§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2305201502291900
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2015.00707
論文名稱(中文) 華人心理堅韌度量表信效度之檢測
論文名稱(英文) A Test of the Reliability and Validity of Mental Toughness Scale for Chinese
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 教育心理與諮商研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling
學年度 103
學期 2
出版年 104
研究生(中文) 朴世光
研究生(英文) Shih-Kuang Pu
學號 601690265
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2015-05-18
論文頁數 85頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林淑萍
共同指導教授 - 徐加玲
委員 - 翁儷禎
委員 - 郭建志
關鍵字(中) 華人心理堅韌度
關鍵字(英) mental toughness for Chinese
mental toughness
mental health
Scale Development

	心理堅韌度是重要的心理技能(psychological skills),不僅能夠降低壓力之外,還可以提升生活的品質。雖然國外已經有用來測量心理堅韌度的量表,但在國內仍缺乏可供深入探討華人文化脈絡下心理堅韌度的測量工具。考量到不同文化脈絡對心理堅韌度的構念內涵會有所差異,並且為了後續研究可以對國內抗壓力性格作更全面的探討,學者林淑萍針對華人的人格特質來編製了華人的心理堅韌度量表。本研究研究目的在檢測華人心理堅韌度量表之信效度,以提供具有良好信效度表現的檢證結果,說明該量表適用於測量華人的心理堅韌度,並藉此瞭解心理堅韌度於在職人士與學生族群的分佈情形。
    一、在職人士的華人心理堅韌度量表之內部一致性信度係數Cronbach's α  
        = .82,和學生的華人心理堅韌度量表之內部一致性信度係數
        Cronbach's α = .75,皆呈現良好之信度。量表之再測信度達到r = .78,


     Mental toughness is one of the important psychological skills. It not only enables individuals to reduce the pressure, but also enhances their quality of life. Reviewing the previous study about this field, it already has mental toughness measurement scales developed in the West. However, the differences between the Eastern world and Western cultures have the effects on shaping the personality traits. In order to understand more about Chinese anti-stress character studies, Dr. Shu-PingLin has developed the Chinese Mental toughness scale by Chinese personality traits. 
     Therefore, the aim of this research is to test the reliability and validity of the Chinese mental toughness scale, so as to provide reliable Mental toughness scale for Chinese.And to understand the mental toughness distribution in working people and students.
    The subject of this study focuses on adults, and this study further divided them into two groups. One is the group of working people, and the other is students. For the group of working people, the study took purposive sampling. There were 303 out of 350 purposive samples returned as valid. For the group of students, the convenience sampling was applied. There were 175 out of 180 samples returned as valid. The instruments applied in this study were the" Mental Toughness Scale for Chinese ", " Perceived Stress Scale", " The General Health Questionnaire", "Core Self-evaluation Scale" and the "Job satisfaction Scale". The dataobtained were analyzed by the statistical software, SPSS, to test the reliability and validity. 
    The major findings of this study reveal as follows:
1.The results show that working people of the internal consistency reliability coefficients of the Chinese Mental Toughness scale Cronbach's α = .82, and students of the internal consistency reliability coefficient of the Chinese Mental toughness scale Cronbach's α = .75. Both of the results represent in a well reliability. Test-retest reliability of the scale of the reach r = .78 also show the stability of the Chinese Mental Toughness scale. The results also reveal a good criterion-related validity.
2.The results of the research reveal that mental toughness of the working people is higher than that of the students.
3.According to occupational categories, the mental toughness of the insurance salesman and sales clerk are higher than the scale of the transporter, logistics personnel, military man and civil servants.
    Finally, according to findings of this research, the researcher proposed the specific directions for future researchesand restrictions.The expectation of this study is trying to establish a reliability and validity scale of Mental toughness for Chinese in applying to all kinds of field as an evaluation tool for capability development.
目  次
第一章 緒論	1
第一節 研究背景與動機	1
第二節 研究目的與問題	6
第二章 文獻探討	8
第一節 心理堅韌度的重要性與變革	8
第二節 現行之心理堅韌度量表	18
第三節 華人心理堅韌度量表	21
第四節 心理堅韌度的作用效果	27
第五節 從背景變項探討心理堅韌度的差異情形	34
第三章 研究方法	36
第一節 研究對象	36
第二節 研究工具	39
第三節 施測程序	43
第四節 資料處理方法	45
第四章 研究結果分析	47
第一節 華人心理堅韌度量表的項目描述統計	47
第二節 華人心理堅韌度量表的信度分析	47
第三節 不同職業類別在心理堅韌度上之差異分析	52
第四節 不同背景變項在心理堅韌度上之差異分析	53
第五節 華人心理堅韌度量表與各量表之間的相關分析	56
第五章 討論與建議	58
第一節 研究結果討論	58
第二節 研究建議與限制	62
參考文獻    	66
一、中文部分	66
二、英文部分	68
附錄一  心理堅韌度題目因素分析結果	73
附錄二  開放式問卷	74
附錄三  中華民國職業標準分類說明	75
附錄四  在職人士版正式問卷	77
附錄五  學生版正式問卷	82
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