§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2207201321421200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.00885
論文名稱(中文) 明清家訓中家庭教育方法之研究
論文名稱(英文) The Study on the Family Education of Family Instruction of the Ming and Qing Dynasty
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 中國文學學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Chinese
學年度 101
學期 2
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 黃瓊真
研究生(英文) Chiung-Chen Huang
學號 797010104
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2013-06-17
論文頁數 137頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 吳哲夫
委員 - 孫永忠
委員 - 崔成宗
關鍵字(中) 明清時代
關鍵字(英) Ming and Qing Dynasty family instruction
Family Education
There has been a long history in the Family Instruction in ancient China. The family management and family education have been greatly emphasized throughout the Chinese history, and “Family Instruction” is the concrete representation of the “words of family foundation and personal individualization” as the teachings of the descendants. The collection of unique family teachings is what the family elders condensed their rich life experiences into and what they put into words to become the criterion for disciplining the behaviors of family members and for dealing with family affairs in pursuit of the sustainable management and development of the family. 
The traditional Family Instruction, the family education with an emphasis on the unity of the family and the country, has a profound influence on individuals, the family, the society, and the country. A majority of families in modern society are the “small family” type, and hence, what with the transformed social practices and values, what with the malfunction of family education and what with the frequent social disorders, the traditional ethical education has been revalued. And Family Instruction is the best revelation of the traditional moral education. Because the Ming and Qing Dynasty is the period of prosperity and development for Family Instruction, this thesis will try to analyze the contents related to family education in Family Instruction of the Ming and Qing Dynasty with the view to making some contribution to modern education. 
The following are the contents of the thesis:
The first chapter is the introduction. On top of “research motivation and thesis explanation”, and “relevant research generation”, this chapter includes “the definition of family instruction and the form of origins”, “the development of branches of family instruction”, and “the relationship between the traditional family education and family instruction”, as the generalization of the topics in this thesis. 
From the second chapter to the fourth chapter, there is the introduction and analysis of the methods of the family instruction of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. 
The second chapter analyzes and lists the contents of “self–study”, “socialization” and “self–discipline”. The “self–study” is divided into the three parts of making resolutions, diligently studying and self–reflection; the “socialization” will discuss separately about careful speech and cautious behavior, toleration and generosity, and the harmonious treatment with people of the same family; “self–discipline” is segmented into the abstinence from gambling and alcohol, the abstinence from sexual indulgence, the abstinence from disputes and the caution in making friends. 
The third chapter makes an analysis of the concepts about “business-making and living–making”, “family ethics” and “family principles” in the family instruction of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. The “business–making and living–making” is concerned about the three segments of “farming and studying”, “business” and “others.” The “family ethics” talks about the realization of filial piety, harmonious brotherhood and sweet relationship between a couple. The “family principles” is divided into the three parts of the management of farming estate, the promotion of diligence, and the marriage and funeral.
The fourth chapter analyzes the methods of “disciplining disciples” and “educating noble officials and good civilians.” The “disciplining disciples” focuses on the three sections of the baby cultivation, the mentor selection and the promotion of school establishment and study encouragement; the “educating noble officials and good civilians” is segmented into the observation of virtues and disciplines, the contribution of produce and taxes, and the law–obedience and the abortion of alliance. 
The fifth chapter is the conclusion, making a summary of the above–mentioned contents and depicting the significance of family instruction. 
This thesis can’t be completed without the tireless guidance of my best–respected teacher, Professor Wu. This thesis is the first trial of my study, and any error is open to be corrected.
第一章  緒論	1
第一節  研究動機與論題說明	1
第二節  相關研究概況	2
一、探討明清時代的家訓作品	3
二、關於家訓類的通論作品	3
第三節  家訓的定義與來源發展	5
一、家訓的定義	5
二、家訓的來源	6
三、家訓的發展	7
第四節  傳統家庭教育與家訓之關係	11
第二章  明清家訓中重視個人之立身、處世法	15
第一節  修身	15
一、立定志向	16
二、精勤讀書	18
三、慎獨自省	24
第二節  處世	27
一、謹言慎行	27
二、謙讓寬厚	31
三、敦睦族誼	34
第三節  戒慎	38
一、戒賭酒	38
二、戒淫樂	42
三、戒爭訟	45
四、慎交友	48
第三章 明清家訓中鼓勵立業、重視倫常	54
第一節  立業治生	54
第二節  家庭倫常	63
一、盡孝道	63
二、友兄弟	70
三、宜夫婦	75
第三節  家務原則	81
一、田產管理	81
二、倡導勤儉	83
三、婚姻與喪葬	88
第四章 明清家訓之教化子弟、居官為民之道	94
第一節  教化子弟	94
一、胎教蒙養	96
二、選聘良師	103
三、提倡興學獎勵讀書	106
第二節  教導為清官	111
一、居官之要	111
二、清廉守紀	114
第三節  教導為良民	116
一、完糧納稅	116
二、守法不要結盟	123
第五章  結論	127
參考文獻	131
一、古籍書目	131
二、近人著作	132
三、期刊	133
四、學位論文	136
五、譜牒	136
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22.	邊方晉等《任邱邊氏族譜‧家訓‧一經堂家訓》清乾隆37年篤敘堂刊本,河北任邱 卷19。
23.	嚴登等,《烏程鳳林嚴氏家譜‧家範》清乾隆9年刊本卷首。

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