§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2008200515023900
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2005.00448
論文名稱(中文) 尋找一個可行的英語教學模式: 運用學生手製繪本來教授英語為第二外語的國小學童閱讀
論文名稱(英文) In Search of a Working Model of Reading Instruction: A Case Study of Using Student-Made Books in Teaching EFL to Elementary School Students
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 英文學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of English
學年度 93
學期 2
出版年 94
研究生(中文) 潘偉琪
研究生(英文) Wei-Chi Pan
學號 690010193
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2005-06-06
論文頁數 133頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃月貴
委員 - 胡映雪
委員 - 陳秋蘭
關鍵字(中) 全語言
關鍵字(英) whole language
language experience approach
skilled reading
balanced reading
為主,透過教師訪談、教學觀察、問卷等方法來探討兩個研究問題: 一、在應用
以語言經驗教學法為基礎的閱讀教學模式中,哪些問題會產生並阻礙老師的教學? 二、學生在此閱讀教學模式中的學習成效?
      研究結果發現,第一,受制於教育政策信念的影響以及現實教學狀況中外語教學時數不足的情況之下,教師往往必須捨棄許多學生說話時間(STT: Student Talking Time)以及多元化教學法試驗時間,進而加速英文課本中的學習。為了更進一步得到實際在應用中所產生的問題及相關訊息,並解決班級人數過多、上課時數不足以及學生英語程度差異對教授閱讀的影響,因此有了大學生的加入。
    本研究的目的除了提供英語教師對閱讀教學上的建議之外,更希望提供老師對閱讀教學的新觀點:教學應以學習者為中心,一個能符合學生學習需求及本身英語程度的閱讀教學模式,可以刺激及鼓勵學習者的主動學習; 聽、說、讀、寫四領域應相輔相成。
The purpose of the study is to highlight the potential of a book project based on the LEA (Language Experience Approach) model of learning on EFL children's reading development. Instead of a skill-based, structure-oriented design, the project focused on the process of incorporating learner's language knowledge and life experiences in making their books through the help of student teachers. 
43 elementary school students and six student teachers were involved in this LEA-based book project for one semester. Students were tutored twice a week for the duration of fifty minutes per session through the assistance of student teachers from Tamkang University. The study was primarily qualitative in nature. Data was collected through the use of interviews, questionnaires, a student teacher's teaching log, and evaluation of the classroom situation. Through the data collected, this study aimed to investigating two main questions. Firstly, what are some challenges teachers might encounter in the process of implementing a book project? Secondly, how do elementary school students perceive this model of instruction?
The findings of this study suggested that reading should be included in English lessons since the program was met with enthusiastic response and active participation from students. With the volunteer help from student teachers, limitation of instruction time and large class size for implementing this reading model was compensated. 
Moreover, reading and writing skills should be taught to children at the beginning level to help students enhance their literacy development. The findings of this study indicated that students involved in this reading program experienced an interactive literacy learning and learned from it with great success and a sense of achievement. 
The findings of this study also showed that the students benefited from the shared experiences that extended their knowledge of the world around them while building a sense of community. With a positive learning experience, students were confident about their ability to learn and were more likely to become life long learners.
CHINESE ABSTRACT ..........................................i
ENGLISH ABSTRACT..........................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................v
LIST OF TABLES..........................................viii
CHAPTERⅠ INTRODUCTION.....................................1
1.1 Background of the Study................................2
1.2 Purpose of the Study...................................5
1.3 The Research Questions ................................6
1.4 Research Methodology...................................7
1.5 Significance of the Study..............................8

CHAPTERⅡ. LITERATURE REVIEW...............................9
2.1 Studies on Reading Instruction That Works.............11
    2.1.1 Whole Language Approach........................11 
    2.1.2 Skilled Reading Approach........................20
    2.1.3 Balanced Approach: Whole-Part-Whole Approach....27
2.2 Language Experience Approach: Bridging the Gap Between  
    Spoken and Written Language...........................32
    2.2.1 Definitions of LEA..............................33
    2.2.2 LEA Perspective on Language Learning............35
    2.2.3 LEA Perspective on Language Teaching............41
    2.2.4 LEA Perspective on Materials....................46
2.3 Studies on early literacy interventions...............50

CHAPTERⅢ. METHODS AND PROCEDURES.........................55
3.1 Participants..........................................55
    3.1.1 Background Information of the Elementary School   
    3.1.2 Background Information of the Student Teachers..56
3.2 Research Questions....................................57
3.3 Instruments...........................................58
3.4 Teaching Procedures...................................60
3.5 Data Collection Procedures............................62
3.6 Data Analysis.........................................64

CHAPTER Ⅳ. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION........................66
4.1 Profile of the Participants...........................66
    4.1.1 Profile of the Students.........................66
    4.1.2 Profile of the Student Teachers.................68
4.2 Classroom Procedures..................................69
    4.2.1 Classroom Process...............................69
    4.2.2 A Sample Classroom Procedure....................73
4.3 Student Teachers' Teaching Logs.......................76
    4.3.1 The Challenges Encountered (Research Question 1A)
    4.3.2 The Solutions (Research Question 1B)............80
    4.3.3 Student Teachers' Evaluation of the Book Project 
          (Research Question 2A)..........................84
4.4 Students' Changes in Their Attitudes Toward Reading   
     (Research Question 2B)...............................90
    4.4.1 Their Anterior Attitude Toward Reading..........90
    4.4.2 Their Posterior Attitude Toward Reading.........91

    5.1 Summary of the Study..............................96
    5.2 Major Findings of the Study.......................97
    5.3 Implications.....................................100
5.4 Limitation of the Study..............................103
5.5 Suggestions for Future...............................103
1.	Background Information of the Elementary School Students…………………..56
2.	Background Information of the Student Teachers………………………………57
3.	How Well the Students Participated in the Book Project………………………85
4.	Students' Reactions or Attitudes toward the Creation of Their Own Books……87
5.	To What Extent the Book Project Integrates the Four Skills……………….88
6.	The Effectiveness of Using the Student-made Materials in Promoting Reading.89
7.	Student's Reflection on the Book Project………………………………………92
8.	The Reasons for Student's Positive Preference Towards This Program………93
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