§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2307200620145500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2006.01153
論文名稱(中文) 國際環境運動與世界和平:理論與實踐
論文名稱(英文) International Environmental Movement and World Peace: Theory and Practice
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際事務與戰略研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
學年度 94
學期 2
出版年 95
研究生(中文) 陳誼芳
研究生(英文) Yi-Fang Chen
學號 692260150
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-06-21
論文頁數 91頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 張京育
委員 - 曾華璧
委員 - 陳國華
關鍵字(中) 環境合作
關鍵字(英) environmental cooperation
environmental movement
international environmental organizations
international environmental law
world peace
The environmental cooperation seeks to achieve harmony and peace during collaboration. Meanwhile, this is another main issue over political, military, cultural and technical cooperation. Environmental issues possess stretchable, unpredictable, and no borders, hence the only way to solve the environmental crises between interdependent states is the environmental cooperation. This thesis discusses modern international environmental movement from 1960s. During this decade, people gradually realized the importance of environment and went a step further to search for the degree of damage people has done. In response to that, various conferences and research organizations were conducted. Besides, intergovernmental organizations adopted international environmental law to protect environmental and integrate existing resources. The process is done in a hope to find a balance between economic development and environmental protection so that both acts can be preceded at the same time. 1970s was a decade which intergovernmental environmental organizations regarded to environment were rapidly established. Not only did the United Nations Environmental Programmed is formed and international environmental conferences are convened, a set of universal environmental law were adopted and followed strictly by Grassroots Environmental Organizations worldwide. Sustainable development was brought out in the early of 1980s and became a widely accepted norm in guiding environmental movement. Moreover, international environmental law were adopted in a great quantity and negotiated actively. After 1990s, the international environmental movement turned to think about human development which integrates the environmental issues, economical development, science and technology, social development and political development.
	This thesis discusses the developmental process, the environmental issues how to take place and change from the international environmental movement history. What is the evaluated indicators of EMS whether can manage the environmental crises or not. Even though North-South question and the debates between economical development and environmental protection couldn’t be solved and terminated in the short term, international environmental cooperation is still the most important part of international environmental movement and the best role to practice the international environmental law.
第一章	緒論
壹	研究動機與目的……………………………………………………….1
貳	文獻回顧……………………………………………………………….2
參	永續發展的意涵……………………………………………………….5
肆	研究範圍與限制……………………………………………………….8
伍	研究假設與架構……………………………………………………….9
第二章	和平
	第一節	和平與戰爭……………………………………………………….13
第二節	戰爭與環境……………………………………………………….19
第三節	和平與環境……………………………………………………….23
第四節	持久和平的意義………………………………………………….27
第三章	國際環境運動
第一節	國際環境運動之發展過程……………………………………….29
第二節	國際環境議題設定及評估系統………………………………….37
第三節	國際環境運動之國際合作……………………………………….43
第四章	國際環境法
第一節	國際環境法發展………………………………………………….49
第二節	國際環境法基本原則…………………………………………….57
第三節	國際環境法發展困境…………………………………………….61
第五章	國際環境運動與世界和平之實例
第一節	環境和平之源起與基本概念…………………………………….63
第二節	國際環境運動與世界和平之實例……………………………….69
第三節	未來國際環境運動之展望與難題……………………………….73
第六章	結論
壹	研究回顧……………………………………………………………….77
貳	研究發現……………………………………………………………….79
參	研究建議……………………………………………………………….80
肆  研究展望……………………………………………………………….82
伍  研究檢討……………………………………………………………….82
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