§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2102201922284600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2019.00623
論文名稱(中文) 德法軸心對統合政策的影響:以歐元政策為例
論文名稱(英文) Franco-German Axis as Motor of European Integration: The Case of Euro Policy
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 歐洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of European Studies
學年度 107
學期 1
出版年 108
研究生(中文) 莊覲瑜
研究生(英文) Chin-Yu Chuang
學號 604290253
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2018-01-07
論文頁數 111頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 張福昌
委員 - 王思為
委員 - 苑倚曼
關鍵字(中) 德法軸心
關鍵字(英) Franco-German Axis
Élysée Treaty
Liberal Intergouvernantalism
Euro crisis
European integration
In today's Europe, France and Germany are perceived as key actors that exercise an essential influence on shaping European policies. Plus, the special relationship between the two states has served as the anchor of European integration since its starting point. Since the reconciliation after WWII, the Franco-German bilateralism has evolved into an intimate partnership in the framework of the Élysée Treaty signed in 1963. The institutional architecture between France and Germany was then to be enforced that enabled such ancient antagonists to mediate their conflicts and act in tandem on European issues. Thus, the so-called ‘Franco-German Axis’ is understood as an intense Franco-German cooperation in view of  European leadership in the sense of promoting integration, managing crises, and shaping subgroups of member states. However, considering the growing  power asymmetry brought by the return of German hegemony coupled with relative French economic and political weakness, the Franco-German Axis is perceived to have stalled and questioned to have lost its raison d’ être in recent years. Therefor, the aimes of this thesis were to figure out whether the Franco-German Axis has already become an obsolete notion that no longer makes sense. In the case of the European sovereign debt crisis, an intense Franco-German cooperation is still observable in identifying solutions to common challenges and breaking deadlocks in negotiations at the EU level under three types of leadership: Agenda-setting, consensus building, coalition building. Besides, comparing to the costly and time-consuming bargaining procedure on the EU level, the intensif and highly institutionalized communications on the Franco-German bilateral level plus their issue specific leadership resources on EMU matters somehow remain themselves at the core of the EU. In this context, we can say that a Franco-German partnership still remains a critical and symbolic factor necessary for reaching agreements leading to more institutional changes in the EU.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………..1
第二章 自由派政府間主義的理論闡釋…………..…….….…..14
第一節 歐洲統合與自由派政府間主義的發展……………....14
第二節 自由派政府間主義的理論結構與核心論點…….…..18
第三節 自由派政府間主義的三階段分析架構….………..….23
第三章 德法關係的發展與德法軸心的形塑…………….…….34
第一節 德法敵對期(1871-1945):從普法戰爭到兩次世界大戰………………….......................…34
第二節 德法諒解期(1945-1957):戰後歐洲新秩序與德法關係的調整……....................................…….…37
第三節 德法友誼建構期(1957-1963):從軍事統合的挫敗到德法友好關係的加溫......................................................................45
第四節 德法親密互動期(1963~迄今):艾麗榭條約與德法軸心的建構……........................................................................….51
第四章 德法軸心的權力來源與統合功能………………..………61
第一節 德法軸心的三大領導功能………………………….........62
第二節 德法軸心的權力來源與變動因素………………..………64
第三節 德法軸心對歐盟決策的影響………..……………..……..70
第五章 德法軸心對歐元政策的影響……………………….…..…73
第一節 德法迥異的歐元戰略………………....…………….………73
第二節 歐債危機中的德法雙領導角色……………………..……79
第三節 德法軸心對歐債危機的影響:自由派政府間主義的視角…87
第六章 結論 ……………………………………………......………..…94


<圖1> 研究架構圖……………………………………….....13
<圖2> 雙重賽局下行為者互動關係示意圖…………….21
<圖3> 效益共識圈 ………………………………………....22
<圖4> 新功能主義與政府間主義比較圖……………....27
<圖5> 德法決策高層交流機制圖……………………......56
<圖6> 德法雙邊合作管道與對話結構圖…………….….59

<表1> Moravsik理性的三階段架構分析表……….…….32
<表2> 歐盟對希臘的援助計劃表……………………….....63
<表3> 1958-2018德法決策影響力變化表……………..65
<表4> 德法歐元與歐債危機政策對照表……………….…81
<表5> 歐債解決方案一覽表………………………………....85
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