§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2306201019380000
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.00781
論文名稱(中文) 人口統計變項和生活型態對資訊接收通路之相關性─以餐飲業為例
論文名稱(英文) The Relevance of Population Statistic Variables and Life Style to Information Receiving Channels–With Dining Industry as an Example
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 管理科學研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Management Science
學年度 98
學期 2
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 張瀚中
研究生(英文) Han-Chung Chang
學號 697620499
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-06-05
論文頁數 69頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 楊維楨(018467@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 陳海鳴(haiming@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 邱光輝(khchiu@mail.ntpu.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 人口統計變項
關鍵字(英) Population Statistic Variables
Information Receiving Channels
Customer Characteristics
Life Styles
本研究根據過去文獻,採用人口統計變數 (包括性別、年齡、學歷、職業和個人月收入五項變數) 和生活型態變數 (包括流行導向、積極活躍、價格敏銳和自我實現四項變數) 以及資訊接收通路 (包括電視節目、電腦網路和書面資料三種通路),再以發放問卷之型式探討下述三項議題:
本研究以網路發放問卷,並經由統計套裝軟體SPSS 12.0分析,根據回收問卷385份進行資料比較後,得到以下研究結論:
一. 消費者之學歷變數,對其資訊接收方式有影響。
二. 生活型態變數中,檢定值皆未達顯著拒絕之標準。但消費
三. 人口統計變數中,除學歷變數之外皆未達顯著拒絕之標準。但消費者之性別、年齡以及個人月收入之檢定值接近0.05,表示其對資訊接收方式有影響,但較不顯著。

Taiwan is famous for the most delicious foods. Whether youngsters intend to start an enterprise or persons who want to switch to another line of business in middle-age, some of them may choose dining industry as their target. So it is very obvious that the position of dining industry in Taiwan is very important. When someone want to invest in an enterprise or start an enterprise, the well and suitable utilization of advertisement not only makes consumers deeply impressed, but also induces profit for this enterprise. But on the contrary, if the effect of advertisement is not well or unsuitable, it may destroys the public reputation that hard to establishes, so the consequence is very serious, and the invisible cost is very expensive. If enterprise wants to make an advertisement to touch consumers’ heart, it is important to understand consumers’ characteristics about food. But the research between dining industry and consumer characteristics is rare nowadays, so this research choose this issue as topic.     Consumers use different channels to receive fine food information, whether the characteristics and traits are different between them is the topic that this research want to discuss.
According to following research motive and pass literature, this research adopts population statistic variables (including gender, age,   education background, occupation and individual months of income five variables) and life style variables (including fashion tendency, positive      active, price keen and self-realization four variables) and information   receiving channels (including television channels, computer internet and data in writing three channels) to discuss three issues below:
1. Whether the education background makes effect to information receiving channels or not?
2. Whether the differences of consumer life styles variables make effect to information receiving channels or not?
3. Whether the differences of consumer population statistics variables make effect to information receiving channels or not?

This research uses internet to grant questionnaires and proceeding analysis by statistical software SPSS 12.0. This research reaches the following conclusions after data analyzing and comparing by retrieving 385 questionnaires:
1. The educational background of consumer makes effect to information receive ways.
2. Among life style variables, the test values are not reach the standard of conspicuously refuse. But the test value of consumers’ degree of active dynamic is near 0.05, it stands up that consumers’ degree of active dynamic makes effect to information receive ways, but it is not more conspicuous.
3. Among population statistics variables, beside of educational background are not reach the standard of conspicuously refuse. But the test values of consumers’ gender, age and individual months of income are near 0.05. it stands up that consumers’ gender, age and individual month income make effect to information receive ways, but it is not more conspicuous.
This research makes some suggestions and references about make an advertisement to people who invest in dining industry by conclusion: The boss of dining industry can according to the differences of consumers’ characteristics that prefer to receive fine food information by different channels, make differences on each channels to reaches effects that attracts consumers.
第一章  緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究流程 4
1.5論文結構 6

第二章  文獻探討 8
2.1資訊接收通路 8
2.2人口統計變項 9
2.3生活型態 11

第三章  研究方法 15
3.1研究架構 15
3.2研究假設 16
3.3變數定義與衡量 17
3.4研究方法的選擇與樣本大小的決定 19
3.5資料收集方式 22

第四章  實証結果 26
4.1樣本結構分析 26
4.2因素分析 30
4.3問卷題目變項與信度分析 35
4.4資訊接收通路和生活型態 37
4.5資訊接收通路和人口統計 41

第五章  結論和建議 50
5.1結論 50
5.2研究發現 51
5.3建議 56
5.4研究限制 58
5.5未來發展方向 58

參考文獻 60
中文文獻 60
英文文獻 63
參考網站 66

附錄  本研究之問卷內容 68

表2-1 學者提出之通路定義 9
表2-2 常見之性別刻板印象 10
表4-1 餐飲業廣告與不同通路間之消費特性 27
表4-2 性別與常接收美食資訊方式之交叉統計表 28
表4-3 年齡與常接收美食資訊方式之交叉統計表 28
表4-4 學歷與常接收美食資訊方式之交叉統計表 29
表4-5 職業與常接收美食資訊方式之交叉統計 29
表4-6 個人月收入與常接收美食資訊方式之交叉統計表 30
表4-7  KMO值判斷準則 31
表4-8  KMO與 Bartlett 檢定表 31
表4-9  解說總變異量 32
表4-10 (a)~(d) 轉軸後的成份矩陣 33~35
表4-11 本研究之生活型態變數,及所對應之問卷題項情形一覽 36
表4-12 本研究總量表之信度分析情形 37
表4-13 生活型態和資訊接收兩變數之交叉敘述統計量 39
表4-14 生活型態和資訊接收兩變數之變異數分析表 40
表4-15 性別與資訊接收通路之列聯表 42
表4-16 性別與資訊接收通路之卡方檢定表 43
表4-17 年齡與資訊接收通路之列聯表 44
表4-18 年齡與資訊接收通路之卡方檢定表 44
表4-19 學歷與資訊接收通路之列聯表 45
表4-20 學歷與資訊接收通路之卡方檢定表 46
表4-21 職業與資訊接收通路之列聯表 47
表4-22 職業與資訊接收通路之卡方檢定表 47
表4-23 個人月收入與資訊接收通路之列聯表 48
表4-24 個人月收入與資訊接收通路之卡方檢定表 49
表5-1 本研究各假設之檢定結果 50
表5-2 資訊接收通路之消費者特性 54

圖1-1 本研究之研究流程圖 5
圖3-1 研究架構圖 15
圖3-2 問卷發放流程圖 25
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