§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2207200815162800
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.00749
論文名稱(中文) 台灣LED產業競爭力與經營策略之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study of Competitiveness and Management Strategy for LED Industry in Taiwan
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 管理科學研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Management Science
學年度 96
學期 2
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 梁大俞
研究生(英文) Ta-Yu Liang
學號 695620228
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2008-06-19
論文頁數 99頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 劉艾華
委員 - 楊維楨
委員 - 邱光輝
關鍵字(中) LED
關鍵字(英) LED
Five Forces Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Diamond Model
在地球暖化與環保意識日益受到全球重視的今日,能源短缺的問題讓各國政府、相關組織與業者積極開發符合環保、省電、節能等理念與應用產品。其中,LED因具備有省電且發光效率佳、無熱輻射與無水銀等有毒物質的污染且壽命長等優點,在講求環保節能的現代,無疑是最佳的低污染替代能源代表之一。且在2008年北京奧運帶動 LED終端產品應用需求如大尺寸面板背光源、景觀照明以及戶外看板、路燈及手機、NB、車用等高亮度LED產品應用穩定成長,隨著LED發光效率提升與價格下降,在能源短缺的今日,LED光源在照明市場應用前景備受矚目。
With the upswing of the global warming and the environmental consciousness awakening, the shortage of energy makes several governments and organizations enthusiastically develop alternative products which have low power and energy consumption. Among them, LED is definitely the best substitute to achieve lower pollution because it has the advantages of saving power, high luminescent efficiency, producing no pollution of heat radiation, having no poisonous material Hg and longer lifetime. Besides, 2008 Beijing Olympic encourages the use of LED products, such as LCD backlight、landscape illumination, outdoor information billboard, street lamp, mobile phone, NB and automobile lighting. With the uprising of the high luminescent efficiency and the downturn of the prize, the future of LED in the light market is expecting. 
In first chapter, we clarify the research thesis. Then in chapter two, we conclude the models and theories of competitive advantages and start collecting the relevant second-handed  business information and data from domestic and foreign journals, researches and printed media . Based on supply and demand perspective, we have systematically analysis of the data. From the supply perspective, this study analyzes the industrial structure of the upper, middle and lower stream of LED industry. Then we have discussion on where the future application of LED from the point of demand. Based on the literature review, we draw up the research structure to analyze the LED industry. First, we apply the “Diamond Model” from Porter(1990) to survey whether LED industry has the competitive conditions and advantages or not. Those are the internal potential of the industry, what also matters is the national environment for the LED development. Hence, we have both the internal and external review. Then, we use “Five Forces Analysis” from Porter(1980) to understand more about the problems the LED industry faces nowadays. Besides, we have discussion on the business competition in details in order to provide some suggestion and references for the industries to define themselves and their development. It also helps the organizations to draw up the most appropriate business strategies and future blueprint. At last, we adopt “SWOT Analysis” to analyze what the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats the LED industry in Taiwan confronts. After clearly understanding the whole industry structure and its problems, in chapter five, we try to have an overall description and unmentioned discussion about the LED industry. Moreover, based on the conclusion, we hope to offer some meaningful advice and solutions for the development of LED industry in Taiwan.
目錄	I
表目錄	IV
圖目錄	VI
第一章 緒論	1
1.1研究背景與動機	1
1.2問題及目的	2
1.3研究方法	2
1.4研究流程與架構	3
1.5研究限制	5
第二章 文獻探討	6
2.1競爭策略	6
2.1.1 策略的定義	6
2.1.2 策略類型	8
2.2國家競爭優勢	12
2.3五力分析	16
2.4 SWOT分析	22
第三章 LED產業分析	25
3.1 LED產業概述	25
3.1.1 LED發光二極體產品簡介	25
3.1.2 技術發展	26
3.1.3發光二極體製程	28
3.1.4 專利議題	30
3.1.5台灣LED產業政策發展	32
3.2 需求面分析	34
3.2.1 LED與傳統光源之比較	34
3.2.2 LED產品應用領域	38
3.2.3 產品需求概況	62
3.3 供給面分析	64
3.3.1 上游廠商分析	64
3.3.2 下游廠商分析	66
3.3.3 集團進入LED產業鏈分析	68
第四章 我國LED競爭策略分析	74
4.1 台灣LED產業鑽石模型之分析	74
4.2 台灣LED產業SWOT分析	79
4.3台灣LED五力分析	83
第五章 研究結論	90
參考文獻	94

表1 策略論述整理	7
表2 一般性競爭策略	9
表3 LED的種類與應用	26
表4 目前室內外照明市場的主要光源比較表	37
表5 LED應用領域	38
表6 LED條燈的應用與規格之比較	45
表7 LED光源與霓虹燈相比製造成本分析表	47
表8 SONY 13.3吋LED NB與13.3吋CCFL背光源之NB比較	52
表9 LED NB與CCFL市價差異比較表	53
表10 台灣廠商12.1吋NB面板之背光源成本分析	54
表11 2008 年7~10 吋面板背光源使用白光LED 比重預估	57
表12 新舊兩款SONYLCD TV 採用的LED模組比較表	58
表13 LED上游廠商合併案	64
表14 2007 年與2008 年前三大台灣LED 上游廠商產能	66
表15 2007 年台灣主要LED封裝廠商月產能	67
表16 集團投入LED產業鏈一覽	72
表17 台灣LED鑽石模型分析	78
表18 台灣LED產業SWOT分析	79
表19 一般性競爭策略	88

圖1 本研究之流程圖	4
圖2 本研究之架構圖	5
圖3 鑽石模型	13
圖4 五力分析模型	21
圖5 SWOT分析、資源基礎模式與競爭優勢環境模式之關係	23
圖6 LED 製程	28
圖7 台灣廠商藍/白LED專利授權關係圖	31
圖8 LED交通號誌	40
圖9 以燈廠角度之LED條燈通路	46
圖10 LED NB之三大優勢	52
圖11 不同廠牌LED NB機種累計數量比較圖	54
圖12 不同尺寸LED NB 機種累計數量比較圖	55
圖13 2007年~2008年LED終端應用需求預估	63
圖14 台灣LED產業五力分析圖	84
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