§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2201201319202400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.00845
論文名稱(中文) 德國與聯合國安全理事會改革之研究(1998-2012)
論文名稱(英文) Study on Germany and the Reform of the United Nations Security Council(1998-2012)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際事務與戰略研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
學年度 101
學期 1
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 黃如萱
研究生(英文) Ru-Syuan Huang
學號 699330121
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2013-01-14
論文頁數 151頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 李大中
委員 - 翁明賢
委員 - 谷瑞生
關鍵字(中) 德國外交政策
關鍵字(英) German foreign policy
the Reform of UNSC
Gerhard Schroder
Angela Merkel
permanent member in UNSC
As a defeated state in the Second World War, Germany needed to take the most historical responsibility to return to the international society.  Adopting foreign policies such as Westpolitik, multilateralism , culture of power-political restraint and so forth, German gained advantage from east-west conflict , and, thereby, was able to achieve reunification. Foreign & security policy in German is primarily built on the multilateralism under the United Nations(UN) framework. United Nations Security Council (UNSC)is in charge of the maintenance of international peace and security, but the international system has completely changed comparing to the situation when UNSC was founded. German was ready to attempt to the UNSC reform after the reunification.

As model of Civil Powers and being long-term main contributor to the UN budget, German has been in the forefront of an attempt to become new permanent member. 
German has stated that it is willing to take international responsibility when the UNSC faces the problems of representation, democracy, transparency and accountability. Affected by the Razali Plan and High Level Panel Report, German was motivated to pay close attention to “size and categories of membership.” This study aims to explain how German persuaded the UNSC reform from the perspective of considering Permanent 5, Italy and Europe Union as external factors and considering the German public opinion and amid parties as internal factors.

The early stage of Gerhard Schroder time, he did not serve permanent seat gaining as priority, but ambitious plan Group of four(G4)for SC expansion more. Since 2003 Iraq war , US has never clearly answered whether she supports German in permanent seat or not. The proposal of “six permanent and four non permanent seats” from the G4, had a bright prospect of winning passage of the SC reform. After Angela Merkel took office, she has stated that the SC reform could go forward by German’s participation in coalition treaty in 2005 and Opening Debate of General Assembly in 2007. Because the reform negotiations have not made progress for years, the German government gradually lost her desire to pursue this goal and turn to support “European seat” instead. Germany suggested that the reform could work by transitional approach whereas other members of G4 opposed. Although the idea of SC expansion is unable to reach an agreement, G4 still remains in 2012.

Base on the literature, this study includes three levels: German diplomacy , Germany in UN and Germany to the SC reform. From these points the research could sum up the relation of German and the SC reform.
第一節 議題背景和研究目的										1
第二節 研究方法和研究途徑										5
第三節 研究範圍和研究限制										7
第四節 文獻檢閱												9
第五節 研究架構											   19

第二章 德國外交政策與聯合國
第一節 德國外交政策基本原則								   21
第二節 戰後德國外交政策之演變 								   26
第三節 德國制定外交政策之機構 								   31
第四節 德國入聯後之歷程與發展								   37
第五節 小節												   48

第三章 聯合國安理會改革與德國的角色
第一節 聯合國安理會之改革			  					   50
第二節 德國對聯合國安理會改革之立場與具體策略                 58
第三節 德國內外部因素對聯合國安理會改革之影響				   65
	第四節 小節												   74

第四章 德國爭取常任理事國:兩任政府具體作為與比較
第一節 施洛德政府時期之「爭常」(1998-2005)					  76
第二節 梅克爾政府時期之「爭常」(2005-2012)					   93
第三節 施洛德政府與梅克爾政府時期「爭常」之比較			  104
第四節 小節												  108

第五章 聯合國安理會改革評估
第一節 挑戰與困境											  110
第二節 未來展望											  119
	第三節 小節												  126

第六章 結論
第一節 研究回顧 											  128
第二節 研究觀察 											  130

中文資料													  135
英文資料													  138

表2-1:冷戰時期歷任西德總理之外交政策主軸						   30
表2-2:德國對聯合國經常性預算分擔額度(1999-2012)				   41
表2-3:後冷戰德國參與的PKO及其人力投入(1991-2011)			   44
表2-4:2011-2012年聯合國維持和平行動十大攤款國家				   46
表3-1:聯合國成員數VS.安理會成員數對照表						   59
表3-2:民意調查-常任理事國V.S.德國								   66
表4-1:安理會成員現狀V.S.四國集團方案							   82
表4-2:安理會改革重要文件(關於擴大安理會的內容)				   88
表4-3:德國近兩任聯邦總理及其外交部長							  103
表4-4:施洛德總理&梅克爾總理:兩時期爭常之比較				    108
表5-1:對安理會擴大表態的國家數目								  115


圖1-1:研究架構圖												   20
圖2-1:聯邦德國外交部組織職掌圖 								   32
圖5-1:常任候選國或區域代表的支持度(2008年12月)				  115
圖5-2:擴大安理會的支持度對照表									  117
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張安藍譯(原著Kurt Sontheimer, Wilhelm Bleek)《德國政府與政治》(台北:五南圖書出版公司,1999)。
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