§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2008200814362900
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.00655
論文名稱(中文) 幻想、快感、陰謀論:《腦界魔法師》、《駭客任務》與網路文化之精神分析批判
論文名稱(英文) Fantasy, Enjoyment and Conspiracy: A Psychoanalytic Critique of Neuromancer, The Matrix, and Cyberculture
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 英文學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of English
學年度 96
學期 2
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 陳玉珊
研究生(英文) Yu-shan Chen
學號 693010018
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2008-07-17
論文頁數 80頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃涵榆(coryhuang2002@yahoo.com.tw)
委員 - 蔡振興(rnchtsai@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 邱彥彬(ybchiou@mail.scu.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 腦內魔法師
關鍵字(英) Neuromancer
The Matrix
本論文針對當前電腦龐克小說及塞爆文化中具現的偏執狂與陰謀論進行批判性研究。第一張旨在討論威廉‧吉普生的《腦內魔法師》、華卓斯基兄弟的《駭客任務三部曲》及其他當代文化文本中的後現代病徵。第二章闡述布希亞的「三位一體」概念(擬像─內爆─超真實)與齊傑克精神分析理論中的「互為主體性」之間的連結,以說明當代主體之被動性。第三章藉由詮釋好萊塢「邊緣電影」如《楚門的世界》、《陰森林》及《駭客任務》, 探討偏執狂與陰謀論如何體現後現代快感社會之意識形態幻想。本文檢視電腦龐克小說及塞爆文化所具現之後現代社會失落(loss)、懷舊(nostalgia)、時空錯亂(spatio-temporal disorientation)、資訊過載(information overload)及「匱乏的匱乏」(lack of lack)等現象,並期望透過認同病徵(identification with the symptom)探討後現代主體的深層幻想,藉此找尋在塞爆空間「超越幻界」(work through the fantasy)的可能性。
This thesis offers a critical study of paranoia and conspiracy in contemporary cyberpunk and cyberculture.   Chapter 1 examines the postmodern phenomena in William Gibson's Neuromancer, the Wachowski brothers' The Matrix Trilogy and other cultural texts.  Chapter 2 relates Baudrillard's "holy trinity"─"simulations," "implosion," and "hyperreality"─with Žižek's psychoanalytic theory of "interpassivity" to examine the passive condition of contemporary subjectivity.  In Chapter 3, the discussion goes to a psychoanalytic reading on "the Edge of the Construct" films like The Truman Show, The Village, and The Matrix wherein the proliferation of paranoiac conspiracy theories demonstrates the ideological fantasy in the postmodern society of enjoyment.  Based on the belief that cyberpunk and cyberculture exemplify the postmodern symptoms of endless "losses," nostalgia, spatio-temporal disorientation, information overload and hence the anxiety of "lack of lack" in a computer-saturated world, this thesis provides a symptomatic reading of these phenomena, from which we can achieve a closer understanding of the innermost fantasies of the postmodern subjects, hence the possibility to penetrate and "work through" the fantasies in cyberspace.
Chinese Abstract...ii
English Abstract...iii


Welcome to the Desert of the Real: 
Mapping Neuromancer and The Matrix in the Postmodern Context...7

◎ Migrating from Wasteland to the Desert of the Real...7
◎ Border Under (De/Re)Construction: Redrawing the Blurred Boundaries...13
◎ Aren’t We What Frankenstein Is to God?...17
◎ Endless Loss: Penetrating Through the Traumatic Kernel of Postmodernity...21
◎ Why Cyberpunk? Cognitive Estrangement or Cognitive Mapping?...27

The Machine is Us(ing) Us: 
The Interpassive Subjects in The Matrix and Cyberculture...32

◎The Cave and the Truth Without...33
◎The Map: Baudrillard’s Holy Trinity in The Matrix Trilogy...36
◎Mapping The Matrix Within the Desert of The Real...40
◎“Wii” Will Rock You...43
◎Reality Show: “Fictionalization of Fact”or Factualization of Fiction”?...47
◎The Matrix Debugged...53

Simulacra and S(t)imulation: 
Traversing the Fantasy of the Society of Enjoyment...57

◎Reaching the “Edge of the Construct” ...57
◎“The Other of the Other” is Out There: The Paranoid-Cynical Subjects in The Matrix...59
◎The Society of Prohibition in The Village...65
◎The Society of Enjoyment in the “Global Village”...70

Works Cited...77
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