§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2107200914521000
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2009.00776
論文名稱(中文) 裏海地區的能源競合關係與俄國的角色(1999-2006)
論文名稱(英文) Russian Energy’s Policy for the Caspian Sea Region (1999-2006)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 俄羅斯研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Slavic Studies
學年度 97
學期 2
出版年 98
研究生(中文) 黃惠華
研究生(英文) Huei-hua Huang
學號 694090134
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2009-06-12
論文頁數 168頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 郭建中
委員 - 彼薩列夫
委員 - 汪哲仁
關鍵字(中) 俄羅斯
關鍵字(英) Russia
Caspian Sea
New Institutional Economics
The subject of this thesis is to analyze the interrelation and interaction of geopolitics through new institutional economics from 1999-2006 with regards to Russia's exposure to the four states neighboring the Caspian Sea, namely Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan as well as to other great powers acting in this region. 
The striving for natural resources in the Caspian Sea is evident if observing each of the neighboring countries’ behavior. Each of them tries to get the biggest piece of the Caspian energy cake, and concurrently, in terms of influence, avoid to be replaced by the other neighboring countries. It is a struggle that has also caused loose of competitive power. When Putin assumed office, Moscow positively engaged with his Caspian neighbors for a cooperative management of the Caspian Sea energy.
The joint exploitation of the Caspian natural resources reveals the condition that competition and cooperation happens when states peruse each own interests. New institutional economics emphasizes that trade will create new rules and institutions to maintain the new order. Institutions could reduce the informational asymmetry by setting up communication platforms for each participant; avoids fraud or disadvantageous treatment by organizing regular meetings to exchange views and ideas. Conflicts are treated under organizational framework via negotiations, problem-solving consultations, and the resource-exploitation behavior will under the surveillance of joint agreements which signed by all participated states. This cooperative way helps them to reduce costs of trade transactions and to realize each country’s interest fairly within this framework.  
Russia's development of its Caspian Sea natural resources is humble, as oil and natural gas production in that region merely stake 1% of the country’s total energy production. The contribution of the Caspian Sea energy production is very low. However, Moscow possesses the regions biggest export pipeline, and hence its policy’s focal point lies in the flexible application of a pipeline strategy and to use foreign companies to invest and earn money in this region. 
From the economic point of view, the cooperation with western countries not only strengthens Russia’s integration into the world economy but also enables the biggest country in the world to learn from western technologies. Additionally, the pipeline transit charges are a reliable and stable tax income. During continuous exploitation processes, new pipelines can promote the regional development of the Caspian Sea, achieving an expansion of the domestic demand. 
On the political level, participation in international organizations and the energy cooperation with other countries increases Russia’s influence on the international stage, strengthens its control of particular domestic industries and guarantees the security and stability of the country.
第一章 緒論………………………...…………………………………...........1
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………………………...........1
第二節 研究方法……………………………………………………………………...........3
第三節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………………….........12
第四節 論文架構與章節安排……………………………………………………….........13
第二章 裏海地區能源的利益與衝突………………………..….…….........14
第一節 裏海地緣政治環境………………………………………………………….........14
第二節 裏海能源的供給與需求…………………………………………………….........22
第三節 裏海周邊各國與美國的石油角逐………………………………………….........37
第四節 裏海國際法律爭端情形…………………………………………………….........50
第五節 小結………………………………………………………………………….........57
第三章 裏海地區能源競合對俄羅斯及能源進口大國的衝擊....…............61
第一節 能源管道的建立…………………………………………………………….........61
第二節 國際間的競爭與合作:周邊國家的競爭與合作,美國的角色與影響…………………………………………………………………....………………...........72
第三節 俄國與各國的競爭情況........................…………………………………….........82
第四節 小結………………………………………………………………………...........109
第四章 俄羅斯在裏海地區的能源經營策略……………………………..112
第一節 俄國裏海政策……………………………………………………………...........112
第二節 俄羅斯能源公司在裏海的投資…………………………………………...........119
第三節 裏海的能源對俄羅斯的經濟貢獻或影響………………………………...........132
第四節 小結.......................................................................................................................143
第五章 結論…………………………………...………...............................146

圖2.8、亞塞拜然的阿澤裏、奇拉格、古涅什里油田......................................................... 30
圖3.7、CPC和 BTC管道………………............................................................................74

表3.9、合作與典則(Cooperation and Regimes)………..…………………………….......108
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2.	Azerbaijan: Production-Sharing Agreements, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Azerbaijan/azerproj.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/9.
3.	Azerbaijan: Production-Sharing Agreements, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Azerbaijan/azerproj.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/30.
4.	Azerbaijan , HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Azerbaijan/azerproj.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/22.
5.	Authorities Tax Block Accounts of Caspian Pipeline Consortium, HHUUhttp://www.kommersant.com/p692816/Tax_Authorities_Block_Accounts_of_Caspian_Pipeline_Consortium/UUHH, 2009/1/8.
6.	ACG Oil Fields, HHUUhttp://www.inpex.co.jp/english/business/nis.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/23.
7.	Astrakhan, Kalmykia, Dagestan, HHUUhttp://research.rencap.com/eng/default.aspUUHH, 2009/2/19.
8.	Blue Stream, HHUUhttp://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article8895.shtmlUUHH, 2008/8/24.
9.	BTC pipeline, HHUUhttp://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,469857,00.htmlUUHH, 2008/11/28.
10.	HHBTC Celebrates Full CommissioningHH, HHUUhttp://www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=9006615&contentId=7020655UUHH, 2008/11/29.
11.	BTC, HHUUhttp://www.stratfor.com/memberships/68756/br_russia_btc_pipelines_surprising_saviorUUHH, 2008/11/24.
12.	BP: First Ship Loads Oil from New Caspian Pipeline, HHUUhttp://www.downstreamtoday.com/News/Articles/200606/BP_First_Ship_Loads_Oil_from_New_Caspia_722.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1UUHH, 2008/11/29.
13.	Burgas-Alexandroupoli pipeline, HHUUhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Burgas-alexandroupoli.gifUUHH, 2009/01/08. 
14.	Caspian pipeline Consortium,  HHUUhttp://www.cpc.ru/portal/alias!press/lang!en-US/tabID!3357/DesktopDefault.aspxUUHH, 2007/6/15.
15.	Bosporus Bypass Oil Export Routes for Oil Transiting the Black Sea, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/caspgrph.html,2008/7/17UUHH.
16.	British Petroleum, UUhttp://www.bp.com, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2002UU, 2009/2/17.
17.	Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO), UUhttp://www.eurasianhome.org/xml/t/databases.xml?lang=en&nic=databases&intorg=8&pid=15UU, 2008/7/25.
18.	Caspian Sea, HHUUhttp://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Caspianseamap.pngUUHH, 2008/4/18.
19.	Caspian Sea, HHUUhttp://www.worldlakes.org/lakedetails.asp?lakeid=8762UUHH, 2008/4/18.
20.	CPC, HHUUhttp://www.cpc.ru/portal/alias!press/lang!en-US/tabID!3357/DesktopDefault.aspxUUHH, 2008/7/15.
21.	Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy, HHUUhttp://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/morning.htmUUHH, 2008/9/9.
22.	Caspian, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Caspian/Maps.htmlUUHH, 2008/7/15.
23.	Central Asia - Oil Pipeline Background, HHUUhttp://www.exorthodoxforchrist.com/resources4.htmUUHH, 2008/7/19.
24.	Caspian Pipeline Consortium Starts Operating, HHUUhttp://english.pravda.ru/economics/2001/10/15/18101.htmlUUHH, 2008/7/24.
25.	CPC, UUhttp://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9002177&contentId=7004037UU, 2008/11/24.
26.	CPC Structure, HHUUhttp://www.cpc.ru/portal/alias!press/lang!en-US/tabID!3360/DesktopDefault.aspxUUHH, 2008/11/24.
27.	CPC Project Basic Features, HHUUhttp://www.pbnco.com/eng/clients/pdfs/Trifold_Brochure.pdfUUHH, 2008/11/28.
28.	Caspian Sea Region Leading Upstream Foreign Investment Projects by Country, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Caspian/pdf.pdfUUHH, 2008/12/30.
29.	Caspian Pipeline dream Becomes Reality, HHUUhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2263611.stmUUHH, 2008/11/28.
30.	Caspian Natural Gas, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Caspian/NaturalGas.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/17.
31.	Caspian Oil and Gas: Production and Prospects, HHUUhttp://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/crs/45467.pdfUUHH, 2009/2/20.
32.	CACO and EEC are merging, HHUUhttp://ecetrade.typepad.com/rtas/caco_rtg/UUHH, 2008/12/22.
33.	Caspian Sea Region Leading Upstream Foreign Investment Projects by Country, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Caspian/pdf.pdfUUHH, 2008/12/30.
34.	Chinese Need Russian Oil to Fill Pipeline from Kazakhs, HHUUhttp://www.caspianinfo.org/story.php?id=683UUHH, 2009/2/4.
35.	Caspian Pipeline Consortium, HHUUhttp://www.rosneft.com/Downstream/gas_condensate_exports/Export_terminals/Caspian_Pipeline_Consortium/UUHH, 2009/3/11.
36.	Central Asia, HHUUhttp://www.yukos.com/ep/Central_Asia.aspUUHH, 2007/7/16.
37.	CABRI-Volga - Deliverable 2 – Report, HHUUhttp://cabri-volga.org/index.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/24.
38.	Chevron, Transneft Open Talks on Caspian Pipeline Expansion, HHUUhttp://www.businessportal24.com/en/Chevron_Transneft_Caspian_Pipeline_204746.htmlUUHH, 2009/1/8.
39.	Caspian Pipeline Shareholders Agree to Hike Transport Tariffs, HHUUhttp://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/09/19/business/EU-FIN-Russia-Caspian-Pipeline.php?WT.mc_id=rssap_newsUUHH, 2009/1/6.
40.	CPC Oil Pipeline System, HHUUhttp://www.ecifpa.ru/content.asp?pn=309&lang=enUUHH, 2009/6/30.
41.	Development Strategy, HHUUhttp://www.gazprom.ru/eng/articles/article8523.shtmlUUHH, 2007/6/17.
42.	Debating the Charter at the Energy Committee of the Russian State Duma, HHUUhttp://www.encharter.org/index.php?id=21&id_article=16&L=0UUHH, 2008/10/6.
43.	Development of Dagestan Oil Field to Begin in 2001, HHUUhttp://www.gasandoil.com/goc/company/cnc02302.htmUUHH, 2009/2/25.
44.	Energy in Transition, HHUUhttp://transitionreport.co.uk/TRO/c.abs/transition-report/volume2001/issue1/article68UUHH, 2007/7/24.
45.	Economic and Strategic Stakes in the Caspian Energy Market, HHUUhttp://www.nato.int/docu/colloq/1999/pdf/240-256.pdfUUHH, 2008/12/1.
46.	EU/US Statement On Caspian Energy Issues, HHUUhttp://www.eurunion.org/partner/summit/Summit9805/caspian.htmUUHH, 2009/2/19.
47.	Energy Charter Treaty, HHUUhttp://www.encharter.org/index.php?id=7&L=0UUHH, 2008/10/6.
48.	Existing Oil Pipelines, HHUUhttp://www.harrimaninstitute.org/MEDIA/00956.htmUUHH, 2008/7/15.
49.	Energy Information Administration, UUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/caspgrph.htmlUU, 2008/7/15.
50.	Economic and Strategic Stakes in the Caspian Energy Market, HHUUhttp://www.nato.int/docu/colloq/1999/pdf/240-256.pdfUUHH, 2008/12/1.
51.	Existing and Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline Routes, UUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/caspgrph.htmlUU, 2008/7/19.
52.	EEC, UUhttp://www.evrazes.com/UU, 2008/12/18.
53.	Eurasian Economic Community, HHUUhttp://www.photius.com/eaec/UUHH, 2008/12/18.
54.	Eurasia Insight Post-Soviet Groups Unite,  HHUUhttp://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/pp100805.shtmlUUHH, 2008/12/21.
55.	Energy Profile of the Caspian Sea region, HHUUhttp://www.eoearth.org/article/Energy_profile_of_the_Caspian_Sea_regionUUHH, 2009/1/20.
56.	Eurasian Economic Community, Future Natural Gas OPEC? HHUUhttp://www.caucaz.com/home_eng/breve_contenu.php?id=260UUHH, 2008/12/25.
57.	Eurasian Economic Community: New Phase of Integration, HHUUhttp://www.eurasianhome.org/xml/t/expert.xml?lang=en&nic=expert&pid=1404&qmonth=0&qyear=0UUHH, 2008/12/18.
58.	Fuel and Energy Complex, UUhttp://kalm.ru/en/oilgas.htmlUU, 2009/2/25.
59.	GUUAM, HHUUhttp://www.guuam.org/general/browse.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/12.
60.	Gazprom Heading Way to Global Energy Company, HHUUhttp://www.gazprom.ru/eng/articles/article8511.shtmlUUHH, 2007/6/12
61.	Iran Returns to Gunboat Diplomacy in Dealing with the Caspian Sea. HHUUhttp://www.iran-press-service.com/articles_2002/Feb_2002/caspian_status_27202.htmUUHH, 2009/5/14.
62.	Iran, HHUUhttps://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ir.htmlUUHH, 2008/10/19.
63.	Iran, HHUUhttp://www.unctad.org/Templates/Page.asp?intItemID=3198&lang=1&print=1UUHH, 2006/6/4.
64.	Inogate-Objectives, HHUUhttp://www.inogate.org/inogate_programme/about_inogate/inogate-objectivesUUHH, 2009/2/19.
65.	ITERA Group, HHUUhttp://www.itera.ru/isp/eng//1/1/UUHH, 20076/17.
66.	International lenders keen to invest in Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline, HHUUhttp://www.gasandoil.com/goc/company/cnc20421.htmUUHH, 2009/2/8.
67.	HHIs GUUAM dead?HH, HHUUhttp://arirusila.wordpress.com/tag/guuam/UUHH, 2008/12/14.
68.	Investment of Russia in the economy of the CIS countries, HHUUhttp://www.gks.ru/free_doc/2006/rus06e/23-13.htmUUHH, 2007/6/25.
69.	Kazakhstan, HHUUhttps://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/kz.htmlUUHH, 2008/10/19.
70.	Kashagan Oil Field and Others, HHUUhttp://www.inpex.co.jp/english/business/nis.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/23.
71.	KCP, HHUUhttp://www.sras.org/geopolitics_of_oil_pipelines_in_central_asiaUUHH, 2008/7/17.
72.	KTP, HHUUhttp://www.sras.org/geopolitics_of_oil_pipelines_in_central_asia, 2008/7/17UUHH.
73.	Kazakhstan, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Kazakhstan/pdf.pdfUUHH, 2008/12/22.
74.	Kalmykia Hopes to Receive Permission to Supply Oil Through CPC Soon, HHUUhttp://www.redorbit.com/news/science/393155/kalmykia_hopes_to_receive_permission_to_supply_oil_through_cpc/index.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/26.
75.	KalmTek Set to Put Oil into Caspian Pipeline Consortium system, HHUUhttp://www.gasandoil.com/GOC/company/cnc35012.htmUUHH, 2009/2/26.
76.	Kazakh Leader Says Russia Approves CPC Expansion, UUhttp://sg.biz.yahoo.com/060404/3/3zumb.htmlUU, 2009/1/7.
77.	Large Oil and Gas Fields Supposed to Be Discovered in Kalmykia, HHUUhttp://newsfromrussia.com/world/2004/05/13/53895_.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/26.
78.	Loading of Azeri Crude Oil from BTC Pipeline Begins, HHUUhttp://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detay&link=33694UUHH, 2008/11/30.
79.	Moscow Negative about Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline, HHUUhttp://english.pravda.ru/main/18/89/357/11772_pipeline.htmlUUHH, 2008/11/30.
80.	Newly Independent States Pipelines, HHUUhttp://www.harrimaninstitute.org/MEDIA/00956.htmUUHH, 2008/12/1.
81.	HHNorth Caspian HH, HHUUhttp://www.casp.cam.ac.uk/reports_research/n_caspian_research.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/23.
82.	Natural Gas, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Caspian/NaturalGas.htmlUUHH, 2008/3/1.
83.	Oil, HHUUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Caspian/Oil.htmlUUHH, 2008/3/1.
84.	Oil and Gas Resources in the Caspian Area, HHUUhttp://www.heritage.org/Research/MiddleEast/images/map.gifUUHH, 2009/2/20.
85.	Opportunities for Trans-Atlantic Cooperation in the Caspian Region, HHUUhttp://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,469857,00.htmlUUHH, 2008/11/28.
86.	Opportunities for Trans-Atlantic Cooperation in the Caspian Region, HHUUhttp://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,469857,00.htmlUUHH, 2008/11/28.
87.	Quo Vadis, GUUAM?, HHUUhttp://www.ce-review.org/01/23/solonenko23.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/15.
88.	Resident's Statement on Caspian Pipeline Consortium, HHUUhttp://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011128-11.htmlUUHH, 2008/7/21.
89.	Republic of Azerbaijan—Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission, HHUUhttp://www.imf.org/external/np/ms/2007/092607.htmUUHH, 2008/11/30.
90.	Russia Skeptical about Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, HHUUhttp://en.rian.ru/business/20050602/40460669.htmlUUHH, 2008/11/29.
91.	President Bush, President Putin Announce New Energy Dialogue, HHUUhttp://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/05/20020524-8.htmlUUHH, 2008/8/18.
92.	Russia’s Energy Policy, HHUUhttp://www.ciaonet.org/book/buj01/buj01_04.pdfUUHH, 2008/8/11.
93.	HHRussia’s Peak Oil Problem and Geopolitical PowerHH, HHUUhttp://corporateforeignpolicy.com/?p=42UUHH, 2008/8/10.
94.	Russia Joins CACO, HHUUhttp://ecetrade.typepad.com/rtas/caco_rtg/UUHH, 2008/12/22.
95.	Russia, UUhttp://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Russia/Oil_exports.htmlUU, 2008/8/12.
96.	Russia makes proposal on final trans-Balkan pipeline agreement, HHUUhttp://en.rian.ru/russia/20061121/55847812.htmlUUHH, 2009/1/8.
97.	Russia Still Reticent about Bourgas-Alexandroupolis Pipeline, HHUUhttp://europipelines.blogspot.com/2005_03_01_archive.htmlUUHH, 2009/01/08.
98.	Russia and the Caspian Sea Perceptions and Interests, HHUUhttp://www.defencejournal.com/2000/dec/russia.htmUUHH, 2009/1/21.
99.	Production Sharing Agreement on Kurmangazy Structure Signed, HHUUhttp://www.rosneft.com/printable/news/pressrelease/8901.htmlUUHH, 2009/3/11.
100.	Regional Organization in Central Asia, HHUUhttp://www.nato.int/docu/colloq/2001/2001-17e.pdfUUHH, 2008/10/6.
101.	Russia’ Policy In The Caspian Sector in 2004, UUhttp://www.russianembassy.org.za/statements/text/jan05/drussia-casp140105.htmlUU, 2009/1/20
102.	Study of Oil and Gas Sector in the Caspian with Special Emphasis on Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, HHUUhttp://www.agcc.co.uk/documents/MAY_2003_GAFFNEY_CLINE.REPORT.pdfUUHH, 2009/2/9.
103.	Southern Federal District, HHUUhttp://www.russiasregions.com/southern_federal_district.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/16.
104.	South of Russia plus: The New Strategy of Bank Center-Invest, HHUUwww.centrinvest.ru/pdf/russianfinance-sor.pdfUUHH, 2009/2/12.
105.	Status And Prospects For The Development Of Oil And Gas In The Northwestern Caspian Region, HHUUhttp://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/abstracts/2004/istanbul2000/extended/voronin.pdfUUHH, 2009/2/25.
106.	Sadia Sulaiman, HHUUhttp://www.issi.org.pk/journal/2001_files/no_4/article/5a.htmUUHH, 2008/10/20.
107.	Share of Total Primary Energy Supply in 2006, HHUUhttp://www.iea.org/textbase/stats/pdf_graphs/32TPESPI.pdfUUHH, 2008/11/5.
108.	South Caspian, HHUUhttp://www.casp.cam.ac.uk/reports_research/s_caspain_research.htmlUUHH, 2009/2/23.
109.	The Deadly Pipeline War: U.S. Afghan Policy Driven By Oil Interests, HHUUhttp://jurist.law.pitt.edu/forum/forumnew41.phpUUHH, 2008/7/25.
110.	SCO, HHUUhttp://www.sectsco.org/html/00014.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/15.
111.	HHTaliban: Militant Islam, Oil, and Fundamentalism in Central AsiaHH, HHUUhttp://www.worldpress.org/specials/pp/front.htmUUHH, 2008/7/25.
112.	The Deadly Pipeline War: U.S. Afghan Policy Driven By oil Interests, HHUUhttp://jurist.law.pitt.edu/forum/forumnew41.phpUUHH, 2008/7/25.
113.	HHTaliban: Militant Islam, Oil, and Fundamentalism in Central AsiaHH, HHUUhttp://www.worldpress.org/specials/pp/front.htmUUHH, 2008/7/25.
114.	The Prospects of the Caspian Sea Region in the 21st Century, HHUUhttp://www.euronet.nl/users/sota/TN9732.htmUUHH, 2008/10/6.
115.	Too Soon to Talk of Attack against Iran, HHUUhttp://www.cfr.org/publication/10428/UUHH, 2009/2/17.
116.	The Blue Stream Gas Pipeline, HHUUhttp://www.gazprom.com/eng/articles/article8895.shtmlUUHH, 2009/01/08.
117.	Transneft Offers to Clear Caspian Pipeline’s Debt by Eurobonds, UUhttp://www.kommersant.com/p782249/Transneft_Caspian_Pipeline_Debt/UU, 2009/1/7.
118.	Transneft Left Out of the Consortium, HHUUhttp://www.kommersant.com/p779833/Caspian_Pipeline_Consortium/UUHH, 2009/1/7. 
119.	Transition to capitalism, HHUUhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/guides/457000/457038/html/default.stmUUHH, 2009/2/12.
120.	The Caspian Oil Company, UUhttp://www.yukos.com/ep/The_Caspian_Oil_Company.aspUU, 2007/7/16.
121.	Transneft Sees Chechen Bypass Line Complete in Mid-2000, HHUUhttp://www.gasandoil.com/GOC/news/ntr01069.htmUUHH, 2009/2/26.
122.	Turkmenistan, HHUUhttps://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tx.htmlUUHH, 2008/10/19.
123.	The Aims of EurAsEC, UUhttp://www.worldtradelaw.net/fta/agreements/eaecfta.pdfUU, 2008/12/18.
124.	The GUUAM Summit: Toward A New Yalta Order For The CIS?, HHUUhttp://www.guuam.org/media/CACA_30jun01.htmUUHH, 2008/12/15.
125.	The GUUAM Group: History And Principles, HHUUhttp://www.guuam.org/general/browse.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/12.
126.	The Geographical Directions of Foreign Policy- the CIS Space, HHUUhttp://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/e78a48070f128a7b43256999005bcbb3/89a30b3a6b65b4f2c32572d700292f74?OpenDocumentUUHH, 2008/8/25.
127.	U.S. Energy Security Issues: Russia and the Caspian, HHUUhttp://foreign.senate.gov/testimony/2003/NanayTestimony030430.pdfUUHH, 2008/12/28.
128.	U.S. Economic and Strategic Interests in the Caspian Sea Region: Policies and Implications, HHUUhttp://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/usazerb/321.htmUUHH, 2008/9/9.
129.	U.S.-Caspian Energy Policy: Promoting Sovereignty and Prosperity, HHUUhttp://clinton5.nara.gov/WH/EOP/NSC/html/nsc-14.htmlUUHH, 2008/9/9.
130.	US Policy In Oil-Rich Caspian Basin, HHUUhttp://www.issi.org.pk/journal/2001_files/no_4/article/5a.htmUUHH, 2009/2/19.
131.	U.S.-Central Asian Cooperation, UUhttp://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/2001/11299.htmUU, 2008/7/25.
132.	U.S. Rejects Military Involvement in Caspian Dispute, HHUUhttp://azecon.aznet.org/azecon/news/Caspian%20&%20Energy/2002/mar11-17.htmUUHH, 2008/12/14.
133.	Wolf Outlines U.S. Caucasus/Caspian Energy Policy at Conference, HHUUhttp://www.usembassy.it/file2000_05/alia/a0052215.htmUUHH, 2008/9/9.
134.	What does GUUAM Mean for Caspian Energy?, HHUUhttp://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntc10451.htmUUHH, 2008/12/14.
135.	Yalta Guuam Charter, HHUUhttp://www.guuam.org/doc/browse.htmlUUHH, 2008/12/12.
1.	Валовой региональный продукт по субъектам российской федерации в 1998-2007гг, Федеральная служба государственной статистики, UUhttp://www.gks.ru/bgd/free/b01_19/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d000/vrp98-07.htmUU, 2009/3/15.
2.	Основная номенклатура экспорта январь-июнь 2007 г., HHФТС РоссииHH, HHUUhttp://yutu.customs.ru/ru/statistics/export/popup.php?from642=3&id642=3299&i642=30UUHH, 2009/3/15.
3.	О компании, Транснефть, HHUUhttp://www.transneft.ru/company/UUHH, 2009/5/31.
4.	Товарная структура экспорта и импорта в 2006 г, Федеральная служба государственной статистики, HHUUhttp://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/B07_14p/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d03/25-02.htmUUHH, 2009/6/2.
5.	Федеральная служба государственной статистики, HHUUwww.gks.ruUUHH, 2009/2/16.
6.	Россия в мировой энергетике, HHUUhttp://www.ruseconomy.ru/nomer13_200310/ec02.htmlUUHH, 2008/8/4.
7.	Распределение численности занятого населения по видам экономической Деятельности, HHUUhttp://www.stavstat.ru/region_v_cifrah/trud/DocLib/raspr_po_vidam.htmUUHH, 2009/03/19.
8.	Pаботников организаций области, HHUUhttp://www.oblstat.astranet.ru/astrobl/trud/03.htmUUHH, 2009-03-19.
9.	Среднесписочная численность работников в 2005 году по видам экономической деятельности по республике дагестан (человек), HHUUhttp://academa.ru/faktoryi-i-perspektivyi-povyisheniya-effektivnosti-promyishlennogo-proizvodstva-v-respublike-dagestan.htmlUUHH, 2009/3/20.
10.	Южный федеральный округ россии, HHUUhttp://www.wgeo.ru/russia/okr_ugn.shtmlUUHH, 2006/11/21.

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