§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2101200815561600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.00666
論文名稱(中文) 非關婚姻:同居生活的家庭與家人之未來展演
論文名稱(英文) Beyond Marriage: Exploring the Emerging Images of Cohabitation and Family
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 未來學研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Futures Studies
學年度 96
學期 1
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 裴于雯
研究生(英文) Yu-Wen Pei
學號 694140061
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2008-01-09
論文頁數 114頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳國華
委員 - 陳燕禎
委員 - 鄧建邦
關鍵字(中) 同居
關鍵字(英) cohabitation


With the rising levels of education, the average age for marriage tends to increase along with the phenomenon of staying single. The traditional expectation for marriage at certain age has gradually been replaced by the pursuit of self realization. As a consequence, images of marriage begin to change and affect the vitality and meaning of traditional family. This research conducts a thorough examination of the context and discourses on marriage and family. In addition, the presence of multiple family structures in Taiwan and the literature on meanings of home were analyzed. 

     Furthermore, non-traditional families include all types of possible structures were under discussion by this research. Cohabitation was chosen as the as the focus of observation, mainly because that men and women who cohabit substantially live together as married couples. However, their relationship is free from marital duties or law. Adopting semi-structural interviews, the study aims at exploring the emerging imaginations and definitions of family from people who cohabitate. The study means to find out whether the traditional structure of family built by marriage and sanguinity still stands. If not, what replaces it? Further, the researcher analyzes the concept of marriage for the masses and the types of non-traditional families possibly resulted from the current or changing values of the future.

     Nonetheless, the intertwined relationship between marriage and family are undeniable. The mainstream values of family and marriage will still play a vital role in the near term future. This research found a new phenomenon that individual has started to seek higher quality of life in Taiwanese society. Their emotional and physical well-being becomes more pronounced resulting in different quest for marriage and family. The analysis also attempts to clarify the doubts and challenges family of nowadays confront. The result also suggests that the meaning of home and family deserves to be refined and re-interpreted within a broad societal context.
第一章 緒論...........................................1
    第一節 研究動機與緣起.............................1
    第二節 研究背景...................................3
    第三節 研究目的...................................5
第二章 文獻探討.......................................7
    第一節 傳統的婚姻與家庭...........................8
        一. 婚姻的形成................................8
        二. 家庭的概念................................11
        三. 婚姻滿意度與家庭生命週期..................14
    第二節 台灣家庭型態的變遷.........................17
        一. 性別結構與規範............................17
        二. 台灣家庭組成型態..........................19
        三. 非傳統家庭型態............................21
        四. 同居是不是家庭?..........................23
    第三節 婚姻態度與家意義的展演.....................27
        一. 涂爾幹的社會學論婚姻......................27
        二. 相關理論..................................29
        三. 不斷變遷的家意義..........................31
第三章 研究方法.......................................35
    第一節 研究方法的選擇.............................35
        一. 文獻蒐集..................................35
        二. 深度訪談..................................36
    第二節 研究區位與對象.............................38
        一. 研究區位的考量............................38
        二. 研究對象的選取............................40
        三. 受訪者列表................................42
    第三節 研究方向...................................44
        一. 研究概念..................................44
        二. 訪談大綱..................................45
    第四節 資料的編碼與分析...........................47
        一. 資料編碼..................................47
        二. 資料分析..................................51
第四章 研究發現.......................................53
    第一節 為什麼住在一起?...........................53
        一. 互相照顧..................................54
        二. 更了解對方................................55
        三. 只是因為方便..............................57
        四. 以結婚為前提..............................58
        五. 我想和他在一起............................59
    第二節 這就是我的家...............................61
        一. 家意義的形塑..............................61
        二. 家的重要性................................65
        三. 同居是家?................................68
    第二節 家人關係的界定.............................73
        一. 血緣與姻親所代表的親屬關係................73
        二. 情感與認同所建立的心理親屬關係............76
        三. 和同居伴侶之間的關係......................79
    第四節 他們眼中的婚姻.............................82
        一. 婚姻觀的建立..............................82
        二. 男女性傳統角色的束縛......................85
        三. 婚姻是建立家庭的重要條件?................88
    第五節 想像婚姻外的「家」.........................91
        一. Type I:混合家庭型........................92
        二. Type II:另類頂客型.......................94
        三. Type III:單親家庭型......................95
        四. Type IV:單身貴族型.......................96
第五章 結論...........................................101
    第一節 「家庭」視為一種問題.......................101
    第二節  擴張中的家與家人定義......................103
    第三節 研究限制與建議.............................105
    一. 中文部份......................................107
    二. 英文部分......................................111

圖1-1  社會變遷下家庭結構與婚姻觀念的再形成...........5
圖2-1  文獻探討.......................................7
圖2-2  1994年至2005年台灣家庭組成型態.................19
圖2-3  物質性社會事實與非物質性社會事實...............27
圖3-1  1976年至2006年台灣15歲人口以上未婚率...........39
圖3-2  2000年至2006年台北市15歲以上人口未婚率.........39
圖3-3  2000年至2006年台北市25至29歲男女未婚率.........40
圖3-4  研究概念架構...................................45
圖3-5  匯入錄音稿.....................................48
圖3-6  訪談題目編碼之一...............................49
圖3-7  訪談題目編碼之二...............................49
圖3-8  建立集合編碼...................................50
圖3-9  研究發現架構...................................52
圖4-1  想像婚姻外的「家」.............................92

表2-1  傳統與非傳統家庭型態...........................21
表3-1  受訪者資料之一.................................42
表3-2  受訪者資料之二.................................43
表3-3  編碼明細.......................................51
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