§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2306200913304700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2009.00851
論文名稱(中文) 部落格內容形式、背景音樂與瀏覽者態度、行為意圖關係之研究
論文名稱(英文) Study of the Relationship between the Content, Background Music, Viewer Attitudes and Behavior Intentions of Blog
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 企業管理學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Business Administration
學年度 97
學期 2
出版年 98
研究生(中文) 林建豪
研究生(英文) Chien-Hao Lin
學號 696610343
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2009-06-09
論文頁數 93頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃曼琴
委員 - 李月華
委員 - 吳長生
關鍵字(中) 部落格
關鍵字(英) Blog
Behavior Intentions


In the Internet age, the emergence of not only the blog provides a timely manner is different from the traditional forms of new media network record, but also to meet the user performance and exclusive in its own unique needs of style, What is more, closer to users and the distance between the viewer and enhance the mutual interaction. How to attract viewers into the blog to improve the blog's popularity seems to have the trend of the times. The purpose of this study are based on the experimental design, trying to understand the blog viewers blog content for the form of background music and the difference in attitude and their behavior caused by the follow-up intentions.
1.If it is difference in the attitudes and behavior intentions of viewers under the different content blogs.
2.If it is difference in the attitudes and behavior intentions of viewers under the different background music.
3.Under the blog content and background music combinations if it is difference in the attitudes and behavior intentions of viewers.
4.Under the blog content and background music combinations if the attitudes of viewers affect behavior intentions.
    In this study, the following 29-year-old viewers for the main study, respondents through the Internet to obtain a questionnaire survey among 327 questionnaires, a total of 301 valid questionnaires, and then based on statistical analysis of sample data. The analytic ways include Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, ANOVA, F test, T test, and Regression Analysis. The result of analysis as follow:
1.When there is background music on blogs, it is no significant difference within the attitudes of viewers under the different content blogs, but the behavior intentions is significant difference.
2.When there is background music on blogs, it is no significant difference in the attitudes and behavior intentions of viewers under the different background music.
3.Under the blog content and background music combinations, it is no significant difference in the attitudes and behavior intentions of viewers.
4.When there is no background music on blogs, it is significant difference in the attitudes and behavior intentions of viewers under the different content blogs.
Under the blog content and background music combinations, the attitudes of viewers affect behavior intentions significantly.
第一章  緒論........................................1
    第一節  研究背景................................1
    第二節  研究動機................................5
    第三節  研究目的................................7
    第四節  研究流程................................8
第二章  文獻探討...................................10
    第一節  部落格.................................10
    第二節  圖片與文章之關係.......................20
    第三節  音樂的作用.............................23
    第四節  態度...................................29
    第五節  行為意圖...............................32
第三章  研究方法...................................38
    第一節  研究架構與假說.........................38
    第二節  實驗設計...............................41
    第三節  變數之操作性定義與問卷設計.............45
    第四節  統計分析方法...........................47
第四章  資料分析結果與討論.........................49
    第一節  敘述性統計分析.........................49
    第二節  量表信度與效度.........................51
    第三節  假設檢定...............................61
    第四節  假設檢定結果...........................68
第五章  結論與建議.................................73
    第一節  研究結果與討論.........................73
    第二節  研究貢獻...............................75
    第三節  研究限制與後續研究建議.................76

附錄A  實驗部落格網頁..............................87
附錄B  網路問卷....................................90
附錄C  紙本問卷....................................91

表2-1 部落格定義彙整 .............................................................................................. 11
表2-2 圖片的認知功能與文章結構的關係 ..............................................................22
表2-3 音樂的組成要素與情緒反應對照表 ..............................................................26
表2-4 音樂速度常見的術語 ......................................................................................28
表2-5 態度與行為意圖關係之相關研究 ..................................................................36
表3-1 實驗組別表 ......................................................................................................43
表3-2 實驗部落格之設計一覽表 ..............................................................................43
表4-1 樣本統計表 ......................................................................................................49
表4-2 部落格使用經驗 ..............................................................................................50
表4-3 人口統計變數與組別之卡方檢定 ..................................................................51
表4-4 KMO 和Bartlett 球形檢定—態度(有音樂組) ..............................................52
表4-5 因素分析之轉軸後的成份矩陣—態度(有音樂組)........................................53
表4-6 第二次因素分析之KMO 和Bartlett 球形檢定—態度(有音樂組) ..............53
表4-7 第二次因素分析之轉軸後的成份矩陣—態度(有音樂組)............................54
表4-8 因素分析結果—態度(有音樂組)....................................................................54
表4-9 KMO 和Bartlett 球形檢定—態度(無音樂組) ..............................................56
表4-10 因素分析之轉軸後的成份矩陣—態度(無音樂組)......................................57
表4-11 第二次KMO 和Bartlett 球形檢定—態度(無音樂組) ................................57
表4-12 第二次因素分析之轉軸後的成份矩陣—態度(無音樂組)..........................57
表4-13 因素分析結果—態度(無音樂組)..................................................................58
表4-14 KMO 和Bartlett 球形檢定—行為意圖 .......................................................58
表4-15 因素分析之轉軸後的成份矩陣—行為意圖 ................................................59
表4-16 因素分析結果—行為意圖 ............................................................................59
表4-17 Pearson's 相關係數矩陣(有音樂組) .............................................................61
表4-18 Pearson's 相關係數矩陣(無音樂組) .............................................................61
表4-19 內容形式、背景音樂與瀏覽者態度、行為意圖MANOVA 檢定 ............63
表4-20 各組間瀏覽者態度之F檢定 ..........................................................................63
表4-21 無音樂組之內容形式與瀏覽者態度、行為意圖MANOVA 檢定 ............65
表4-22 無音樂組間瀏覽者態度與行為意圖之T檢定 ..............................................65
表4-23 瀏覽者態度對瀏覽互動意圖之影響(有音樂組) ..........................................66
表4-24 瀏覽者態度對非互動意圖之影響(有音樂組) ..............................................66
表4-25 瀏覽者態度對行為意圖之影響(無音樂組) ..................................................67
表4-26 假設檢定結果摘要 ........................................................................................68

圖1-1 研究流程圖 ........................................................................................................9
圖2-1 部落格分類模型 ..............................................................................................14
圖2-2 網誌內容瀏覽傾向 ..........................................................................................15
圖2-3 部落格網友主要資訊蒐集管道 ......................................................................18
圖2-4 部落格之間的連結 ..........................................................................................20
圖2-5 音樂的組成因子 ..............................................................................................25
圖2-6 態度、行為意圖、與行為間之關係 ..............................................................31
圖2-7 理性行為理論 ..................................................................................................34
圖2-8 計畫行為理論 ..................................................................................................35
圖3-1 研究架構圖 ......................................................................................................38
圖4-1 態度與行為意圖迴歸分析後之結果 ..............................................................68
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