§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2106200715580000
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2007.01156
論文名稱(中文) 油價高漲對台灣能源之影響與再生能源發展之研究
論文名稱(英文) Influences of increased crude oil price on Taiwan's energy policy and the study of the renewable energy
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 水資源及環境工程學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
學年度 95
學期 2
出版年 96
研究生(中文) 陳保燁
研究生(英文) Pao-Yeh Chen
學號 693331315
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2007-06-07
論文頁數 64頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王士紘
委員 - 黃慶隆
委員 - 王茂興
關鍵字(中) 再生能源
關鍵字(英) renewable energy
capacity factor
installment capacity
electricity generation cost
CO2 withdrawal
Taiwan's energy 98% must depend on the import, therefore the long-term stable energy supply, is our country develops the strategy which the economy should have. Whole world in accordance to climate vicissitude and in protection environment call, regeneration energy because has pure, the low greenhouse gas discharges as well as from produces the energy the characteristic, will have the more and more countries to regenerate the energy to list as key future energy policy consideration one, therefore our country energy policy also gradually pondered how will develop the regeneration energy. Taiwan according to the advanced countries energy supply tendency, has established the water power, wind power, solar energy and so on regeneration energy as well as the coal, the petroleum, the natural gas and the nuclear power respectively has the suitable allocated proportion the energy multiplication policy.

    The present paper research goal in view of the regeneration energy wind power generation, take three wind power generation demonstration systems as examples, figures out the capacity factor, the electricity generation cost as well as the carbon dioxide withdrawal by way of the year electricity generation gauge carries on the analysis discussion. The capacity factor may understand various wind power generation system the wind to be able the potential as well as the stability. By the year power rate, the equipment cost, the revolution maintenance cost, the revolution fixed number of years, the annual interest rate, the year booth the fixed cost may extract the electricity generation cost. It can establish the wind power generation according to the economy department energy the long distance promoted goal for always to develop the capacity in 2020 to reach 1,500MW to calculate, takes each KW installment capacity according to our country overall wind power resources situation equally to be possible to deliver 2,500 electricity every year to estimate, the CO2 withdrawal which extracts which the annual mean to be possible to have the power rate as well as may reduce to occupy in 2020 the CO2 estimate the proportion. 

The wind power generation by the result in although has reduces the pollution to discharge the benefit, but if it is unable stably to supply will create the overall electrical power system transport business cost rise, these costs inevitably will have to pass the burden to the nation use electricity the household electrovalence thus will rise, it also will bring regarding the national overall economy development quite affects. At the present Taiwan wind power generation present stage only can do will be the assistance electric power, but also will not have the means to carry the power source as the base, but will be allowed to determine is the wind power renewable future has the opportunity to become the mainstream energy.
謝誌  I
中文摘要	II
英文摘要 III
目錄	V
圖目錄	VII
表目錄	VIII
第一章 緒論	1
1-1前言	1
1-2研究動機與目的	1
1-3研究目標	2
第二章 文獻回顧	3
2-1國際石油市場	3
2-1-1國際油價走勢	4
2-1-2世界石油儲藏量與生產量	5
2-1-3 2007年國際油價走勢預測	7
2-2台灣非再生能源使用情形	11
2-2-1火力發電(燃油、燃煤、天然氣)	12
2-2-2核能發電	16
2-3 台灣再生能源發展現況	21
2-3-1風力發電	22
2-3-2太陽能發電	30
2-3-3水力發電	35
2-3-4地熱發電	37
2-3-5海水溫差發電、波浪發電、潮汐發電	38
2-3-6生質能發電	40
2-4 台灣再生能源政策	42
第三章 分析方法	45
3-1風力發電潛力分析	45
3-2風力發電成本效益分析	45
3-3風力發電CO2減量估算	46
第四章 研究結果	47
4-1風力發電潛力分析	47
4-2風力發電成本效益分析	52
4-3風力發電CO2減量估算	56
4-4結果與討論	56
第五章 結論與建議	60
5-1結論	60
5-2建議	61
參考文獻	63
圖2-1國際原油價格趨勢圖(2005年11月~2007年3月)	4
圖2-2 EIA預測長期國際油價	9
圖2-3台灣地區民國61年發電比例圖	13
圖2-4台灣地區民國94年發電比例圖	13
圖2-5台灣火力發電CO2排放量統計圖	15
圖2-6瑞士GABE能源整體成本(外部+內部成本)比較	19
圖2-7水平軸式風車	24
圖2-8垂直軸式風車	25
圖2-9台灣地區50公尺高之平均風速圖	27
圖2-10生質能的來源轉換及用途	41
圖4-1 94年麥寮風力發電示範系統發電量	48
圖4-2 94年麥寮風力發電示範系統容量因數曲線圖	48
圖4-3 94年中屯風力發電示範系統發電量	49
圖4-4 94年中屯風力發電示範系統容量因數曲線圖	50
圖4-5 94年春風風力發示範系統廠發電量	51
圖4-6 94年春風風力發電示範系統容量因數曲線圖	52
表2-1 2002、2004世界各國原油蘊藏量及生產量表與可採年限(R/P)	5
表2-2台灣火力發電發電廠裝置容量	14
表2-3我國各核能電廠概述	16
表2-4我國主要發電方式內部成本	18
表2-5 我國核能發電廠運轉年限	20
表2-6 蒲福氏風級表	23
表2-7 HAWT 與VAWT之主要差異	25
表2-8我國再生能源發展之現況與目標	42
表4-1台灣地區風力發電總裝置容量	47
表4-2 94年麥寮風力發電示範系統發電量及所計算之容量因數	47
表4-3 94年中屯風力發電示範系統發電量及所計算之容量因數	49
表4-4 94年春風風力發電示範系統發電量及所計算之容量因數	51
表4-5風力發電系統發電成本	58
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29.	劉銘龍、余政達、柳中明等,風力發電在台灣之可行性評估與瓶頸突破
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