.  Between the Cyborg and the Marginalized Groups ……1
 II.  Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Myth ……………………………7
 III. The Continuum of the Cyborg in the Matrixes of Posthhuman and Postgender…………………………………………….15
 A.  The Posthuman Condition……………………………15
 B.  The Postgender Utopia……………………………….21
 IV. Transgender in Chimeric Cyborg Politics…………………..25
 A.  The Man/Woman Dichotomy…………………….…..27
 B. Transgender as the Transpolitical in Sex, Gender and  Sexuality……………………………………………34
 C. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and 
SRS (Sex-reassignment Surgery) as Cyborg Embodiment………………………….…….………36
 V. Chapter Outline……………………………………………39
Chapter Two     Jamison Green’s Becoming a Visible Man: The Cyborg Manifesto in Re-engineering One’s Own Body…………….. 45
 I. The Autobiographical Narratives and Transsexual Theory in Becoming a Visible Man……………………………………46
 A.  The Journey of Jamison Green’s Transition……………46
 B.  Jamison Green’s Politics in Gender and Transsexualism.53
 II. Queering the Binaries: Masculinity as the Dismantled and Mobile Prosthesis in Cyborg Context……………………67
 A.  Sculpturing Female Masculinity into a “Male Body”: A Debate Between the Transgender Butch and the FTM (the Transsexual)………………………………………… 68
 B. Visible yet Invisible: Dilemma of Post-operative Transsexuality…………………………………………77
Chapter Three   Jan Morris’ Conundrum: The Androgynous Imagination of the Transgender……………………………………………………83
 I. The Ambivalent Hymn of Androgyny………………………87
 II.Denaturalization vs. Naturalization in Butler’s “Performativity”……………………………………………94
Chapter Four   The Ongoing Process of Transition in Stone Butch Blues: 
From Transitioning to Self-identity…………………………107
 I. Metamorphosis, Reframing, and Transfiguration of “Shame”through the Queer Performativity…………………………110
 A. The Affect of Shame-Humiliation in Terms of  Silvan    Tomkins’Theory………………………………………112
 B. Metamorphosis and Re-engineering of Shame-Humiliation   through the Queer Performitivity………………………117
 C.  The Affect of Shame-Humiliation and the Transfiguration of Queer Subjectivity in Stone Butch Blues………… 121
 II. Boundary-Crossing in Gender, Genre and Ethnicity…………129
 A.  Body-in-Process: “Passing” Per Se as an Identity beyond the Category of the Transgender and the Transsexual.………129
 B. The Trans- or Intergeneric Space: Between Autobiographical Novels and Autobiographies……………………………135
 C. The Native American Imagination: A Safe Haven in Jess’ Haunting Dream…………………………………………145
Works Cited……………………………………………………157
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